Thumbnail for AICPA Not-for-Profit Industry Conference 2020

AICPA Not-for-Profit Industry Conference 2020

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This includes sessions from the conference: AICPA Not-for-Profit Industry Conference 2020


  • Thumbnail for Chair Welcome & The Data-Collection-Form: Who Uses It and How to Complete It?
    June 22, 2020

    This session is intended to provide attendees with key insights, tips, and best practices on the latest updates to the Data Collection Form (DCF) and related instructions issued by the Federal Audit Clearinghouse (FAC). Participants will learn important information on the following:
    Changes and updates to the DCF
    Best practices for auditees and auditors relating to completing, reviewing and submitting the DCF
    How an auditor can use the FAC database for monitoring single audit quality.
    Who else uses the information in a DCF?


    Speaker Image for Carianne Geerts
    Manager, CliftonLarsonAllen
    Speaker Image for Danny Martinez
    Government and Public Sector Accounting Advisory Lead, Cherry Bekaert
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Chair Welcome & CARES Act (Part I) - Loan Programs, Employee Payroll Tax Credit & Implications
    June 22, 2020

    This session will focus on issues that taxpayers are facing relative to the CARES Act. For example, important questions that have arisen related to the PPP program and surrounding loan forgiveness, implications of the employee payroll tax credit and the possibility for future phases of legislation.


    Speaker Image for Richard Locastro
    Partner, Director Non-Profit Tax, GRF CPAs & Advisors
    Speaker Image for Dave Moja
    CPA, Moja & Company
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Chair Welcome & Surviving, Pivoting, and Thriving in the New Normal
    June 22, 2020

    There is nothing normal about the current global situation. When the world has changed, you can’t operate your organization the same way and expect the same results. You have two choices, panic or pivot. There is always a silver lining in the cloud of disaster if you are willing to be flexible.  This session will cover a new approach to strategic planning that focuses on positive thinking, creativity, and agility to help you find the fit between your organization and what your constituents need now.


    Speaker Image for Jennifer Elder
    President, CEO/Owner, The Sustainable CFO
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Disruption Doesn't Need to Be Disruptive:  The Sequel: Part I
    June 22, 2020

    Join financial professionals to discuss the opportunities, challenges and good practices associated with mergers, acquisitions and collaborations, and selecting and implementing a major system.


    Speaker Image for Ellen Labita
    Partner and Not-for-Profit Team Leader, Baker Tilly US, LLP
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Is this a Finding? Evaluating Single Audit Results
    June 22, 2020

    This session will focus on evaluating errors in single audits, including what should be a written finding in the audit and how to write effective findings.


    Speaker Image for Divya Gadre
    Audit Partner, BDO
    Speaker Image for Danny Martinez
    Government and Public Sector Accounting Advisory Lead, Cherry Bekaert
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Single Audit Update: Part I
    June 22, 2020

    This session will help you put it all together by giving you an overview of what you need to know about in the single audit arena. You will learn about the:
    2020 OMB Compliance Supplement;
    latest Uniform Guidance and other single audit developments; and
    the single audit landscape looking forward.


    Speaker Image for Mary Foelster
    Senior Director, Governmental Auditing and Accounting, AICPA
    Speaker Image for Amanda Nelson
    Partner, KPMG
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Functional Expense - Help! Program, MG&A, Fundraising Or A Combination?
    June 22, 2020

    Program, MG&A or Fundraising - Oh my! If you've ever struggled with what expenses go into what classification of functional expense, you're not alone. This session will breakdown the nuances of each functional expense, discuss best practices, "reasonable" measures and allow you to walk away with a more clear understanding of this schedule.


    Speaker Image for Edward Priem II
    Chief Financial Officer, Junior Achievement USA
    Speaker Image for Mike Engle
    Partner, BKD, LLP
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Auditing Standards Board Update
    June 22, 2020

    This session will introduce attendees to the current activities of the Auditing Standards Board, including a discussion on the recently effectuated standards and how they will impact planned audit procedures and reporting practices.


    Speaker Image for Monique Booker
    Assurance Partner, SB & Company, LLC
    Speaker Image for Dennis Morrone
    National Managing Partner -Not-for-Profit Industry Practices, Grant Thornton LLP
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Disruption Doesn't Need to Be Disruptive:  The Sequel: Part II
    June 22, 2020

    Join financial professionals to discuss the opportunities, challenges and good practices associated with mergers, acquisitions and collaborations, and selecting and implementing a major system.


