Thumbnail for 2021 AICPA & CIMA Forensic & Valuation Services Conference

2021 AICPA & CIMA Forensic & Valuation Services Conference

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This includes sessions from the conference: 2021 AICPA & CIMA Forensic & Valuation Services Conference

Sessions Included:

Advanced Issues in Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Matters (Nov 09, 2021 02:50 PM)

Casinos and Online Gaming: Money Laundering Risks and Countermeasures (Nov 09, 2021 01:10 PM)

Active vs. Passive Appreciation: Overview and Examples (Nov 08, 2021 01:45 PM)

Virtual Testimony--- How to Testify in Today's Courtroom (Nov 10, 2021 08:40 AM)

Hot Seat - Intro to Testifying at Deposition & Trial (Nov 09, 2021 01:10 PM)

How to Make Sense of a "Noisy" Prior Year(s) (Nov 08, 2021 11:30 AM)

The Inclusion Imperative: Talking Talent (Nov 08, 2021 11:30 AM)

Annual Damages Case Law Update (Nov 08, 2021 03:25 PM)

Elder Fraud Including Fraud Committed Against their Estates (Nov 10, 2021 07:00 AM)

Career & Business Development in Times of Disruption (Nov 08, 2021 01:45 PM)

The Business Valuator "Hired Gun": The Rogue, the Bad, and the Ugly (Nov 10, 2021 07:00 AM)

Estate Planning - Advising Clients in an Uncertain Environment (Nov 10, 2021 08:40 AM)

Shareholder Oppression: Advising Clients on Shareholder Disputes (Nov 08, 2021 01:45 PM)

Tricky Valuation Issues (Nov 09, 2021 02:50 PM)

Intro to Damages: The Intersect of Law and Financial Analyses (Nov 08, 2021 09:50 AM)

The Valuation Conclusion Synthesis of Multiple Methods: The Why & How of Using Multiple Methods (Nov 08, 2021 09:50 AM)

Expert Hot Tubbing - How Experts Can “Soak Up” the Experience to Their Advantage (A Case Study) (Nov 08, 2021 09:50 AM)

Key Valuation Issues in Matrimonial Litigation (Nov 08, 2021 09:50 AM)

Clearing the Fog from Financial Forecasts (Nov 08, 2021 11:30 AM)

Use of Cash - Identification of Unreported Income (Nov 09, 2021 11:20 AM)

Emergence from Bankruptcy through Fresh-Start Reporting (Nov 08, 2021 11:30 AM)

Issues in Valuing Small Businesses (Nov 09, 2021 11:20 AM)

Being Right Isn't Always Enough: Strategies for Presenting Persuasive Expert Trial Testimony in Complex Damages Cases (Nov 08, 2021 01:45 PM)

Healthcare and Valuation: Current Trends and Implications to the Industry (Nov 08, 2021 01:45 PM)

Not All Working Capital is Created Equal (Nov 08, 2021 03:25 PM)

Fraud Risk Assessments (Nov 08, 2021 03:25 PM)

COVID-19 and the Path to Recovery — Lessons Learned About Cost of Capital (Nov 08, 2021 03:25 PM)

Don’t miss the Bar: Standards and Ethics (Nov 08, 2021 03:25 PM)

Prejudgment Interest (Nov 09, 2021 11:20 AM)

Attorney's Perspectives: Good v. Great Expert Witness Testimony (Nov 09, 2021 11:20 AM)

Valuation implications related to Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPACs) - Non-traditional Public Offerings (Nov 09, 2021 11:20 AM)

Costs Matter! - Deeper Dive (Nov 09, 2021 01:10 PM)

Private Equity Secondaries and Co-Investment: Where Private Equity and Venture Capital is Moving and How Valuators Can Add-Value (Nov 09, 2021 01:10 PM)

Report Writing for Forensic Engagements (Nov 09, 2021 02:50 PM)

Designing and Conducting Internal Investigations: The Role of Outside Counsel and Forensic Experts (Nov 09, 2021 02:50 PM)

