Thumbnail for 2023 AICPA & CIMA Forensic & Valuation Services Conference

2023 AICPA & CIMA Forensic & Valuation Services Conference

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This includes sessions from the conference: 2023 AICPA & CIMA Forensic & Valuation Services Conference

Sessions Included:

Artificial Intelligence Amplified: Unleashing Hidden Value for Privately Held Companies (Nov 06, 2023 08:00 AM)

Update on Recent Valuation Cases (Nov 06, 2023 09:50 AM)

Into the Ether and Back Again: Tracing Cryptocurrency in Money Laundering (Nov 06, 2023 09:50 AM)

A Case Study in How to Avoid Speculative Damages Models Involving Complex Contracts (Nov 07, 2023 01:30 PM)

Which Hat Am I Wearing - The Psychology of Client Management (Nov 06, 2023 09:50 AM)

Supporting Company Specific Risk and Reconciliation under ASC 805 (Nov 06, 2023 11:30 AM)

Insights and Strategies to Navigate Common Issues in Business Valuation (repeated in #FVC2340) (Nov 06, 2023 11:30 AM)

Preparing for Tomorrow’s Workforce (Nov 06, 2023 11:30 AM)

Start Your Forensic Accounting Practice With Confidence (Nov 06, 2023 11:30 AM)

Best Practices for Preventing Business Valuation, Forensic, and Litigation Support Claims (Nov 06, 2023 11:30 AM)

Employee Stock Option Plans - What Are They, How They Work, and Why You Should Care (Nov 06, 2023 01:45 PM)

Compliance Valuations and IRS's New $80 Billion Army (Nov 06, 2023 01:45 PM)

Data Modeling Made Easy: Supercharge Your Excel Spreadsheets (Nov 06, 2023 01:45 PM)

Improving the Presentation of Expert Opinions at Trial (Nov 06, 2023 01:45 PM)

Current Trends in Portfolio Valuation (Nov 06, 2023 03:25 PM)

Keeping Reasonable Compensation Reasonable (Nov 06, 2023 03:25 PM)

Identifying and Mitigating ESG-related Litigation and Enforcement Risk and Exposure (Nov 06, 2023 03:25 PM)

Proposed Amendments to Federal Rules of Evidence 702 and its Potential Impacts on the Admissibility of Expert Testimony (Nov 06, 2023 03:25 PM)

FVS Forum (Nov 07, 2023 08:00 AM)

Hybrid Method and common 409A valuation pitfalls (Nov 07, 2023 11:40 AM)

The New Normal: Cost of Capital in a Higher Interest Rate Environment (Nov 07, 2023 11:40 AM)

Leveraging the new Fraud Risk Management Guide in your Practice (Nov 07, 2023 11:40 AM)

What’s the cause? (Nov 07, 2023 11:40 AM)

Data Visualization Made Easy: Unlocking Your Inner Artist (Nov 07, 2023 11:40 AM)

Goodwill Impairment Testing – Challenges in a Volatile Market (Nov 07, 2023 01:30 PM)

Regulatory Insights into the Valuation Industry (Nov 07, 2023 01:30 PM)

Litigation Talk Series - When Key Information or Data is Not Available (continued in #FVC2337) (Nov 07, 2023 01:30 PM)

Crypto Sleuthing for Forensic Accountants 201 (Nov 06, 2023 01:45 PM)

Aligning Your Damage Calculation to the Claims for Relief (Nov 06, 2023 03:25 PM)

Project Finance and International Trade Valuation & Advisory: Essentials, Trends and How it Compares and Contrasts with Private Equity (Nov 07, 2023 03:10 PM)

Dealing with Real Estate in Valuation of Operating Entities and Real Estate Holding Companies (Nov 07, 2023 03:10 PM)

Litigation Talk Series - How to Handle Surprise or Contradictory Data or Information in Deposition or Trial - (continuation of #FVC2332) (Nov 07, 2023 03:10 PM)

The Use and Impact of Forensic Accounting on Guidelines Income for Family Law / Matrimonial Disputes (Nov 07, 2023 03:10 PM)

Shoot the Moon: When Fraud Kills Your Company – Chapter 11 Turnaround & Restructuring Uncovers Fraud Resulting in Failed Franchisee and Jail Time for Owner (Nov 07, 2023 03:10 PM)

