Thumbnail for 2023 AICPA & CIMA Not-for-Profit Industry Conference

2023 AICPA & CIMA Not-for-Profit Industry Conference

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This includes sessions from the conference: 2023 AICPA & CIMA Not-for-Profit Industry Conference

Sessions Included:

Welcome and Opening Keynote Presentation: Connectable: How to Move Multi-Generational Teams From Isolated to All In (Jun 20, 2023 09:05 AM)

Year in Review (Jun 21, 2023 09:05 AM)

GIK: Presentation, Reporting, and Accounting Issues (ONLINE ONLY) (Jun 26, 2023 10:35 AM)

Single Audit Update (Jun 20, 2023 01:30 PM)

Form 990-T Under a Microscope (ONLINE ONLY) (Jun 26, 2023 12:20 PM)

Ethics - With a Dash of Courage (ONLINE ONLY) (Jun 26, 2023 10:35 AM)

Once Upon a Time - Telling Your Financial Story (Jun 20, 2023 01:30 PM)

CECL: Applying the New Credit Loss Model to NFPs (ONLINE ONLY) (Jun 26, 2023 12:20 PM)

The SEFA - How to Get it Right (Jun 20, 2023 03:15 PM)

Tax Dimensions for Nonprofit Revenue (Part VIII) (Jun 20, 2023 03:15 PM)

Automation and AI (Jun 20, 2023 04:20 PM)

Navigating Uncertainty and Disruption (Jun 20, 2023 03:15 PM)

Importance of Functional Expense Reporting (Jun 20, 2023 04:20 PM)

The Ins and Outs of Major Program Determination (Jun 21, 2023 09:05 AM)

The Art of Listening (Jun 21, 2023 02:50 PM)

ESG Reporting - What's All The Fuss? (Jun 20, 2023 04:20 PM)

Mission-Critical: Elevating the Role of the Nonprofit Finance Leader Sponsored by Sage Intacct, Inc. (Jun 20, 2023 08:00 AM)

The Art of Charts: Choosing the Right Visualization To Tell Your Story: Sponsored by Your Part-Time Controller, LLC (Jun 20, 2023 08:00 AM)

Charitable Fundraising Compliance - Navigating the Changing Landscape Sponsored by Perlman & Perlman, LLP (Jun 20, 2023 08:00 AM)

Think ESG (Jun 21, 2023 10:50 AM)

Leases (Topic 842) - Part 1 (Jun 21, 2023 01:20 PM)

Let’s Perform a Program Specific Audit: Wait…. Can I Perform a Program Specific Audit? (ONLINE ONLY) (Jun 26, 2023 10:35 AM)

Investment Panel – Managing an Endowment Through Potential Recession, Inflationary Pressures, and Rising Interest Rate Environment Sponsored by Bank of America Merrill (Jun 20, 2023 01:30 PM)

Business and Tax Implications of a Remote and Hybrid Workforce (Jun 21, 2023 09:05 AM)

Leases (Topic 842) - Part 2 (Jun 21, 2023 02:50 PM)

The OMB Compliance Supplement - What is it and What's New? (Jun 21, 2023 01:20 PM)

Special K: K-1, 2, 3 …What do These Mean to Me? (Jun 21, 2023 10:50 AM)

CyberSecurity & Fraud Risk Management (ONLINE ONLY) (Jun 26, 2023 12:20 PM)

Credits are Not Just for For-Profits (Jun 21, 2023 02:50 PM)

Not-for-Profit Industry Developments for 2023 (Jun 21, 2023 10:50 AM)

Auditing Internal Controls Over UG Compliance (Jun 20, 2023 04:20 PM)

Section 509(a) Algebra - Digging into Public Support Calculation (Jun 21, 2023 01:20 PM)

Talent Time Machine - The Future of Finance (Jun 21, 2023 01:20 PM)

The Board Room: The Sequel (Jun 21, 2023 01:20 PM)

Update from the Auditing Standards Board (Jun 21, 2023 09:05 AM)

Single Audit Quality: An Auditor's Focus (Jun 21, 2023 02:50 PM)

Show me the Money: Form 990 Comp Reporting (Jun 21, 2023 02:50 PM)