Power Excel - Power Applications for the Forensic Accountant (Nov 08, 2021 11:30 AM)

Business Impacts of Data Breaches (Nov 10, 2021 07:00 AM)

Valuation & ESG (Nov 10, 2021 07:00 AM)

Can Lost Profits Exceed the Value of the Business? (Nov 10, 2021 08:40 AM)

Valuing Digital Assets / Cryptocurrencies (Nov 10, 2021 08:40 AM)

Pandemic Fueled Prosecutions: The Rise of White Collar Criminal and Regulatory Enforcement on Main Street USA (Nov 10, 2021 08:40 AM)

Lease Valuation Issues in Business Combination and Impairment Testing (Nov 10, 2021 10:10 AM)

Government Benefits Related Fraud (Nov 10, 2021 10:10 AM)

Complex Support and Property Division Dissolution Issues: Considerations of Alternative Asset Management, Equity and Deferred Compensation (Nov 10, 2021 10:10 AM)

Valuation Considerations of Distressed Companies and Bankruptcy Considerations (Nov 10, 2021 11:40 AM)

Construction Claims – Damages Calculations and Analysis (Nov 10, 2021 11:40 AM)

409A Valuations and Other Complex Securities Valuations (Nov 10, 2021 11:40 AM)

Interpreting and Using Market Multiples in a Valuation (Nov 09, 2021 01:10 PM)

Marketability Discounts - Current Trends and Techniques (Nov 10, 2021 10:10 AM)

FVC OQP Discussion (Nov 09, 2021 09:15 AM)

FVC OQP Discussion 2 (Nov 09, 2021 10:55 AM)

Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Intro to Damages: The Intersect of Law and Financial Analyses
    November 8, 2021

    Session covers legal and financial aspects of damages. The session will provide a primer on understanding commercial damages from a legal perspective, including types of damages and remedies. The session will review the role financial professionals play in quantification of damages, including professional standards, methods and analyses.


    • Identify types of damages and remedies in litigation
    • Evaluate professional standards applicable to financial professionals performing damage assessment engagements
    • Identify components of lost profits damages measurements, including elements, methodology and financial analyses
    • Recognize other types of damages measurements


    Speaker Image for Nicole Lyons
    Nicole D. Lyons, CPA/CFF, CVA
    Partner, WithumSmith+Brown, PC
    Speaker Image for Mark Oberstaedt
    Shareholder, Archer Law
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for The Valuation Conclusion Synthesis of Multiple Methods:  The Why & How of Using Multiple Methods
    November 8, 2021

    There are three approaches to value: Income, Cost, Market approach and each approach looks at a business in different, but important ways. If you are doing the valuation and the approaches all come up with very different values, reconciling the approaches can be an important task in arriving at a reliable and supportable fair market value. This sessions will delve into ways to reconcile the approaches to arrive at values that corroborate each other.


    • Outline the 3 approaches and the important assumptions that are used in the approaches
    • Discuss how the assumptions in each of the methods correlate to other assumptions in the other methods
    • Discuss ways to adjust assumptions made to better correlate each of the approaches
    • Walk through valuation examples that initially start being far apart and to correlate and arrive at a better supported valuation conclusion


    Speaker Image for Lisa Cribben
    Lisa Cribben, CPA, ABV, ASA, CMA
    Partner, Valuation and Transaction Services, Hawkins Ash CPAs
    Speaker Image for Natalya Abdrasilova
    Natalya S. Abdrasilova, CPA/ABV, MAFF, CVA
    Director of Valuation & Litigation Services, Boyle, Deveny & Meyer PC
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Expert Hot Tubbing - How Experts Can “Soak Up” the Experience to Their Advantage (A Case Study)
    November 8, 2021

    The strategy of expert hot-tubbing has been used in a mediation, arbitration and pre-trial settings to assist counsel and the trier of fact in exploring and understanding complex expert analysis and opinions. This course will walk through a case study of an arbitration where the experts testified during a hot-tubbing session with the ability to openly question each other and discuss complex accounting issues, assumptions, and opinions to better-educate both Counsel and the Triers of Fact – in this case, an arbitration panel of attorneys and a judge.