Insights and Strategies to Navigate Common Issues in Business Valuation (repeat of #FVC2309) (Nov 08, 2023 07:00 AM)

Valuation of private company SAFEs, convertible debt, and embedded derivatives (Nov 08, 2023 07:00 AM)

Through the Looking Glass: Protecting Yourself While Conducting Internet-Based Investigations (Nov 08, 2023 07:00 AM)

Criminal Tax Investigations: How CPAs Bring Value to Defense Attorneys (Nov 08, 2023 07:00 AM)

Valuing Complex Structures (Nov 08, 2023 08:40 AM)

Valuations for Gift and Estate Taxes: Review and Best Practices (Nov 08, 2023 08:40 AM)

Cryptocurrencies and Crypto Companies: Regulatory Update and Valuation Challenges (Nov 08, 2023 08:40 AM)

High Times for CPAs? – the need for forensic accounting services in the budding Cannabis Industry (Nov 08, 2023 08:40 AM)

Value drivers, rules of thumb, and why there are different considerations for certain industries (healthcare, banking, dealerships, construction) (Nov 08, 2023 10:10 AM)

Trade Names, Brands and Trademarks – Valuation of intangibles (Nov 08, 2023 10:10 AM)

The Forensic Accountant's Role in M&A Disputes (Nov 08, 2023 10:10 AM)

Unlocking the Secrets: Analyzing Financial Statements of Bankrupt Companies (Nov 08, 2023 10:10 AM)

2023 Overview of the Marijuana Industry: The Coming Wave of Consolidation and Beyond (Nov 08, 2023 10:10 AM)

Valuation Fundamentals for Software Companies (Nov 08, 2023 11:40 AM)

Primer on Valuing Non-Controlling interest (Minority Interest) (Nov 08, 2023 11:40 AM)

Methods for Quantifying Monetary Damages in Misappropriation of Trade Secrets Disputes (Nov 08, 2023 11:40 AM)

Forensic Practitioners in Arbitration: Witnesses, Consultants and Neutrals (Nov 08, 2023 11:40 AM)

Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Artificial Intelligence Amplified: Unleashing Hidden Value for Privately Held Companies
    November 6, 2023

    In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, business leaders cannot misunderstand the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation. Explore with us, how AI and automation can translate into tangible business value for privately held companies. Through real-world examples and practical insights, participants will gain an understanding of how technology applications can significantly influence growth strategies, business operations, customer and employee engagement, and financial performance. Learn and explore with us the vast opportunities to discover hidden business value.


    • Recognize definitions and applications of Artificial Intelligence use cases
    • Choose implementation paths for deploying automation and Artificial Intelligence
    • Compare and associate potential business value gains when companies use of Artificial Intelligence
    • Analyze ethical considerations and risks when deploying Artificial Intelligence


    Speaker Image for Mark Stevens
    Mark Stevens, SixSigma-Blackbelt
    Principal, Wipfli LLP
    Speaker Image for Chris Volz
    Chris Volz, CPA/ABV/CFF, ASA
    Partner, Wipfli LLP
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Update on Recent Valuation Cases
    November 6, 2023

    This session will discuss recent court cases relating to valuation techniques and methodologies. The session will review the relevant details of recent cases and discuss how the cases may affect valuation professionals. The session will cover a variety of valuation cases including gift and estate tax, marital separation and shareholder disputes.


    • Identify recent court cases that affect valuations
    • Analyze recent cases to identify pertinent valuation theories
    • Use valuation theory to discuss implications of recent court case decisions


    Speaker Image for Natalya Abdrasilova
    Natalya S. Abdrasilova, CPA/ABV, MAFF, CVA
    Director of Valuation & Litigation Services, Boyle, Deveny & Meyer PC
    Speaker Image for David Consigli
    David E. Consigli, CPA, ABV, CDFA
    Partner, FAZCPAs
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Into the Ether and Back Again: Tracing Cryptocurrency in Money Laundering
    November 6, 2023

    Denise Harding, Forensic Accountant, and TJ Regan, Cyber Intelligence Specialist, work together to trace funds through FinTech accounts, traditional financial institutions, and cryptocurrency. Using examples from their joint investigations at NCIS, they will provide transactions from PayPal, Zelle, CashApp, traditional checking and credit card statements, and Bitcoin and Ether blockchains to demonstrate the flow of funds from one platform to another. Mr. Regan will discuss requesting transaction information from cryptocurrency exchanges and current cryptocurrency obfuscation techniques, including peel chains, bridges, mixers, chain hopping, and decentralized exchanges. Ms. Harding will discuss the application of money laundering statutes and how different transaction types and patterns are indicative of money laundering.


