Thumbnail for AICPA National Tax & Sophisticated Tax Conferences with Private Foundation Summit 2020

AICPA National Tax & Sophisticated Tax Conferences with Private Foundation Summit 2020

This year, the National Tax Conference the Sophisticated Tax for Your Wealthy Clients Conference will be co-located. Both events will take place at the same time, in the same venue. Attendees of the National Tax Conference will retain the great content and networking opportunities that you value. The AICPA Sophisticated Tax Planning for Your Wealthy Clients event brings together ideas and tips that will help you strategize better 2020 results for your clients. Both conferences benefit from the bonus of additional cross-over sessions to attend and exposure to additional subject matter experts.

Following these conferences will be the Private Foundation Summit which provides an opportunity to get front-row access and hear from the innovators in this highly specialized world. From investing to charitable activities, we’ll help attendees gain clarity for their immediate and long-term goals – and we’ll provide important guidance on dealing with the impacts of the pandemic.

Join us for the industry's most reliable guidance, coverage of the most pressing issues, and dynamic networking opportunities.

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This includes sessions from the conference: AICPA National Tax & Sophisticated Tax Conferences with Private Foundation Summit 2020

Sessions Included:

Key Rulings 2020/Individual Update (Nov 16, 2020 12:15 PM)

Key Rulings 2020/Business Tax Update (Nov 16, 2020 01:35 PM)

Tax Doctrines Tax Geeks Need to Know to Be Better Tax Practitioners: Part 2 (Nov 17, 2020 03:00 PM)

Independent Contractor Versus Employee (Nov 16, 2020 01:35 PM)

Multi-State Tax Implications - A Case Study (Nov 16, 2020 12:15 PM)

Partnerships and the Pandemic: AARs, Amended Returns, and Other Issues (Nov 17, 2020 04:00 PM)

Choice of Entity Myths: Reality vs Fantasy (Nov 16, 2020 04:20 PM)

Tax Profession in the Virtual Environment (Nov 16, 2020 05:20 PM)

199A: To Reduce or Not Reduce Qualified Business Income Deduction (Nov 16, 2020 11:15 AM)

Navigating The Maze of Old and New Loss Limitations (Nov 16, 2020 05:20 PM)

Partnership Basis: Inside, Outside, and Everything in Between (Nov 16, 2020 02:35 PM)

Financial Reporting Update (Nov 18, 2020 12:35 PM)

Cyber Threats, Attacks, and Mitigating Actions (Nov 18, 2020 01:40 PM)

Developing Thoughtful Investment and Spending Policies in Pursuit of the Foundation’s Objectives (Nov 18, 2020 03:00 PM)

Impact Investing: Building a Robust Social Investment Portfolio & Following the Yellow Brick Road to OZ (Nov 18, 2020 04:05 PM)

Morning Remarks and Book vs Tax...How Do You Take Your Morning Coffee? (Nov 19, 2020 10:00 AM)

Private Foundations and Disqualified Persons: What to be Aware of, What to Track and What Can Go Wrong (Nov 19, 2020 12:30 PM)

Private Foundation Life Events (Nov 19, 2020 01:35 PM)

What's Happening in the Tax Ethics Arena? (Nov 16, 2020 05:20 PM)

Data Privacy: Are You and Your Clients Really Safe? (Nov 16, 2020 01:35 PM)

20:20 View of International Tax-Part I Foreign Outbound (Nov 17, 2020 12:40 PM)

20:20 View of International Tax-Part III Foreign Inbound (Nov 17, 2020 03:00 PM)

AICPA Tax Policy & Advocacy Update (Nov 17, 2020 09:00 AM)

Federal Tax Update for Private Foundations (Nov 19, 2020 11:10 AM)

Planning for the Sale of Privately Held Businesses (Nov 16, 2020 11:15 AM)

Partnership: Part I (Nov 17, 2020 12:40 PM)

Partnership: Part II (Nov 17, 2020 01:40 PM)

Welcome and Keynote Presentation: Taxing Perspectives: Hindsight, Insight and Foresight (Nov 16, 2020 10:00 AM)

Cryptocurrency Taxation: Nuts, Bolts and Tax Law Updates (Nov 17, 2020 09:00 AM)