    • • Learn about different expert hot-tubbing strategies
    • • Explore both the advantages and risks of expert hot-tubbing
    • • Tips on the do’s and don’ts during expert hot-tubbing


    Speaker Image for Jolene Fraser
    Jolene Fraser, CPA, CFF, CFE
    Managing Director, Eisner Advisory Group LLC
    Speaker Image for Hubert Klein
    Hubert Klein, CPA, ABV, CFF, CGMA, CVA, CFE
    Partner, Eisner Advisory Group, LLC
    Speaker Image for Peter Mahler
    Partner, Farrell Fritz, P.C.
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Key Valuation Issues in Matrimonial Litigation
    November 8, 2021

    In this panel, Brian Schwartz and Stacy Collins will cover hot tips on a variety of challenging issues in matrimonial litigation. These will include but are not necessarily limited to: 1) Issues for jointly retained experts; 2) Difficulties in discovery; 3) Multiple valuation dates; 4) Effect of COVID on business valuation and income; 5) Reviewing books and records; and 6) Personal versus enterprise goodwill.


    • To discuss strategies for dealing with difficult valuation issues
    • To present both the expert and attorney view on how to handle challenging issues in matrimonial litigation
    • To address the unique challenges in the role of a jointly retained or court appointed expert


    Speaker Image for Stacy Collins
    Stacy P. Collins, CPA, ABV, CFF
    Managing Director, Financial Research Associates
    Speaker Image for Brian Schwartz
    Brian Schwartz, Attorney at Law, JD
    Managing Member, Schwartz Family Law
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for How to Make Sense of a "Noisy" Prior Year(s)
    November 8, 2021

    Put simply, 2020 was a "noisy" year for many subject companies valued by our industry; however, beyond 2020, our profession evaluates subject companies going through volatile periods as well as industries that benchmark differently than the general economy frequently. These analyses may require extra analyses to assess appropriate estimations of normalized ongoing levels. Determining appropriate adjustments, margins, earnings, sales levels, etc, can provide to be a more rigorous analysis than otherwise in a mature business within a stable industry.


    • Understand why there is not one single formula or rule of thumb for estimation of ongoing levels
    • Evaluate the appropriateness for adjustments in a volatile year and how these analyses must be performed in conjunction with estimating 'ongoing levels'
    • Determine additional valuation considerations to review and assess


    Speaker Image for Karolina Calhoun
    Karolina Calhoun, CPA, ABV, CFF
    Senior Vice President, Mercer Capital
    Speaker Image for David Harkins
    Senior Financial Analyst, Mercer Capital
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for The Inclusion Imperative: Talking Talent
    November 8, 2021

    The Inclusion Imperative - We will be joined by Withum's Chief Talent Officer, Theresa Richardson and Director of Inclusion & Diversity, Bill Bradshaw for a fireside chat on all things talent including how to attract, retain and develop top talent. Though candid conversations, Theresa and Bill will share how Withum's efforts has enabled an engaged workforce through inclusion, diversity and equity.  Through these efforts, Withum has become a catalyst for growth and success making the firm a great place to work.


    • You will walk away with a business case around Inclusion and Diversity.
    • As a result of the pandemic, we will share best practices around recruiting, self care and team member engagement.


    Speaker Image for Theresa Richardson
    Partner and Chief Talent Officer, Withum
    Speaker Image for Bill Bradshaw
    Director - Inclusion & Diversity, Withum
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Clearing the Fog from Financial Forecasts
    November 8, 2021

    Quantifying what the future holds for companies is integral in valuation and forensic engagements and has never been more challenging. Economic contraction, expected recovery, political climate, supply chain disruption, and environmental regulations are just some of the factors impacting cash flow forecasts. This session will focus on navigating the uncertainty to prepare defendable cash flow forecasts. We will explore methods for preparing forecasts as well as resources and approaches to support the forecast assumptions. After attending this program, participants will be able to identify factors to consider in preparing forecasts, how to develop and support forecast assumptions, and resources to substantiate assumptions.