    • Assess transactions in traditional financial and FinTech institutions to identify potential use of cryptocurrency.
    • Identify and assess information needed to trace funds through cryptocurrency blockchains and to assist in cryptocurrency address attribution.
    • Interpret cryptocurrency tracing charts to evaluate use of cryptocurrency obfuscation techniques.
    • Assess and evaluate indicative patterns of money laundering within cryptocurrency transactions and when exchanging funds between financial platforms.


    Speaker Image for Denise Harding
    Denise R. Harding, CPA, CFF, CFE
    Forensic Accountant, Naval Criminal Investigative Service
    Speaker Image for Thomas Regan
    Investigative Computer Specialist, Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS)
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Which Hat Am I Wearing - The Psychology of Client Management
    November 6, 2023

    As experts, we are responsible for complex accounting analyses , but we often find ourselves in a position of managing the human and emotional element of a stressful situation. We are more than just accounting experts, we are educators, process managers, anxiety counselors and objective truth-sayers. This session will discuss how to deal with difficult clients, navigate challenging situations and successfully manage client expectations, all while responding to case needs and meeting deadlines.


    • Identify reasonable and appropriate responses in a variety of difficult client situations, and learn how and when to deliver them
    • Analyze a variety of tips and tricks of how to successfully manage client expectations including topics such as communications, billing and payment, and timing of deliverables
    • Distinguish the difference between managing difficult clients and the need to relieve a clients anxieties that are driven by a stressful situation


    Speaker Image for Jolene Fraser
    Jolene Fraser, CPA, CFF, CFE
    Managing Director, Eisner Advisory Group LLC
    Speaker Image for Hubert Klein
    Hubert Klein, CPA, ABV, CFF, CGMA, CVA, CFE
    Partner, Eisner Advisory Group, LLC
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Supporting Company Specific Risk and Reconciliation under ASC 805
    November 6, 2023

    The presentation will provide participants with an overview of current challenges for transaction-related valuations under ASC 805, with a focused dive into quantifying company-specific risk premiums and reconciling WACC, WARA, and IRR.


    • Determine the changes that can be made to sensitize prospective financial information
    • Calculate a derisked PFI/forecast against peer data to support the company-specific risk premium
    • Analyze the relationship between WACC, WARA, and IRR for the implication to deal economics
    • Identify changes that can be made to reconcile WACC, WARA, and IRR, if needed


    Speaker Image for Ross McSwain
    Ross McSwain, ASA, ABV
    Senior Manager - Advisory Services, Grant Thornton
    Speaker Image for Charles Gallman
    Charles W. Gallman, CFA, CPA/ABV
    Managing Director - Advisory Services, Grant Thornton LLP
    Speaker Image for Maryellen Galuchie
    Managing Director, Grant Thornton
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Insights and Strategies to Navigate Common Issues in Business Valuation (repeated in #FVC2340)
    November 6, 2023

    A panel of BV Professionals share insights and alternative viewpoints regarding common issues and challenges encountered in various aspects of the appraisal process, with discussions ranging from engagement management to nuances encountered in estate and gift, compliance, divorce, M&A, and litigation. The panel will share experiences from the front lines as they unveil triumphs and missteps they have encountered throughout their journey.


    • Compare and contrast the processes between different types of engagements
    • Analyze areas of professional judgment and bias that can influence the engagement
    • Identify and assess errors in the application of market, income, asset approach


    Speaker Image for Jessica Landay
    Jessica Landay, ASA, ABV, CVA, MAFF
    Partner, Harper Hofer & Associates, LLC
    Speaker Image for Andrew Baum
    Andrew Baum, CPA/ABV/CFF
    Partner, Harper Hofer and Associates, LLP
    Speaker Image for Asif Charania
    Asif H. Charania, CPA, ABV, CFF, ASA
    Partner, Keiter Stephens Hurst Gary & Shreaves,P.C.
    Speaker Image for Paris Powell
    Paris E. Powell, CPA/ABV/CFF
    Shareholder, Business Valuation Practice Leader, Perkins & Co
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Preparing for Tomorrow’s Workforce
    November 6, 2023

    This session will focus on strategies related to building the workforce of tomorrow. Specifically, the panel will address the current state of the talent pipeline in valuation and forensic specialties and the evolution of today’s workface. The panel will explore how firms can increase success with recruiting new talent as well increase engagement with existing talent. In addition, the panel will explore the role of DEI programs in support of these efforts and discuss sample metrics organizations are establishing to track DEI progress.


