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This includes sessions from the conference: Employee Benefit Plans Conference 2019
Sessions Included:
Opening Remarks & Cybersecurity Breaches: Are You the Cause? (May 06, 2019 07:00 AM)
New EBP Reporting Standard (May 06, 2019 10:00 AM)
Fringe Benefits Post Tax Reform (May 06, 2019 10:00 AM)
Work The Core, Don't Fail in Assessing Risk (Repeated in Session EBP1962) (May 06, 2019 12:15 PM)
401(k) Testing and Alternatives (May 06, 2019 12:15 PM)
Understanding Management's Responsibilities for Your Plan (May 06, 2019 12:15 PM)
Plan, Design, and Monitor Payroll Audits (May 06, 2019 12:15 PM)
Risk Assessment and Planning Part I (May 06, 2019 01:40 PM)
Using an Actuarial Report in Your Audit (May 06, 2019 01:40 PM)
On Auto-Pilot: Automatic Provisions Don't Always Always Equal Smooth Sailing (May 06, 2019 01:40 PM)
Fringe Benefit Trends (May 06, 2019 01:40 PM)
Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation Issues in Mergers and Acquisitions (May 06, 2019 01:40 PM)
Risk Assessment and Planning Part II (May 06, 2019 03:25 PM)
Sort Out the SOC Reports Used in Your EBP Audits (Repeated in Session EBP1957) (May 06, 2019 03:25 PM)
Is an ESOP Right for Your Company? (May 06, 2019 03:25 PM)
Beyond Cybersecurity: Attack of the New Wave of Privacy Regulations (May 06, 2019 03:25 PM)
Stable Value Investment Case Study (May 06, 2019 03:25 PM)
Plan Sponsor Best Practices, Fees & Communications (May 06, 2019 03:25 PM)
EBPAQC Update (May 07, 2019 06:30 AM)
Beyond the Audit: AICPA Resources (May 07, 2019 06:30 AM)
Contributions, Eligibility and Participant Data, Part I (May 07, 2019 09:15 AM)
Auditing in a Digital World (May 07, 2019 09:15 AM)
Unrelated Business Taxable Income (May 07, 2019 09:15 AM)
Anti-Assignment Rules - Procedures, Legal and Tax Issues (May 07, 2019 09:15 AM)
Executive Compensation: Tax Reform & Beyond (May 07, 2019 09:15 AM)
Auditing DB Plans - Distributions and Census Data (May 07, 2019 09:15 AM)
The Specificity of an ESOP's Tax Rules (May 07, 2019 09:15 AM)
Contributions, Eligibility and Participant Data, Part II (May 07, 2019 10:40 AM)
Breaking Down the Definition of Compensation (Repeated in Session EBP19207) (May 07, 2019 10:40 AM)
Compliance Testing in Defined Contribution Plans (May 07, 2019 10:40 AM)
Legal Update and Recent Court Cases (May 07, 2019 10:40 AM)
What Officers and Directors Need to Know (May 07, 2019 10:40 AM)
Insights into Multi-Generational Learning and Training (May 07, 2019 10:40 AM)
Effective Audit Planning: Best Practices for Plan Sponsor and Auditors (May 07, 2019 10:40 AM)
Audit and Accounting for Common Investments (May 07, 2019 12:30 PM)
Common IRS/DOL Errors and How to Correct Them (Repeated in Session EBP1964) (May 07, 2019 12:30 PM)
It's Never Too Soon to Start Retirement Planning (May 07, 2019 12:30 PM)
Managing Self-Insured Benefits Costs (May 07, 2019 12:30 PM)
Distributions and Plan Expenses (May 07, 2019 01:55 PM)
Revival of Pension Plans for Executives (May 07, 2019 01:55 PM)
Tax and Audit Lightning Round: The Daily Double (May 07, 2019 01:55 PM)
How an Auditor Adds Value to a Client (May 07, 2019 01:55 PM)
Ethics, Independence & EBPs (May 08, 2019 06:00 AM)
Building Your EBP Practice (May 08, 2019 06:00 AM)
404(c) and 404(a)(5) Compliance Fund Selection Process (May 08, 2019 06:00 AM)
How One Profession is Preparing Another (Ours) (May 08, 2019 06:00 AM)
Breaking Down the Definition of Compensation (Repeat of Session EBP1935) (May 08, 2019 06:00 AM)
Financial Reporting and Audit Wrap-Up (May 08, 2019 07:00 AM)
Sort Out the SOC Reports Used in Your EBP Audits (Repeat of Session EBP1920) (May 08, 2019 07:00 AM)
Fraud in Employee Benefit Plans: Case Studies (May 08, 2019 07:00 AM)
MEWAs, MEPs, PEO and Outsourcing (May 08, 2019 07:00 AM)
Service Providers - Working Together Effectively (May 08, 2019 07:00 AM)
Work The Core, Don't Fail in Assessing Risk (Repeat of Session EBP1906) (May 08, 2019 07:00 AM)
Communicating Errors to Plan Sponsors (May 08, 2019 08:45 AM)
Common IRS/DOL Errors and How to Correct Them (Repeat of Session EBP1943) (May 08, 2019 08:45 AM)
What Does an IRS/DOL Exam Look Like? (May 08, 2019 08:45 AM)
First Time Audits (May 08, 2019 08:45 AM)
Auditing and Reporting for Terminating Plans (May 08, 2019 08:45 AM)
Both Direct and Indirect DB Pension Costs Need Audit Attention - Presented by Pacific Life (May 08, 2019 08:45 AM)
Asking for a Friend (May 08, 2019 10:10 AM)
Traps for Privately Owned Business (May 08, 2019 10:10 AM)
This all-day pre-conference workshop is geared toward individuals interested in a general overview and update of the audit, accounting and reporting requirements for employee benefit plans. Auditors new to employee benefit plan audits, experienced auditors interested in a refresher course, benefit plan professionals as well as service providers who want to understand the audit process, could benefit from this workshop. It provides a basic understanding of the requirements for all types of EBP audits based on the AICPA's Employee Benefit Plans - Accounting and Audit Guide as well as DOL requirements. Participants will have ample time to discuss specific issues and resolutions for real-life employee benefit problems. Attending this workshop will help participants choose beneficial sessions from the general conference to tailor the conference experience.