Shifting the Paradigm in DEI: Moving from Words to Action (Jun 20, 2023 03:15 PM)

UPMIFA Revisited (Jun 21, 2023 10:50 AM)

Data-Driven Reporting as a Lever for Digital Transformation Sponsored Solution Session CLA (Jun 21, 2023 08:00 AM)

Advancing Change Sponsored by Marcum, LLP (Jun 21, 2023 08:00 AM)

How to Make the Most of Your Audit? (ONLINE ONLY) (Jun 26, 2023 09:30 AM)

Venturing into New Territories - Legal and Tax Consideration of Joint Ventures (ONLINE ONLY) (Jun 26, 2023 01:25 PM)

Understanding SAS 145: Updates to Audit Risk Assessment (ONLINE ONLY) (Jun 26, 2023 01:25 PM)

Subrecipient, Contractor, Beneficiary… What Am I? (ONLINE ONLY) (Jun 26, 2023 09:30 AM)

Deploying 501(c)(4) to Maximize Impact (Jun 20, 2023 01:30 PM)

Team Risk (ONLINE ONLY) (Jun 26, 2023 01:25 PM)

NFPs and Crypto (Jun 21, 2023 04:20 PM)

Common Errors in NFP Financial Statements... And How to Avoid Them (Jun 20, 2023 01:30 PM)

Sampling in a UG Audit (Jun 21, 2023 10:50 AM)

International Intrigue: Foreign Reporting Issues for Form 990 (ONLINE ONLY) (Jun 26, 2023 10:35 AM)

5-3/4 Top Challenges Facing NFPs Today (Jun 21, 2023 09:05 AM)

Audit Technology Tools: Examples and Practical Guidance (Jun 20, 2023 03:15 PM)

Perspectives of a Pass-through Entity: A Focus on Compliance (ONLINE ONLY) (Jun 26, 2023 12:20 PM)

We are Our People - Attracting and Retaining Talent (ONLINE ONLY) (Jun 26, 2023 09:30 AM)

State Regulators Panel (ONLINE ONLY) (Jun 26, 2023 09:30 AM)

Ask the A&A Experts (Jun 21, 2023 04:20 PM)

Single Audit Lightning Round (Jun 21, 2023 04:20 PM)

The CFOH Game Show (Jun 21, 2023 04:20 PM)

65% Failure Rate...How to Beat the Odds for New Software Sponsored by JMT Consulting (Jun 21, 2023 08:00 AM)

Ask the Tax Experts (Jun 21, 2023 04:20 PM)

Overcoming Growth Challenges with Innovative Strategies - Sponsored by Makosi (Jun 21, 2023 08:00 AM)

Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Mission-Critical: Elevating the Role of the Nonprofit Finance Leader Sponsored by Sage Intacct, Inc.
    June 20, 2023
    Your role as a nonprofit finance leader has changed. No longer the head accountant, your position as a data-driven strategist has become critical to your mission. But to drive your mission forward, you need fact-based data analytics to provide lines of sight across the organization and enable you to make informed decisions in real time. Join us for this session as we discuss the changing role of nonprofit finance leadership, share best practices for delivering data-driven strategies that enable mission-critical decision-making, and tell the success stories of CFOs who use data-driven strategies to advance their mission. SPONSORED BY SAGE


    • Recognize key challenges and pain points from your peers
    • Identify desired changes in the role of the nonprofit finance leader
    • Determine best practices for delivering data driven strategies
    • Indicate how successful nonprofit CFOs are using data-driven strategies to advance their mission


    Speaker Image for Natalie Anderson
    Sr. Nonprofit Industry Marketing Manager, Sage Intacct, Inc.
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for The Art of Charts: Choosing the Right Visualization To Tell Your Story: Sponsored by Your Part-Time Controller, LLC
    June 20, 2023
    You are probably familiar with the phrase, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Do you have data but struggle with how best to depict the story the data is telling? Join us for this glimpse into the power of data visualization, during which we will share tips, techniques, and examples of effective storytelling graphics. Additionally, we will discuss the general best practices for graphic design in the context of data visualization.