Tax Research A to Z (Nov 17, 2020 09:00 AM)

Top 10 Tax Saving Opportunities From TCJA Updates, New Regulations, & CARES Act (Nov 17, 2020 09:00 AM)

Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Welcome and Keynote Presentation: Taxing Perspectives: Hindsight, Insight and Foresight
    November 16, 2020

    Joseph J. Thorndike is one of America's preeminent tax historians. How does the past foretell the future? What's next, after the election? In his words: "in fiscal policy, if necessity is the mother of invention, past experience is its father.” Together, tax law is born. He will explain how history can teach us the likely boundaries of change, although he speculates there can always be a tax Black Swan. What might that be? The success and failure of past proposals will provide you with insight into handicapping the likelihood of proposed changes, particularly nearly 2 weeks after our November national election, although like any horserace, the results can only be precisely predicted at the finish line.

    Key topics include a discussion of --

    • how big tax ideas become law, or failed to become law,
    • the politics of income tax versus consumption tax (i.e. VAT), and
    • why “who pays the tax” matters: the true cause of past tax revolutions, beyond the price of tea, and what past revolutions could mean for our future.


    • Understand how past tax legislation often influences future legislation
    • Discuss policy platforms and the potential paths of change following the 2020 Presidential Election


    Speaker Image for David Lifson
    Senior Advisor, Crowe LLP
    Speaker Image for Martin Finn
    Partner, Rowlands, LeBrou & Griesmer, PLLC
    Speaker Image for Joseph Thorndike
    Director, Tax History Project, and Contributing Editor, Tax Notes Federal, Tax Analysts
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Planning for the Sale of Privately Held Businesses
    November 16, 2020

    This session will explore various aspects of M&A transactions for privately held businesses focusing on common issues and opportunities faced by sellers of privately held businesses and steps that can be taken to mitigate tax gain and/or related exposures including Section 1202, negotiating seller gross ups, structuring for rollover deals with private equity buyers, minimization of state withholding on pass through entity sales, the application of Section 280G to sales of private businesses and mitigation steps, and planning for common closing date deductions in various deal scenarios.


    • Identify opportunities to take advantage of Section 1202 on sales of private companies
    • Identify tax traps in private company sales and mitigation strategies


    Speaker Image for Howard Wagner
    Partner, Crowe LLP
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for 199A: To Reduce or Not Reduce Qualified Business Income Deduction
    November 16, 2020

    Tax law requires qualified business income to be reduced by certain such as the self-employed health insurance and deductible portion of the self-employment tax along with qualified retirement plan contributions.  However, the application of the law is not well settled as guidance is incomplete.  Learn about the current status of these important reductions as well as the current status of the impact of the aggregation rules by listening to practitioners and IRS representatives discuss the current state of these critical adjustments. 


    • Understand the current IRS interpretation of the Reg. Sec. 199A-3(b)(vi) regulation as evidenced through form instructions, published frequently asked questions and oral presentation.
    • Determine how to apply the aggregation rules of Reg. Sec. 199A-4 as it relates to reduction items.
    • Understand the status of the outstanding guidance issues regarding QBI reductions and the aggregation rules.


    Speaker Image for Margaret Burow
    Margaret Burow, J.D., LL.M. Taxation
    Attorney, Office of Chief Counsel, Passthroughs & Special Industries, Internal Revenue Service
    Speaker Image for Troy Lewis
    Troy Lewis, CPA, CGMA
    Associate Teaching Professor, BYU
    Speaker Image for Amy Miller
    Senior Manager, AICPA
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Key Rulings 2020/Individual Update
    November 16, 2020

    While COVID-19 tax legislation and related IRS guidance was a significant part of tax updates for 2020, there were also lots of important court cases decided and IRS regulations and rulings issued. This presentation covers the most important of these rulings involving income, deductions, losses, health care provisions, and procedural matters and their relevance to tax planning and compliance due diligence.


    • Identify tax planning and compliance points from key 2020 court cases, regulations and IRS rulings.
    • Explain 2020 rulings that represent new legal interpretations for individual taxation.