    • Identify qualitative and quantitative factors impacting the future cash flow for companies
    • Apply methods for developing and evaluating forecast assumptions
    • Using independent resources to support assumptions


    Speaker Image for Bethany Hearn
    Bethany M. Hearn, CPA, ABV, CFF
    Principal, CLA
    Speaker Image for Katie Holtgrave
    Katie Holtgrave, CPA, ABV, CFF
    Senior Financial Analyst, Anders CPAs + Advisors
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Emergence from Bankruptcy through Fresh-Start Reporting
    November 8, 2021

    Each bankruptcy is unique. And while facts and circumstances may vary from case to case, US GAAP requires the adoption of ASC 852, Reorganizations while an entity is in Chapter 11. “Accounting follows the legal” is a phrase often referenced when applying ASC 852, which is also viewed as a "presentation" standard for financial reporting.

    This session is designed to introduce the fundamentals of a Chapter 11 bankruptcy, focusing on reorganizations, and the US GAAP presentation under ASC 852 .... at the bankruptcy petition date, during the bankruptcy, and at emergence. The session will focus on the emergence accounting model discussed within ASC 852, known as Fresh-Start Reporting, and the financial statement presentation impacts of that accounting model.


    • Awareness of bankruptcy timelines, key milestones in a reorganization case, and terminology used in the Court and in accounting and reporting


    Speaker Image for Rob Swartz
    Managing Director, PwC
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Power Excel - Power Applications for the Forensic Accountant
    November 8, 2021

    This hands-on session will focus on Excel-based "Power" tools! We will explore Power Query which supercharges Excel's ability to connect, transform, combine, and load data. Additionally, we will explore Power Pivot which allow us to analyze large volumes of data from various sources and quickly present findings through Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts. Participants will have the ability to work through multiple real-world FVS use-cases using financial and non-financial data during the session.


    • Utilize Excel's Power Query tool to create an index of documents received from counsel.
    • Utilize Power Query to un-pivot data tables.
    • Explore Power Query tools to help import, clean, and transform data.
    • Creating the link between external data and Excel's Power Pivot Data Model.


    Speaker Image for Travis Armstrong
    Partner, Hemming Morse, LLP
    Speaker Image for Alex Smith
    Alex Smith, CPA/CFF, CFE, MAFF
    Senior Manager, Dixon Hughes Goodman LLP
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Active vs. Passive Appreciation: Overview and Examples
    November 8, 2021

    This seminar will present a quantitative approach for estimating active and passive appreciation of an ownership interest in a closely held business for purposes of equitable distribution in divorce. A case study illustrating the method will be presented.

    • Review of representative case law and professional treatises

    • Analysis of appreciation resulting from passive factors such as market forces and the efforts of third parties

    • Analysis of appreciation attributable to the active efforts of the parties

    • Case study illustrating the method.


    • To provide participants with an understanding of the relevant case law and principals relating to the treatment of active and passive appreciation
    • To provide participants with a model for quantifying the active and passive components of appreciation

    ​Speaker - Virtuals

    Speaker Image for Harold Martin
    Harold G. Martin Jr., CPA/ABV/CFF, ASA, CFE
    Partner, Keiter
    Speaker Image for Greg Saunders
    Manager, Valuation and Forensic Services, Keiter
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Career & Business Development in Times of Disruption
    November 8, 2021

    In today's times, change is all around us - personally and in the workplace. How do you leverage your career and business development while learning and adapting to a new normal - or, rather, the evolving new normal.