    • Recognize core concepts and essential elements that contribute to effective data visualization and storytelling graphics.
    • Distinguish between different types of commonly used charts.
    • Recognize which chart types to select based on the data and the story that needs to be told.
    • Distinguish data visualization storytelling through case study examples.


    Speaker Image for William Schwab
    Director of Data Visualization, Your Part-Time Controller, LLC
    Speaker Image for Edwin Harvey
    Manager, Your Part-Time Controller, LLC
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Charitable Fundraising Compliance - Navigating the Changing Landscape Sponsored by Perlman & Perlman, LLP
    June 20, 2023
    Forty-three states and the District of Columbia regulate the solicitation of charitable donations. The registration requirements vary widely from one state to the next and regulators within a state often interpret the law differently. As such, the regulations are a moving target that must be closely monitored. Navigating the maze of the registration and reporting requirements is often a daunting experience for nonprofits and their fundraisers and cause-marketing partners. In this session participants will be provided a road map including vital information about the registration, reporting and disclosure obligations under the various states’ solicitation laws.


    • Identify Charitable Fundraising Requirements
    • Recognize Compliance with State Registration Obligations


    Speaker Image for Tracy Boak
    Attorney/Partner, Perlman & Perlman, LLP
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Welcome and Opening Keynote Presentation: Connectable: How to Move Multi-Generational Teams From Isolated to All In
    June 20, 2023
    Connection is the workplace currency of the future. This session will teach you how to harness better human connection for improved communication and collaboration across generations. Remote work, advancing technology, and an always-on work culture are fracturing our relationships resulting in deep disconnection...especially across generations. Feelings of isolation and disconnection among employees are on the rise and contribute to a real and growing team challenges. You’ll learn how addressing the issues―and finding practical, effective solutions―can transform an isolated cross-generational workforce to one that’s happier, more engaged, and more productive in their efforts. Combining a decade of generational consulting and firsthand workplace connection research, Ryan Jenkins distills everything you need, showing you what’s causing today’s disconnection and how you can increase connection to boost belonging, engagement, retention, and performance with employees at every level (and whether their in-person or remote).


    • Distinguish the new science and the significance of connection.
    • Identify strategies that are proven and actionable to cultivate stronger cross-generational connections.
    • Analyze the research and examples of individuals fostering better multi-generational connections at work.
    • Identify workers in need of connection and how to deliver it for them.
    • Determine techniques to create connected, driven and high-performing teams.


    Speaker Image for Ryan Jenkins
    WSJ Bestselling Author & Speaker,
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Single Audit Update
    June 20, 2023
    Single audits continue to be a hot topic for not-for-profits. Federal funding subject to single audit continues at historic levels and, while winding down, COVID-19 funding continues to be subject to audit for many entities. This session will cover the following important topics:


    • Recognize Key Information in the 2023 OMB Compliance Supplement
    • Recall how to access GAQC/AICPA Resources
    • Determine Federal funding nuances and implications
    • Identify Single Audit updates and reminders
    • Recognize Key Information in the 2023 OMB Compliance Supplement


    Speaker Image for Mary Foelster
    Senior Director, Governmental Auditing and Accounting, AICPA
    Speaker Image for Lindsey Oakley
    Partner, Forvis Mazars
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Once Upon a Time - Telling Your Financial Story
    June 20, 2023
    This session will focus on effective ways a not-for-profit organization can tell its story to all constituents. It will address how to communicate mission-related and financial information to board members and other lay people and educate stakeholders on how to read financial statements. It will also discuss how to use recent changes in standards and disclosures to your organization’s advantage.