    Speaker Image for Annette Nellen
    Professor, MST Program Director, San Jose State University
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Multi-State Tax Implications - A Case Study
    November 16, 2020

    Multi-state taxation is often complex, and the recent COVID crisis only exacerbated the problem. We will work through a case study example addressing the topics of nexus, sourcing, taxability, exposure identification and remediation. We will also address protections still available to taxpayers.


    • Understand nexus concepts and how they are applied
    • Determine revenue sourcing methodologies
    • Assess options for remediation of tax exposure
    • Identify COVID related changes
    • Understand limitations on states’ authority to impose tax


    Speaker Image for Mark Klein
    Partner/Chairman Emeritus, Hodgson Russ LLP
    Speaker Image for Catherine Stanton
    Partner, Cherry Bekaert LLP
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Key Rulings 2020/Business Tax Update
    November 16, 2020
    Beyond COVID-19 tax changes, there were numerous judicial rulings, regulations and IRS rulings in 2020 relevant to all types of businesses. This presentation covers these key rulings and regulations including those dealing with meals and entertainment, various types of business deductions, cannabis businesses, research credit and business entities. Ruling and regulation summaries will also emphasize the relevance to planning and compliance.


    • Identify tax planning and compliance points from key 2020 court cases, regulations and IRS rulings.
    • Understand 2020 rulings that represent new legal interpretations for taxation of businesses and different types of business entities.


    Speaker Image for Annette Nellen
    Professor, MST Program Director, San Jose State University
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Data Privacy: Are You and Your Clients Really Safe?
    November 16, 2020

    This session will:

    1. Share insights on the impact of recent data privacy legislation on organizations and tax practitioners and filers and the benefits of using the AICPA's Privacy Management Framework and GDPR mapping tools within your own firms, and with your clients and their employees.

    2. Provide guidance to tax practitioners and others engaged in tax compliance on appropriate data privacy strategies, approaches, and control practices 

    3. Offer suggestions to members of the profession on the added benefits to be gained by practicing and calling out your organization's safe data handling, integrity checking, and protection capabilities, policies, and controls. 


    • Learn about the AICPA's recently released Privacy Management Framework and its associated privacy criteria and the GDPR mapping tool and how these can be used to improve your and your clients organizations data privacy management practices and controls
    • Understand how recently enacted legislation such as the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and recent US state laws impact tax practitioners and their clients


    Speaker Image for Thomas Patterson
    Thomas Patterson, CPA (Inactive) CISA CGEIT CRISC
    Managing Director, Security Assurance LLC
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Independent Contractor Versus Employee
    November 16, 2020

    This topic will not go quietly. The GIG economy is of a particular concern. How many have begun their own businesses during the pandemic. Nexus is a concern.

    How many are working from home for more than one source of income and will be considered having formed a new business. This session will discuss all these issues including retirement plans, some state and local tax issues and the home office deduction.

    Statutory employee is back in the mix and will have to be discussed as part of this issue.

    Section 199A and the availability of the 20% deduction.

    All these items will be discussed and more.


    • Understand where your taxpayer fits in this situation
    • Explore various reporting concerns.


    Speaker Image for Arthur Auerbach
    Arthur Auerbach, CPA CGMA
    CPA Consultant, Arthur Auerbach CPA
    Speaker Image for Kip Dellinger
    Senior Tax Partner, Cooper Moss Resnick Klein & Co LLP
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Partnership Basis: Inside, Outside, and Everything in Between
    November 16, 2020

    Basis plays a critical role in the timing and the amount of gain or loss that a partnership or its partners recognize in a variety of transactions. This session will provide an overview of the concepts and differences among inside basis, outside basis, and capital accounts. We will also highlight the effects on basis resulting from certain events, including contributions, distributions, and transfers of partnership interests. This session will also cover optional (or possibly required) adjustments to basis resulting from a Section 754 election as well as the new tax capital reporting requirements for partnerships.


    • Determine potential traps for the unwary with respect to basis adjustments arising due to a Section 754 election and the new tax capital reporting requirements.
    • Identify events and transactions that require a partner to determine its outside basis.
    • Distinguish between the components of inside basis, outside basis, and capital accounts and the purpose of each.