    Speaker Image for Michael Martin
    Director, Baker Tilly
    Speaker Image for Monica Dalwadi
    Monica Dalwadi, CPA, CIA, CFE, MBA
    Managing Principal - DC Metro Region, Baker Tilly
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for ASU 2018-08: Deep Dive Session for Resource Providers
    June 22, 2020

    ASU 2018-08 has created several operational issues for both granting organizations and those that receive contributions. Discussions between granting organizations, their recipients and auditors from both organizations have become more common as all parties seek to agree upon consistent accounting between entities. Organizations have also looked for ways to modify grant terms to result in desired accounting treatments.


    Speaker Image for Scott Steffens
    Partner, Grant Thornton
    Speaker Image for Tokunbo Falayi
    CFO, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF)
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Automation: How to Ride the Wave of Technology Without Drowning In It: Part I
    June 22, 2020

    Technology is enabling and empowering Finance in new ways and is changing the role of finance, the organization's operating model, and the shape of the finance office. With finance automation on the rise, deeper reliance on technology is only increasing the range of skills a modern CFO must master. Along with the usual financial management challenges, CFOs are increasingly focused on implementation of new technologies in the search for efficiencies and greater access to data. But that's only the beginning. Automation is change. And even though change is hard, we have an unprecedented opportunity via new technologies to drive value creation within our organizations. Come join this panel of experts who have undergone this transformation and have lived to tell about it!


    Speaker Image for Curtis Klotz
    Director of Nonprofit Finance, CLA
    Speaker Image for Ash Noah
    VP Managing Director, Learning, Education and Development, AICPA & CIMA
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Single Audit Update: Part II
    June 22, 2020

    This session will help you put it all together by giving you an overview of what you need to know about in the single audit arena. You will learn about the:
    2020 OMB Compliance Supplement;
    latest Uniform Guidance and other single audit developments; and
    the single audit landscape looking forward.


    Speaker Image for Mary Foelster
    Senior Director, Governmental Auditing and Accounting, AICPA
    Speaker Image for Amanda Nelson
    Partner, KPMG
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Not-for-Profit Industry Developments
    June 22, 2020

    In this session the speakers will discuss current industry, regulatory and economic developments affecting not for profit organizations that will be important for both auditors and preparers for the upcoming year. We will discuss the latest not for profit accounting and auditing trends and developments and those that are on the horizon.


    Speaker Image for Jennifer Hoffman
    National Not-for-Profit Audit Leader, Grant Thornton LLP
    Speaker Image for Sibi Thomas
    Sibi Thomas, CPA, CFE, CGMA
    Partner, Marks Paneth LLP
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Preparing Your Indirect Cost Rate to Enhance Cost Recovery!
    June 22, 2020

    Many institutions must engage in the process of negotiating federal indirect cost rates and non-profits face unique challenges in preparing and negotiating indirect rates. As we go through this process, many of us often wonder if we've done everything within the constraints of the Uniform Guidance (2 CFR Part 200) to maximize our institution's negotiated rate and resulting indirect cost reimbursement. In this session we will present numerous strategies which may be employed to maximize indirect cost recovery, both in the preparation of your indirect cost rate filing, as well as during the subsequent rate negotiation. This will be an interactive session and we will discuss the types of indirect costs that are sometimes overlooked and discuss recent government trends in rate negotiations.


    Speaker Image for Paul Calabrese
    Principal, GRF
    Speaker Image for Alex Weekes
    Principal, ML Weekes & Company, PC
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Automation: How to Ride the Wave of Technology Without Drowning In It: Part II
    June 22, 2020

    Technology is enabling and empowering Finance in new ways and is changing the role of finance, the organization's operating model, and the shape of the finance office. With finance automation on the rise, deeper reliance on technology is only increasing the range of skills a modern CFO must master. Along with the usual financial management challenges, CFOs are increasingly focused on implementation of new technologies in the search for efficiencies and greater access to data. But that's only the beginning. Automation is change. And even though change is hard, we have an unprecedented opportunity via new technologies to drive value creation within our organizations. Come join this panel of experts who have undergone this transformation and have lived to tell about it!


    Speaker Image for Ash Noah
    VP Managing Director, Learning, Education and Development, AICPA & CIMA
    Speaker Image for Curtis Klotz
    Director of Nonprofit Finance, CLA
    Standard Price

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