Thumbnail for AICPA & CIMA 2022 Governmental Accounting & Auditing Online Update

AICPA & CIMA 2022 Governmental Accounting & Auditing Online Update

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This includes sessions from the conference: AICPA & CIMA 2022 Governmental Accounting & Auditing Online Update


  • Thumbnail for Fraud Discussion - With A Focus on Government Procurement
    August 15, 2022

    This session will address fraud fundamentals, the meaning of public purpose in government procurement, highlights from the recently issued ACFE Report to the Nations and specific procurement fraud and the related red flags.


    Speaker Image for William Blend
    Shareholder, MSL, P.A.
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Understanding and Testing IT Controls and How it Relates to Your Audit
    August 15, 2022

    Understanding IT general controls is an important part of the risk assessment process in a financial statement audit, but what if a deficiency is identified? This session with not only refresh your memory on the auditor’s responsibilities related to understanding IT general controls but will also seek to help develop strategies surrounding evaluating deficiencies and consider the impact of those deficiencies on the audit.


    Speaker Image for Marie Stiegel
    Principal, Plante Moran
    Speaker Image for Sauvik Ghosh
    Sauvik Ghosh, CPA, CISA, CIA
    Senior Manager, Plante Moran PLLC
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Cloud Environment Controls
    August 15, 2022

    Participants in this session will get a basic introduction to cloud computing, hear about lessons learned from common challenges and hear about how cloud computing is a shared responsibility. Presenters will focus on five key risk dimensions of operating in a cloud environment and discuss controls that agencies may consider as they balance the need for security and speed. After attending this session, participants will have better insights into the considerations necessary to architect and operate in the cloud while achieving compliance requirements.


    Speaker Image for Dan Stern
    Director, KPMG LLP
    Speaker Image for David Chung
    Director, KPMG LLP
    Speaker Image for Viba Srivatsan
    Director, KPMG LLP
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Single Audit Update
    August 15, 2022

    The last year has been one of the more challenging ever for single audits due to the significant influx of federal funding resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. There will be many of the same types of challenges to address in the coming year. This session will provide an overview of what is happening in the single audit arena.


    Speaker Image for Mary Foelster
    Senior Director, Governmental Auditing and Accounting, AICPA
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Understanding and Supervising IT - Employees are from Jupiter, IT employees are from Neptune
    August 15, 2022

    In just a few short years, IT has become an integral part of every aspect of an organization's operations.  Unfortunately, as our dependance on IT has grown, our understanding of what a good IT operation looks like has not.  Whether the Finance Officer supervises IT or simply must work with them, this session takes a non-techie approach to understanding IT.


    Speaker Image for Robert Scott
    Deputy Town Manager, Town of Prosper, TX
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Implementing the New Auditing Standards (SAS 142-145) in Your Governmental Practice (Risk Assessment/Audit Evidence/Specialist)
    August 15, 2022

    SAS 142-145 lays out significant changes to the auditing standards that will be in play shortly! Understanding their impact, and in particular, any unique impact to governmental audits, will be critical in future audits. This session will provide a concise overview of these new standards along with considerations to take with you as you plan your firm’s implementation efforts.


    Speaker Image for Michelle Watterworth
    Partner, Plante Moran
    Speaker Image for Michelle Horaney
    Partner, RSM US LLP
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for OMB Update
    August 16, 2022

    The Deputy Controller in the Office of Federal Financial Management at OMB will provide a general overview of OMB activities.


    Speaker Image for Deidre Harrison
    Deputy Controller, OMB
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Auditing the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF)
    August 16, 2022

    Many auditors will have to audit the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds Program for the first time in 2022.

    The $350 billion program is one of the largest federal programs subject to single audit ever, with over 30,000 recipients.

    Although funding went primarily to states, local government, and tribal entities, those recipients could potentially pass the funding down to not-for-profits or even for-profit entities.

    Adding to the challenge is that many small local government recipients of this funding have not had to undergo an audit of federal financial assistance in the past.

    This session is intended to help auditors having to address this program in their single audits.