    Speaker Image for Joseramon Carrasco
    Managing Director, Grant Thornton LLP
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Choice of Entity Myths: Reality vs Fantasy
    November 16, 2020

    A 21% C corporation tax rate, together with Section 1202 capital gain exclusion, may be attractive, but is it the better deal? The consideration of entity choice for operations depends upon many factors, including shareholder marginal tax rate, expected exit strategy, health of the shareholder(s), and long-term expectations. Flexibility may be the most important factor. There is no overriding consideration that makes a particular entity type the obvious choice.


    • Understand when single or double taxes may apply
    • Summarize the top effective tax rates of different entity types
    • Recognize key taxpayer attributes which may affect the recommendation of entity choice


    Speaker Image for Christopher Hesse
    Principal, CLA
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for What's Happening in the Tax Ethics Arena?
    November 16, 2020

    The COVID-19 world presents it own set of ethical and professional conduct in the tax arena.  In addition, AICPA is moving forward with an update, revision and expansion of the Statements on Standards for Tax Services (SSTSs) that govern ethical conduct of CPAs in the area of tax practice. The speakers will discuss the current ethical challenges in tax practice and the progress and future impact of the proposed changes to the SSTSs.


    • Understand current ethical matters and challenges for CPAs in tax practice
    • Understand forthcoming revisions and expansion of Statement on Standards for Tax Services


    Speaker Image for Kip Dellinger
    Senior Tax Partner, Cooper Moss Resnick Klein & Co LLP
    Speaker Image for Joe Scutellaro
    Tax Partner, CohnReznick, LLP
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Navigating The Maze of Old and New Loss Limitations
    November 16, 2020

    A refresher on certain historical loss limitations and an update on recent changes to new loss limitations, as applied at the individual taxpayer level.


    • Review certain loss limitations for individual taxpayers, such as basis limitations, at-risk limitations, and passive activity loss limitations.
    • Analayze how new loss limitations under the TCJA (as modified by the CARES Act) should now be applied at the individual taxpayer level.


    Speaker Image for Troy Lewis
    Troy Lewis, CPA, CGMA
    Associate Teaching Professor, BYU
    Speaker Image for Rob Keller
    Rob Keller, CPA, J.D., LL.M. (Taxation)
    Partner, Washington National Tax, KPMG
    Speaker Image for David Kirk
    David H. Kirk, CPA/PFS, J.D., LL.M., CFP
    National Tax Partner, Ernst & Young LLP
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Tax Profession in the Virtual Environment
    November 16, 2020

    We will look at the current technology trends impacting the tax profession especially given the Covid-19 pandemic. Developing or modifying procedures in order to effectively and efficiently operate virtually. Review data of security measures. 


    • Identify procedures to operate virtually
    • Review data security


    Speaker Image for Daniel Moore
    Owner, D.T. Moore & Company
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for AICPA Tax Policy & Advocacy Update
    November 17, 2020

    Chris Hesse (Chair of the AICPA's Tax Executive Committee) and the AICPA Tax Policy & Advocacy team will discuss how the AICPA's advocacy efforts resulted in guidance helpful to taxpayers and CPAs.


    • Identify AICPA advocacy efforts
    • Understand how the AICPA made a difference in the guidance implementation process


    Speaker Image for Christopher Hesse
    Principal, CLA
    Speaker Image for Kristin Esposito
    Director - Tax Policy & Advocacy, AICPA
    Speaker Image for Amy Miller
    Senior Manager, AICPA
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Tax Research A to Z
    November 17, 2020

    Do not miss this opportunity to learn more about, or take a refresher, on how to do tax research in your practice to defend certain tax positions. This session will focus on how to perform tax research using free resources that are available online. In this webinar, we will show you how to sort your findings based on the hierarchy of primary and secondary tax law authority. Attendees will be shown various websites that can be utilized to do the research, how keywords are used to narrow down the different findings, and which professional guidelines to keep in mind when assisting your clients. After this webinar, attendees will be more equipped to defend the tax position they have taken on their client's tax return or while defending the client during an audit.


    • Identify and Define an issue to research
    • Use various free resource sites to do the research
    • Sort your findings based on authoritative hierarchy
    • Document and communicate your findings


    Speaker Image for Nadia Rodriguez
    Tax Analyst Programmer II, Intuit
    Speaker Image for Stephanie Sanchez
    Tax Analyst Programmer II, Intuit
    Standard Price

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