Thumbnail for Not-for-Profit Industry Conference 2018

Not-for-Profit Industry Conference 2018

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This includes sessions from the conference: Not-for-Profit Industry Conference 2018


  • Thumbnail for Welcome and Introductions & Keynote Presentation: Purpose - Personal Journey and Professional Career
    June 18, 2018
    Purpose can be powerful, palatable, and transformative if we understand its true meaning on a multitude of levels -- individual, collective, systemic -- and how to activate it in a unified manner. Hear from PwC’s Chief Purpose Officer about how a purpose mindset transcends generations, supports talent development and workplace engagement while creating shared value.
    • Recognize how your organization can create a culture that attracts and cultivates more engaged employees
    • Learn why being purpose-driven can lead to better business performance


    Speaker Image for Shannon Schuyler
    Chief Purpose Officer, PwC
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for The New Yellow Book
    June 18, 2018

    This session will provide the status of the GAO's update to Government Auditing Standards.

    • Recall the status of the updates to the Yellow Book and effective date for auditors and organizations.
    • Indicate the plan for CPE requirements related to the Yellow Book


    Speaker Image for Amanda Nelson
    Partner, KPMG
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Board Governance
    June 18, 2018

    Given increased accountability to constituents, donors and regulators for accuracy and integrity of business operations, heightened expectations of boards for transparency and effectiveness, and greater media coverage of lapses in good governance, strong board performance is essential. When done right, governance activities of boards can not only provide needed oversight, but can contribute in meaningful ways to organizational success - and mission achievement. In this presentation, we will address key governance principles for Boards in the not-for-profit sector, focusing on modes of governance, responsibilities of the board and of individual trustees, characteristics of high performing boards and current governance issues and associated best practices.

    The presentation will be based on Grant Thornton's "Not-for-Profit Board Guidebook", which covers governance best practices, as well as the issues trustees face as they do their work.

    • To clarify the key roles and responsibilities of NFP boards as an integral part of an organizaton's governance structure. To define what makes boards successful.
    • To address issues regarding accountability, integrity, fiscal stewardship and board operating procedures.
    • To identify key governance issues that trustees need to address to perform their responsibilities effectively.


    Speaker Image for Mark Oster
    National Managing Partner, Not-for-Profit and Higher Education Practices, Grant Thornton LLP
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Accounting for Endowments and Annuity and Life Income Gifts
    June 18, 2018
    Not all endowments are the same, and they often times create complexity and confusion within not-for-profit organizations and lead to potential financial reporting misstatements. This session will provide an overview on accounting for endowments, and explore advanced topics related endowment accounting and financial reporting with specific gift examples, practical guidance on donor relations, and a case study on investment pool accounting. This session will also provide an overview of accounting and financial reporting for annuity and life income gifts along with specific accounting examples, including:
    - Endowment accounting basics refresher
    - Changes to endowment accounting related to ASU 2016-14
    - A variety of gift examples, including an investment pool case study
    - Practical guidance on donor relations
    - Overview of annuity and life income accounting
    • To clarify the key roles and responsibilities of NFP boards as an integral part of an organizaton's governance structure. To define what makes boards successful.
    • Learn common errors in accounting and reporting endowments and take away ideas on what to watch out for to avoid making these mistakes


    Speaker Image for Jennifer Richards
    Partner, Crowe LLP
    Speaker Image for John Kroll
    Associate Vice President for Finance and Administration, University of Chicago
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Technology Update:  Understanding the Latest Buzzwords and Changes That Impact Our Industry
    June 18, 2018

    Join this session for an update on the latest technology buzzwords. Cryptocurrency, Blockchain, A.I., EU GDPR, and more. Learn the details behind these buzzwords and how they are relevant to your organization.

    • 1. Learn simplified definitions of some key technical terms
    • 2. Get updated on new technologies impacting the NFP space
    • 3. Learn some of the pros and cons of new emerging technologies


    Speaker Image for Anthony Hargreaves
    Principal, IT Audit & Assurance, Clark Nuber PS
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Tax Law Update
    June 18, 2018

    This session will review current developments in the federal tax law, including tax regulations, IRS rulings, court opinions, and pending legislation (including U.S. Tax Reform bills/law). The focus will be on the TE/GE fiscal year 2018 work plan, qualification for exemption, application for recognition processes and litigation, public charity status, supporting organizations, donor-advised funds, the commerciality doctrine, the private foundation rules, governance, the private inurement and private benefit doctrines, legislative and political campaign activity, unrelated business, joint ventures, use of subsidiaries, fundraising, and charitable giving law.

    • 1. Identify the import of TE/GE FY 2018 work plan. 
    • 2. Analyze IRS private letter ruling policies.
    • 3. Apply recent court decisions to applicable tax scenarios. 
    • 4. Identify contents of tax reform legislation/law.


    Speaker Image for Bruce Hopkins
    Bruce R. Hopkins, J.D., LL.M. (Taxation)
    Principal, Bruce R. Hopkins Law Firm, LLC
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Update on the IRS, Treasury & the Hill
    June 18, 2018

    Come to this important session to gain insights into current EO-related developments, including:

    • IRS and Treasury EO tax reform guidance

    • Current IRS EO initiatives

    • Current EO-related guidance projects

    • Legislative changes and updates for EOs

    After this session, you will be able to:
    - Identify legislative developments in the tax-exempt organizations area
    - Identify regulatory developments in the tax-exempt organizations area.