This session will address employee benefit plan audit quality issues based on findings from the DOL and peer review engagements and unique accounting and reporting issues.
This half-day Form 5500 workshop will provide a practical review of the Form 5500 and related schedules. We will explore common practitioner questions and Form 5500 and related schedules' pitfalls. The session is designed for plan administrators, auditors, and preparers who want to learn about the Form 5500 as well as expand their knowledge of the Form 5500 filings.
This workshop has it all: hands-on training in specific areas, professional development skills, building credibility, fostering relationships, and communication tips. This workshop is designed to give technical and soft skills to those professionals who are fairly new to employee benefit plans, or who have much audit experience but are new to employee benefit plan audits. This is an ideal precursor to the main conference’s Fundamental Track. The EEBP workshop will be led by EBP professionals with extensive experience in both accounting, auditing and tax practices within employee benefit plans. Mentors and experts will be on hand so you leave this afternoon with a cadre of new skills and competencies. Emerging EBP participants will have an opportunity to interact directly with the workshop leaders on a wide variety of EBP topics during the conference and after the conference - this is a great way to expand your EBP expertise networking.
Session will discuss trends and best practices from the cybersecurity and information privacy arenas.
The new EBP reporting framework addresses the auditor's responsibilities for forming an opinion and reporting on ERISA plan financial statements, including the form and content of the report when management elects to have an ERISA section 103(a)(3)(C) audit performed.
This session will review the current rules and regulations regarding fringe benefits, including the ability of an employee to exclude the value of such benefits from income and the ability of an employer to deduct the cost of those benefits. Special emphasis will be placed on the Tax Cut and Jobs Act changes affecting fringe benefits, specifically meals and entertainment expenses, qualified transportation fringe benefits and moving expenses.
Partners, are you starting your audit off properly? Most practitioners answer, "yes." However, more than a decade after the risk assessment standards were issued, the AICPA Peer Review team found that more than half of all firms fail to comply with AU-C Section 315 or 330.
At the core of every audit are the goals of identifying, assessing, and responding to risks of material misstatement. Ensure your EBP audits comply with risk assessment standards. The discussion will include misconceptions commonly held by senior-level practitioners and how to avoid these common areas of non-compliance.
An in-depth look at 401(k) plan testing and alternatives including APD/ACP testing from a tax perspective. These compliance tests are complicated and this session can assist auditors in become more adept in the area related to non-discrimination testing.
The panel will provide an overview of benefit plans' management responsibilities, including, but not limited to: accomplishing all regulatory requirements under management scope and all necessary elements, activities, recommendations, and decisions that ensure those requirements are satisfied.
This session will discuss best practices for designing and monitoring a payroll audit program including techniques for completing a payroll audit and using payroll audits as part of the multiemployer plan audit. This session will also differentiate between payroll audits performed under SSAE 18 or consulting standards.
This session is part 1 of 2 of working through the planning and risk assessment process for the fundamental track case study and will continue in Session #19. These sessions include consideration of SOC 1 reports and certifications for limited scope audits.
This session will cover the objectives and uses of an actuarial report, the information contained in a report, assessing the actuarial methods and assumptions and discussing the information in the report that is most useful to an auditor.
This session will cover what are all the automatic options in plans to today (enrollments, distributions, investing, salary increases, etc), corrections for when someone is not auto-enrolled timely, and Rev Proc 2015-28.
Fringe benefits are a hot topic for employers looking to attract and retain talent in a tight labor market. Often, fringe benefits can be provided at relatively little cost while still providing benefit that employees value. Over time, changes in the business environment and employee demographics cause different fringe benefits to be perceived as valuable. This course will provide an overview of recent fringe benefit trends and the considerations for offering those benefits. Some benefits covered may include student loan payments, snacks, reward programs, and wellness programs.
Session covers various employee benefit and executive compensation issues that arise in connection with mergers and acquisitions, including strategies for both buyers and sellers to address the issues.
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