
Carrie Steffen

President/Co-founder, The Whetstone Group

Carrie is a founding shareholder and President of The Whetstone Group, Inc. Since 2000 Whetstone has provided strategic growth advisory services and professional development to hundreds of CPA firms and thousands of practitioners throughout North America. She has more than 25 years of CPA firm marketing, business development and leadership experience. She has be named to ACCOUNTING TODAY'S 100 MOST INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE list as a person to watch. Carrie helps clients develop: * Sustainable growth cultures * Marketing strategy * Functional and effective niche teams * Meaningful sales management * Next generation leaders * Business development skills that encourage everyone in the firm to contribute to growth Carrie is a skilled trainer and provides group sales training as well as one-on-one coaching that enables attendees to understand the sales cycle and develop the personal skills necessary to close sales. Firm leaders, new partners and early career practitioners all benefit from her knowledge and dynamic approach. Before co-founding Whetstone, Carrie was National Marketing Director at RSM McGladrey, Inc. SPEAKING/WRITING: Carrie has presented and done training for the AICPA, the Association for Accounting Marketing's (AAM) Annual Summit, numerous state CPA societies as well as many international accounting firm associations and networks such as Allinial Global, AGN International, CPAmerica, BKR International, Moore Stephens, The CPA Leadership Institute and others. She has been published in The Journal of Accounting Marketing, The Journal of Accountancy, The CPA Practice Management Forum, and CPA Trendlines. She's a frequent podcast guest for the AICPA small firm podcast, AccountingToday podcast, and CCH. Carrie is co-author of the book "Bridging the Gap: Strengthening the Connection between Current and Emerging Leaders in the CPA Profession." LEADERSHIP: Carrie is a past-President of the CPA Consultants' Alliance (CPACA), a working group of thought leaders united in their efforts to further leadership within the CPA profession. Carrie also previously served as Treasurer of the National Association for Accounting Marketing (AAM) and as a member of AAM's Board of Directors and currently serves on AAM's Strategic Technology Advisory Committee. She is also a member of the CPA Consultants' Trust.


  • Thumbnail for Negotiating and Overcoming Objections
    June 13, 2018
    Learning to overcome objections is critical to successfully developing business with both current and new clients. As practitioners, hearing a client or prospect raise objections to an idea in which we believe is not only frustrating, but can also cause us to abandon our sales efforts…


    Speaker Image for Carrie Steffen
    President/Co-founder, The Whetstone Group
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Public Relations/Communications: Getting Your Message Across
    October 24, 2012
    The Golden Gate Bridge recently celebrated its 75th Anniversary…


    Speaker Image for Carrie Steffen
    President/Co-founder, The Whetstone Group
  • Thumbnail for Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Business Development Accountability for Your Firm
    June 11, 2013
    Getting everyone on the same page with business development requires a strategy and tailored plans according to skills and strengths, but it also requires measurement and accountability to help drive implementation…


    Speaker Image for Carrie Steffen
    President/Co-founder, The Whetstone Group
  • Thumbnail for The 26.2 Sales Cycle: How to Keep Pipeline Momentum
    June 11, 2013
    Nurturing a lead can take miles of emails, coffee, LinkedIn niceties and referrals before seeing a finish line. The very nature of this long sales cycle can give even the most experienced rainmakers fatigue…


    Speaker Image for Carrie Steffen
    President/Co-founder, The Whetstone Group
  • Thumbnail for Marketing's Important Role in Building a CPA Firm's Consulting Practice
    June 12, 2019
    As the landscape of public accounting evolves so must CPA firms. Implications of technology and tax reform while still somewhat unknown will no-doubt change the way CPAs interact with clients, their role in their clients businesses and their mix of services…


    Speaker Image for Carrie Steffen
    President/Co-founder, The Whetstone Group
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Reimagining Cross-Selling as Cross-Solving (PST, AAM)
    June 13, 2019
    Your clients' experience working with your firm is your greatest differentiator and one of the key drivers of client loyalty. We've all heard the term cross-selling--but it's time for a change of mindset…


    Speaker Image for Carrie Steffen
    President/Co-founder, The Whetstone Group
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for PST2013. Generation NeXt Clients: Engaging Them for the Long Haul
    July 23, 2020
    Your Generation NeXt clients are here. Who are they? While Millennials are coming up fast, the reigns are being handed to Generation X…


    Speaker Image for Carrie Steffen
    President/Co-founder, The Whetstone Group
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Develop More Business by Developing Relationships
    November 9, 2022
    Being able to develop business is a critical skill for career progression—but the approaches finding new business can vary…


    Speaker Image for Carrie Steffen
    President/Co-founder, The Whetstone Group
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Five Things to STOP Doing In Your Firm
    June 6, 2023
    It’s common to focus on “what else” firms should do to maintain their relevancy and thrive as the profession rapidly evolves. But sometimes moving forward isn’t about what we add, but what we subtract…


    Speaker Image for Carrie Steffen
    President/Co-founder, The Whetstone Group
    Speaker Image for Keila Hill-Trawick
    Founder & CEO, Little Fish Accounting
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Merger Communication Strategies to Promote Successful Business Combinations
    June 8, 2023
    Mergers are a terrific growth opportunity for firms, but one of the greatest contributing success factors is communication. Overlooking your communication strategy can have a negative impact on your people and may also give your competitors a window to disrupt your client relationships…


    Speaker Image for Carrie Steffen
    President/Co-founder, The Whetstone Group
    Speaker Image for Kelly Welter
    Partner, Serl Keefer Welter CPAs LLP
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Evaluating and Right-Sizing Your Client Base
    June 7, 2023
    Staffing continues to be a challenge for most firms creating capacity issues with the potential to cause burnout, decreases in client satisfaction and stagnant growth…


    Speaker Image for Carrie Steffen
    President/Co-founder, The Whetstone Group
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Unlocking the Power of Non-Accountants in Your Accounting Firm
    June 5, 2024
    We will explore the untapped potential of three essential sources: professionals who provide services to our businesses, our non-accountant team members, and the candid feedback from our clients…


    Speaker Image for Keila Hill-Trawick
    Founder & CEO, Little Fish Accounting
    Speaker Image for Carrie Steffen
    President/Co-founder, The Whetstone Group
    Standard Price

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