    Speaker Image for Gordon Clay
    Senior Legislation Counsel, Joint Committee on Taxation, U.S. Congress
    Speaker Image for Elinor Ramey
    Partner, Steptoe & Johnson LLP
    Speaker Image for Alexander Reid
    Alexander L. Reid, J.D., LL.M. (Taxation)
    Partner, BakerHostetler LLP
    Speaker Image for Margaret Von Lienen
    Director, Exempt Organizations/Government Entities, Internal Revenue Service
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Single Audit Resources and Certificate
    June 19, 2018

    The focus will be the benefits to single audit quality when auditors have the single audit certificate and use the tools available via the AICPA and GAQC. This will not be a selling session but a presentation of tools to improve audit quality.

    After participation in this session, you will be able to:
    1. Identify how the single audit resources and certificates can help you improve audit quality.
    2. Obtain single audit resources for use on your engagements.


    Speaker Image for Carey Mitchell
    Senior Manager - Portfolio Development & Management, AICPA
    Speaker Image for Rafael Roman
    Rafael Roman, CPA, CGMA
    Senior Manager, Association Of International Certified Professional Accountants
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for The Way Forward: Governance and Investment Policy for Endowed Nonprofits
    June 19, 2018

    As we mark the tenth anniversary of the global financial crisis, what does the future hold for endowed nonprofit institutions? This session will outline the often-conflicting forces that are shaping the world of nonprofit investing, and will lead a discussion among attendees about how these institutions are meeting challenges to their governance structures.

    Attendees will learn:
    -The forces shaping the investment environment for endowed nonprofit institutions
    - The governance challenges that are being faced by these institutions


    Speaker Image for William Jarvis
    Managing Director, U.S. Trust
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Containing Costs in Healthcare: What Can Employers Do?
    June 19, 2018

    Healthcare premiums have spiraled out of control - continually rising with no relief in sight. During this challenging period, employers have needed to shift all or part of these costs to employees. The fact that wages are stagnant or rising slowly, puts great pressure on the company's workforce. The Dilemma Companies Face: How to Address this Imbalance. This is where CFOs, Controllers, and Finance can play a major role - by helping to cut back costs and thus narrow the gap between employee premiums and compensation. This session will discuss the benchmarks, levers employers can pull, and demonstrate various case studies to illustrate the impact of some of the techniques.

    • Understand the state of the market and benchmarks
    • Learn the cost containment strategies available to the marketplace
    • Talk through real life case studies of several strategies


    Speaker Image for Anthony Carlozo
    Senior Employee Benefits Consultant, Marsh McLennan Agency LLC
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Managing the Complexities of Nonprofit Growth
    June 19, 2018

    In a recent industry study, 80 percent of nonprofit finance professionals say their organization plans to grow in the next 12-18 months. Nonprofit growth presents its own unique set of challenges, and, if not managed properly, can actually hurt your organization. With challenges and opportunities in mind, how do you prepare your budget, staff, and organization for growth? In this session, we’ll look deeper into industry research exploring growth trends in the nonprofit sector. This session will focus on the impact of growth across a nonprofit organization, from budget planning, increasing compliance complexities, shifts in the workforce to growth strategies around grants, and new revenue sources. We’ll dive into specific tips and suggestions to help you get the most out of the data in the study and prepare your organization for successful growth.

    • Evaluate growth strategies through a risk management framework
    • Prepare for internal controls and processes for increased compliance complexities
    • Develop people strategies to accommodate for growth
    • Identify technology requirements for accommodating growth


    Speaker Image for Brandy Keller
    Director of Product Management and Marketing, Community Brands
    Speaker Image for Dan Murphy
    Dan Murphy, CSPO, PMC
    Sr. Controller, Communities In Schools of Central Texas
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for How to Build Trust with Internal Controls
    June 19, 2018

    It is more critical than ever that organizations maintain the highest level of trust for funders, donors, lenders and the public at large. In this Solutions Session, we will look at ways poor internal controls damage trust and the expensive price organizations pay to rebuild trust once lost.

    • Identify where internal control failures damage stakeholder trust.
    • Describe ways to integrate all areas of the organization in strengthening your internal control framework.


    Speaker Image for Lucy Morgan
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Accounting Liabilities of State Reporting Forms: Regulatory Enforcement Issues
    June 19, 2018
    With greater access to the tools for mining the data on the Form 990, state regulators are more closely scrutinizing nonprofits' tax returns and fundraising contracts for regulatory infractions, including high fundraising costs, gifts-in-kind, excessive compensation and improper joint cost allocations. This session is a call to action for accountants working with or in nonprofits to dig deeper into the regulations and understand the risks and legal traps for the organization and the accountants who collaborate with them.
    • Identify legal issues associated with accounting reporting requirements.
    • Analyze the risks and legal traps for accountants and their nonprofit clients who prepare and submit financial reporting forms to states.


    Speaker Image for Tracy Boak
    Attorney/Partner, Perlman & Perlman, LLP
    Speaker Image for Karen Wu
    Partner, Perlman & Perlman, LLP
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Latest Trends: Indirect Costs
    June 19, 2018
    The session will look at indirect costs under Uniform Guidance.
    • Determine allocation of costs vs indirect cost rates
    • Apply the use of deminimus cost of 10%


    Speaker Image for Diane Edelstein
    Partner, Maher Duessel
    Speaker Image for Alex Weekes
    Principal, ML Weekes & Company, PC
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for ERM: A Practical Approach
    June 19, 2018

    In this session you will receive an overview of ERM, various ERM models or Frameworks and a discussion of the critical success factors and impediments to sustaining an ERM Program.

    After the session you will understand and be able to discuss:
    - What is ERM
    - Why do "ERM"
    - The critical success factors for an ERM Program
    - Typical "roadblocks" or "impediments" and strategies for dealing with them

    Use ERM in strategic planning to achieve organizational goals and mission.


    Speaker Image for John Rowe
    Director, Mazars USA LLP
    Speaker Image for Ethan Kahn
    Partner, Mazars USA LLP
    Standard Price

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