    • Discuss best practices and tips in current career and business development
    • Understand the importance of adapting and remaining relevant while developing your career during times of disruption and/or change


    Speaker Image for Karolina Calhoun
    Karolina Calhoun, CPA, ABV, CFF
    Senior Vice President, Mercer Capital
    Speaker Image for Hubert Klein
    Hubert Klein, CPA, ABV, CFF, CGMA, CVA, CFE
    Partner, Eisner Advisory Group, LLC
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Shareholder Oppression: Advising Clients on Shareholder Disputes
    November 8, 2021

    Business owners' management of the relationships among executives, board members, and shareholders can be an after-thought until disputes arise at which point the cost and risk to the business and its owners may be severe.    Forensic accountants and valuation professionals can play an important role in assisting business owners and their counsel in the evidentiary and valuation aspects of these matters.  This session will highlight the legal elements to shareholder oppression disputes and the limitations of certain perceived protective measures.  The session will then address the roles of financial experts, investigations into oppressive conduct, and valuations.  The session will close with case studies and examples for practical insights.


    • Understand Legal Elements and Common Techniques of Shareholder Oppression
    • Understand the Role of the Financial Expert and Conducting Investigations into Shareholder Oppression
    • Understand Valuation Implications involving Standards of Value and Other Relevant Aspects
    • Observe Case Studies for Practical Insights for Supporting these Matters


    Speaker Image for Natalya Abdrasilova
    Natalya S. Abdrasilova, CPA/ABV, MAFF, CVA
    Director of Valuation & Litigation Services, Boyle, Deveny & Meyer PC
    Speaker Image for Brian Burns
    Brian Burns, CPA/ABV/CFF, ASA, MAFF
    Partner, Forvis Mazars LLP
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Being Right Isn't Always Enough:  Strategies for Presenting Persuasive Expert Trial Testimony in Complex Damages Cases
    November 8, 2021

    Experienced trial counsel and consultants will share successful strategies that have helped experts in complex damages cases testify more persuasively at trial. This panelists will discuss how experts can present damages as a compelling story and how they can effectively use graphics to help jurors better understand complex damages concepts and calculations.


    • Learn how experts can effectively utilize graphics to present persuasive expert trial testimony in complex damages cases
    • Learn how experts can effectively tell a persuasive "story" in complex damages cases
    • Learn strategies for becoming a more persuasive expert at trial by utilizing effective presentation techniques


    Speaker Image for Mark Oberstaedt
    Shareholder, Archer Law
    Speaker Image for Robert Egan, Esq.
    Attorney, Archer & Greiner, PC

    ​Speaker - Virtual

    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Healthcare and Valuation: Current Trends and Implications to the Industry
    November 8, 2021

    Healthcare valuations require an appraiser to understand the various regulations that only impact healthcare valuation, the trends in the healthcare market, and other healthcare specific terminology and nuances. this session to provide an appraiser an introduction to the various considerations an appraiser that works in this space needs to understand.


    • Understand current trends in healthcare transactions and the different valuation related services provided including business valuation, valuation of compensation arrangements, and valuation of lease arrangement s
    • Understand the various nuances to healthcare valuations including terminology, benchmarks, regulations, and reimbursement trends.


    Speaker Image for Lisa Cribben
    Lisa Cribben, CPA, ABV, ASA, CMA
    Partner, Valuation and Transaction Services, Hawkins Ash CPAs
    Speaker Image for Kathryn Taylor
    Kathryn A. Taylor, CPA/ABV, ASA, MBA
    Consulting Senior Manager, PYA, P.C.
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Annual Damages Case Law Update
    November 8, 2021

    The presentation will cover highlights from this year's Annual Damages Case Law Update, along with an overview of the growing repository of case law briefs being accumulated for AICPA FVS members. The case law update will cover a mix of commercial damages and intellectual property cases.


    • Understand the hierarchy of case law relevant to damages practitioners.
    • Identify cases relevant to the determination of damages.

    ​Speaker - Virtuals

    Speaker Image for Kenneth Rugeti
    Kenneth Rugeti, CPA, ABV, CFF
    Senior Managing Director, FTI Consulting
    Speaker Image for Jeffrey Press
    Jeffrey Press, CPA, CFF
    Director, Stout
    Standard Price

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