Eric Carroll, CPA is a partner at RSM US LLP with over 15 years of employee benefit plan accounting and auditing experience. He has extensive technical knowledge and experience with audits of employee benefit plans. His responsibilities at the firm include leading audit engagements, handling research on technical issues, and serving as the New York practice leader in employee benefit plans. Outside of the firm, Eric recently served as chair of the AICPA's task force for multiemployer benefit plan audits where he was heavily involved in the task force's objective of authoring a new AICPA employee benefit plan guide book chapter on accounting and auditing of multiemployer benefit plans. Eric regularly advises trustees, boards, CFOs, controllers and human resource management on all aspects of employee benefit plan audits. He has experience in auditing most plan types, including single multi and multiple employer plans, defined contribution plans including 401(k) and 403(b), defined benefit pension plans and health and welfare plans, as well as significant experience in the accounting and auditing of the fair value of alternative investments commonly found in these plans.