    Speaker Image for Amanda Ward
    Partner, Plante Moran
    Speaker Image for Stephen Blann
    Stephen W. Blann, CPA, CGFM, CGMA
    Owner | Public Sector QC Director, Rehmann
    Speaker Image for Lindsey Oakley
    Partner, Forvis Mazars
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for AICPA Professional Ethics Update Focused on State and Local Governments
    August 16, 2022

    This session will describe the AICPA ethics structure, present a quick reminder of the requirements for the State and Local Government Client Affiliates Interpretation that is currently effective, discuss recently adopted standards (such as NOCLAR and others), discuss the current exposure draft for compliance audits, identify key differences between the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct (Code) and the 2018 Yellow Book, and identify common mistakes in yellow book and single audits.


    Speaker Image for Michael Schertzinger
    Manager – Professional Ethics, AICPA
    Speaker Image for Melissa Powell
    Manager - Professional Ethics, AICPA
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for The Single Audit Explorer, more than meet the AI
    August 16, 2022

    Inspired by the AICPA’s Go Beyond Disruption Campaign, please join this session for a hands on Artificial Intelligence (AI) demonstration. AI includes a variety of technology and data analytic capabilities expected to change work as we know it. As AI expands in many aspects of our personal lives it is now developing in government operations and public interest in exploring AI use cases is increasing. This session will offer AICPA members a hands on primer and demonstration on several aspects of AI including, machine learning, natural language processing and deep learning, leveraging an open source automated Single Audit Explorer (SAE). After the session participants will be able to download the SAE to start their AI journey on their own.


    Speaker Image for Mike Wetklow
    Deputy Chief Financial Officer, NSF
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Hot Topics - Single Audit-Panel
    August 16, 2022

    There are often challenging issues in performing a single audit. These can be complex, infrequent, and/or subject to increased auditor judgment. This session will provide you with critical information as you plan your 2022 single audits and will cover commonly asked questions the GAQC is receiving from members on both the Compliance Supplement and the impact of COVID-19 funding on single audits. It will provide participants with a fast-paced Q&A format with tips and best practices.


    Speaker Image for Lindsey Oakley
    Partner, Forvis Mazars
    Speaker Image for Amanda Blomberg
    Director, Baker Tilly
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Embrace Generational Diversity, Maximize Productivity
    August 16, 2022

    Working with different generations in the workplace gets more challenging every year and we now have 5 ½ different groups! By understanding the perspective of each generation and capitalizing on their strengths, your team can learn to work together in a productive and harmonious environment.


    Speaker Image for Jennifer Elder
    President, CEO/Owner, The Sustainable CFO
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Accounting and Auditing Considerations for GASB’s Lease Standard
    August 16, 2022

    This session will discuss some of the most common accounting and implementation considerations related to GASB Statement No. 87, Leases, as well as provide an overview of the new AICPA audit guidance for leases.


    Speaker Image for Jeff Markert
    Partner, KPMG
    Speaker Image for Chris Pembrook
    Chris Pembrook, CPA, CGAP
    Shareholder, Crawford & Associates, P.C.
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Single Audit Update (Replay)
    August 16, 2022

    The last year has been one of the more challenging ever for single audits due to the significant influx of federal funding resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. There will be many of the same types of challenges to address in the coming year. This session will provide an overview of what is happening in the single audit arena.


    Speaker Image for Mary Foelster
    Senior Director, Governmental Auditing and Accounting, AICPA
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Solving the People Puzzle – Staffing, Burnout and Succession
    August 16, 2022

    In this fast-paced session, attendees will get “next practices” to achieve three overlapping issues – staffing, burnout and succession planning. Karl Ahlrichs works with multiple organizations and agencies as an HR consultant and trusted advisor, a role that gives him the viewpoint of an “inside outsider”.

    Offering tactics from the viewpoints of Operations, Finance and HR, Karl will share and discuss hidden reasons why employees quit and actions that you can take to reduce the chances of having to re-staff. As with most modern challenges, to fix a large challenge there are multiple overlapping smaller issues that require finesse and critical thinking to fix. This session will do exactly that and offer specific tactics that will apply to any employment situation.


    Speaker Image for Karl Ahlrichs
    Karl J. Ahlrichs, SHRM-SCP, SPHR, CSP
    Senior Consultant, ExpertSpeaks
    Standard Price

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