    • Identify practices to present meaningful and easily understood decision-making information
    • Determine how to share organizational successes and challenges internally and externally
    • Identify methods to inform board members and others as to how to utilize and understand financial statements/information
    • Select various tools, opportunities, and techniques you can utilize to tell your financial story


    Speaker Image for Carolyn Mollen
    Vice President, Finance & Administration, Resources for the Future
    Speaker Image for Christina Karahalios
    Chief Financial and Operating Officer, Museum of the Moving Image
    Speaker Image for Paul Chobanian
    Vice President of Finance, Plan International USA
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Investment Panel – Managing an Endowment Through Potential Recession, Inflationary Pressures, and Rising Interest Rate Environment Sponsored by Bank of America Merrill
    June 20, 2023

    The last year has been challenging for all investment committees and CFOs – 2022 brought us one of the first years on record in recent history where both the equity and fixed income markets were down double digits. Spending policies and many investment policies have been called into question – leading to indecision and lagging returns even as markets begin to rebound. Join us for an in-depth look as we examine the underlying current fundamentals of the economy and the markets and how to best position to the entities portfolio to take advantage of the opportunities in the market going forward. Our Panel will examine – ESG, Alternative Assets, sectors of the global economy to outperform and international markets.


    • Compare current fundamentals of the economy and the markets.
    • Determine how to best position investments to take advantage of the opportunities in the market.
    • Analyze ESG, Alternative Assets, sectors of the global economy to outperform and international markets for investment strategies.
    • Determine the role Alternative Assets, including Private Credit, Hedge Funds, and Private Equity, can play in the overall performance and risk management of an endowment portfolio.


    Speaker Image for John Amirante
    John Amirante, CIMA®, CFP ®, CPFA®, CAP®
    Senior Portfolio Advisor - Senior Financial Advisor, Merrill Lynch Wealth Management - The Beacon Group


    Speaker Image for Jeff Schulze
    Director, Head of Economic and Market Strategy, ClearBridge Investments
    Speaker Image for Natalie De La Calle-Tremblay
    Alternative Investments Specialist, Merrill, a Bank of America Company
    Speaker Image for Dimple Gosai
    Head of U.S. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Research, Bank of America Global Research
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Deploying 501(c)(4) to Maximize Impact
    June 20, 2023
    501(c)(4) organizations are being deployed in more creative and impactful ways. From political organizations to charitable giving vehicles, a 501(c)(4) allows for flexibility in operations and structure. In this session, we'll dive into the 501(c)(4) world to learn more about the rules, requirements, opportunities and limitations of this type of tax exemption


    • Distinguish the characteristics of 501(c)(4) organizations, including current laws, regulations, guidance and court cases applicable to the tax exemption
    • Determine the process for establishing and maintaining tax exemption under 501(c)(4)
    • Analyze gift and estate tax implications of contributions of property and cash to a 501(c)(4) organization
    • Compare historic uses of the 501(c)(4) tax exemption to recent uses in philanthropy


    Speaker Image for Lauren Haverlock
    Partner, Moss Adams
    Speaker Image for Richard Locastro
    Partner, Director Non-Profit Tax, GRF CPAs & Advisors
    Speaker Image for Diara Holmes
    Partner, Loeb & Loeb LLP
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Common Errors in NFP Financial Statements... And How to Avoid Them
    June 20, 2023
    Learn how, with a little extra planning and preparation, you can avoid common errors that not-for-profits make in their financial statements. In this session, we will explore some of the most common, material errors encountered in not-for-profit financial statements and what you can do to avoid those common errors.


    • Identify the most common errors found in not-for-profit financial statements.
    • Determine the impact errors could have on not-for-profit financial statements.
    • Analyze best practices to avoid common errors.


    Speaker Image for Ksenia Popke
    Partner, Eide Bailly LLP
    Speaker Image for Jennifer Casacchia
    Director, Not-for-Profit and Higher Education Practices, SIKICH LLP
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for The SEFA - How to Get it Right
    June 20, 2023
    Ensuring that the SEFA is correct is a crucial part of complying with the Uniform Guidance audit requirements, including determining whether a single audit is required or not and determining which programs need to be audited. Changes to existing federal program funding and new funding opportunities that emerged as a result of COVID-19 introduced challenges to getting this right that still exist. This session will cover a short refresher on the basics, as well as additional necessary considerations resulting from expanded federal funding, that organizations receiving federal funding and auditors should be aware of related to SEFA reporting.