    • Identify existing challenges and roadblocks that have limited the pipeline of talent in the valuation and forensic specialties
    • Recognize ways that firms can adjust to the rapidly changing needs and demands of today’s workforce, including how DEI efforts could improve a firm’s success
    • Choose new ways to increase engagement with existing talent and prepare them for leadership roles
    • Analyze sample metrics organizations are establishing to track DEI progress


    Speaker Image for Kirstine Fors
    Kirstine N. Fors, CPA/ABV. CVA
    Partner, Gross Mendelsohn & Associates
    Speaker Image for Brenda Wamala
    Brenda Wamala, ABV, CFE
    Manager, Blue & Co., LLC


    Speaker Image for Rumbi Petrozzello
    Rumbi Petrozzello, CPA/CFF, NACD.DC
    Head of Strategy, Consulting, Seramount
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Start Your Forensic Accounting Practice With Confidence
    November 6, 2023

    Attend this session to hear from a panel of experts who have experienced the challenges and rewards of starting their own forensic accounting practices. Our presenters will share with you the technical skills and non-technical skills that you should consider before starting your own practice. Participants will gain an understanding of the various areas of practice development that should be considered in order to confidently and successfully begin a forensic accounting practice.


    • Recognize the need to develop a strong forensic accounting reputation
    • Recognize the need to build a network and develop your skillset
    • Identify challenges that may arise when starting a forensic accounting practice
    • Identify your specific characteristics that will set your brand apart, help you find your niche, and identify your target market


    Speaker Image for Kenneth Rugeti
    Kenneth Rugeti, CPA, ABV, CFF
    Senior Managing Director, FTI Consulting
    Speaker Image for Jennifer Oyadomari
    Jennifer Oyadomari, CPA/ABV/CFF/CFE
    President, Forensic Solutions LLC
    Speaker Image for Frank Previti
    Frank Previti, CPA/CFF, CFE
    Director of Fraud, Forensics & Transaction Advisory Services, DiSanto Priest & Co.
    Speaker Image for Jordan Graves
    Jordan Graves, CPA, ABV, CFF
    Principal, Cooper Norman CPA's
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Best Practices for Preventing Business Valuation, Forensic, and Litigation Support Claims
    November 6, 2023

    This presentation focuses on risk management best practices when conducting forensic accounting, business valuation and litigation support services. The session offers lessons gleaned from CAMICO’s decades-long history defending CPAs from claims and provides important dos and don’ts to protect CPAs and their clients. Participants will learn risk management steps and testifying tips to reduce or avoid professional liability exposure when practicing in these arenas.


    • Identify risk management best practices when providing forensic accounting, business valuation, and litigation support services
    • Recall important dos and don’ts to protect CPAs and their clients during forensic, business valuation, and litigation support engagements
    • Recognize risk-based lessons learned from CAMICO claims history


    Speaker Image for Duncan Will
    Duncan Will, CPA/ABV/CFF, CFE
    Accounting & Auditing Loss Prevention Specialist, CAMICO Mutual Insurance
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Employee Stock Option Plans - What Are They, How They Work, and Why You Should Care
    November 6, 2023

    Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs) present a tremendous opportunity for CPA firms. Whether it is consulting, valuation, audit, or tax work, CPA firms will benefit from developing a knowledge-based ESOP practice. Class attendees will gain an understanding of ESOPs and how services they already provide can be tailored to this grow niche.


    • Identify the different stages of an ESOP’s lifecycle.
    • Determine what services ESOPs need at each lifecycle stage.
    • Apply professional expertise to help ESOPs succeed.