    • Determine the requirements of SEFA reporting, including recognizing those stemming from expanded federal funding
    • Apply knowledge gained to auditing the SEFA
    • Distinguish common SEFA issues identified during Uniform Guidance audits
    • Identify tools and resources available to assist in confirming that the SEFA is right


    Speaker Image for Rachel Stushek
    Professional Practice Director, Grant Thornton LLP
    Speaker Image for Sadie Mayle
    Principal, Plante Moran
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Tax Dimensions for Nonprofit Revenue (Part VIII)
    June 20, 2023
    Reporting the revenue of a tax exempt organization on Part VIII is a complexed and nuanced evaluation that goes beyond natural categories. Part VIII provides valuable information to the IRS regarding related or program activities, taxable income and charitable solicitations. We will dig into this Part of Form 990 and affected schedules, discuss common questions, issues and misconceptions including reporting government grants, dues vs. contributions, special events and gaming and the dreaded "other" revenue.


    • Distinguish classification of various revenue types, between related purpose, excluded from UBI, and UBI
    • Determine which types of revenue are reportable in which places on the 990 return
    • Identify various reportable revenue types for tax reporting


    Speaker Image for Tracy Paglia
    Partner, Moss Adams
    Speaker Image for Lisa Heller
    Principal, GRF CPAs & Advisors
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Navigating Uncertainty and Disruption
    June 20, 2023
    The current environment is ripe with economic uncertainty. From mass layoffs and bank failures to rapid fluctuations in investment valuations to inflation at levels not seen in decades, organizations have a lot to navigate. Join Carl Mayes, Senior Director – A&A Quality at the AICPA and Brian Slusarz, Senior Director of Accounting and Reporting for World Vision for a discussion of what these trends mean for not-for-profits.


    • Identify trends in the environment that could impact not-for-profits
    • Recognize the most likely impacts and how NFPs and their auditors can prepare


    Speaker Image for Carl Mayes
    Vice President - Audit & Accounting Quality, AICPA & CIMA
    Speaker Image for Brian Slusarz
    Senior Director, Accounting, Reporting & Procurement, World Vision, Inc.
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Shifting the Paradigm in DEI: Moving from Words to Action
    June 20, 2023
    In this session, experienced DEI professionals Shane Lloyd (Baker Tilly) and Shannon P. Bartlett (National Geographic Society) will touch upon the ways in which individual actions intersect with systemic inequities. Participants will understand the role they play as individuals in advancing diversity, equity and inclusion within their organizations as well as the importance of tackling inequitable systems to effectively move DEI from values espoused to creating equitable and inclusive institutions for all.


    • Recognize the role individuals play in advancing DEI
    • Identify the importance of addressing systemic barriers to DEI


    Speaker Image for Shannon Bartlett
    Chief Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Officer, National Geographic Society
    Speaker Image for Shane Lloyd
    Head of Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging, Baker Tilly US, LLP
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Audit Technology Tools: Examples and Practical Guidance
    June 20, 2023
    Learn about new technology tools for auditing not-for-profit entities. In this session, audit leaders will discuss the new and upcoming technology tools they see having an impact on increasing audit efficiency and effectivness. Also, learn about implementation issues and lessons learned from rolling out new technology in an audit practice.


    • Recognize new technology tools available for auditors.
    • Identify common challenges when implementing new tools in an audit practice.


    Speaker Image for Samantha Bowling
    Samantha Bowling, CPA CFE CGMA
    Managing Partner, GW CPA LLP
    Speaker Image for Kris Ray
    NFP Industry Technical Leader, Plante Moran, PLLC
    Speaker Image for Melissa Harman
    Partner and Higher Education National Practice Leader, Moss Adams
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Automation and AI
    June 20, 2023

    This session will discuss how nonprofit accounting teams can leverage these tools to improve efficiency.


    • Distinguish benefits and industry trends related to automation and AI
    • Determine how a nonprofit accounting team can implement these tools (case studies)
    • Compare some of the risks and pitfalls of automation
    • Use the concept of a Center of Excellence to implement and sustain these tools
    • Identify the importance of governance and risk mitigation.


    Speaker Image for Brian Slusarz
    Senior Director, Accounting, Reporting & Procurement, World Vision, Inc.
    Speaker Image for Alyssa Cerretti
    Senior Manager, Accounting & Reporting, World Vision Inc
    Standard Price

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