    Speaker Image for Greg Weiss
    Greg R. Weiss, MBA, CPA/CFF, CVA
    Partner, Harper Hofer & Associates, LLC
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Compliance Valuations and IRS's New $80 Billion Army
    November 6, 2023

    The IRS was to receive $80 billion dollars and add 87,000 employees over the next 10 years. This has been reduced by $20B. Mike takes a look at the IRS strategic plan, public information available from the Treasury Department and IRS, and shares with you his insights of what this may mean overall and with a specific look in more detail at the IRS Engineering Program where the business valuers are located as an example of implementation.


    • Identify key elements of the IRS strategic plan
    • Differentiate key elements of the plan with potential implications
    • Analyze current hiring plans and implications
    • Apply neuroscience insights to promote collaboration


    Speaker Image for Michael Gregory
    Michael Gregory, ASA, CVA, Qualifiied Mediator MN Supreme Court
    Founder, Michael Gregory Consulting, LLC
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Data Modeling Made Easy: Supercharge Your Excel Spreadsheets
    November 6, 2023

    You don’t need a computer science degree to build a database for a complex data analysis. In this hands-on session, learn how to unlock Excel’s under-utilized data transformation and data analysis capabilities. With Excel’s Power Query and Power Pivot, you can perform more advanced tasks including data modeling, automation and business intelligence. Unlock Excel’s big data capabilities, where millions of lines of data can be loaded into a single spreadsheet.


    • Analyze when and why to leverage Excel’s Power Query and Power Pivot for data analysis
    • Distinguish among the many capabilities of these tools, and determine what resources you can leverage to learn more
    • Apply use cases for these tools and what differentiates them from the other methods of data analysis


    Speaker Image for Adam Karasick
    Senior Manager, Forensic Accounting & Data Analytics, EisnerAmper
    Speaker Image for Travis Armstrong
    Partner, Hemming Morse, LLP
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Crypto Sleuthing for Forensic Accountants 201
    November 6, 2023

    Attend this session to discover Ethereum based crypto assets and methods to trace them using open source tools. The presenter will illustrate how Ethereum based smart contracts and externally owned contracts can be used to identify ownership and other key attributes. Participants will gain an understanding of various crypto assets that can be explored through a variety of blockchain explorers.


    • Identify and distinguish Ethereum based crypto assets
    • Interpret crypto asset transactional history through open source blockchain explorers
    • Analyze externally owned addresses and smart contract addresses through hands on interactive exercises.
    • Use open source tools to visual depict crypto asset transactions.


    Speaker Image for Brian Koechner
    Digital Asset Specialist, Federal Reserve Bank of KC
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Improving the Presentation of Expert Opinions at Trial
    November 6, 2023

    While forensic accountants and damages experts may feel right at home with numbers and complex analyses, judges and juries do not. This presentation will focus on differences between expert analysis, reports and deposition testimony on the one hand, and effective trial testimony on the other. The session will include mock testimony demonstrating ineffective and effective approaches to educating the trier of fact.


    • Contrast ineffective and effective trial testimony
    • Formulate a testimony outline that focuses on maintaining attention and trust
    • Asses which testimony is necessary for direct examination and which should be left for cross examination/redirect


    Speaker Image for Kenneth Rugeti
    Kenneth Rugeti, CPA, ABV, CFF
    Senior Managing Director, FTI Consulting
    Speaker Image for David Sugden
    Call & Jensen
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Current Trends in Portfolio Valuation
    November 6, 2023

    The alternative asset management industry has experienced significant growth over the past decade with current assets under management estimated to be more than $14 trillion. Valuation of such portfolio company investments present unique challenges in an ever-changing marketplace. In this webinar, we’ll examine the current industry trends and best practices regarding the valuation of investments in both equity and debt instruments of privately held enterprises for complying with ASC 946, Financial Services – Investment Companies, and applying ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement.


    • Identify current market environment challenges in valuing portfolio company investments
    • Compare public and private investment valuations
    • Apply appropriate valuation methodologies for the valuation of equity and debt instruments of privately held enterprises
    • Identify industry best practices for the valuation of portfolio company investments


    Speaker Image for Sumeet Bhatnagar
    Managing Director, KPMG
    Speaker Image for Antonella Puca
    Antonella Puca, CPA/ABV, CFA
    Partner, BlueVal
    Standard Price

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