Thumbnail for CPAFMA Practice Management (as part of AICPA ENGAGE 2018)

CPAFMA Practice Management (as part of AICPA ENGAGE 2018)

Standard Price

This includes sessions from: CPAFMA Practice Management (as part of AICPA ENGAGE 2018)


  • Thumbnail for Responding To Pushback: Concerns Based Marketing
    June 11, 2018

    Responding to pushback—whether its on investment questions, fees or other client experience issues--can occasionally trip up even the most seasoned advisor, and mean the difference between landing and losing that next prospect! Hear from Ernest Clark on key ways to keep the conversation focused and build confidence.


    Speaker Image for Ernest Clark
    Ernest Clark, CPA, PFS
    Relationship Director, BAM Alliance
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for How Boomer Advisors Can Create a Profitable NexGen Service Tier Leveraging Technology
    June 11, 2018

    Firms that currently serve the Baby Boomers and Silent Generation clients know they will need to attract the younger generations to maintain the longevity of their firm. Forging a relationship with their clients' children is great for both the parents and their children. Yet most struggle to figure out how to connect with and provide planning services for younger generations. This session will provide you with specific recommendations for how to successfully and profitably serve NexGen clients by leveraging technology and workflow automation. Deborah Fox will share how she and her team built this service tier in their firm and what specific components made it a resounding success.

    Learning Objectives:

    - Provide ideas for successfully serving NexGen clients, especially the children of their existing clients
    - Discuss examples of how Deborah structured this service in her own firm (what to do, but more importantly, what NOT to do


    Speaker Image for Deborah Fox
    CEO & Founder, Fox Financial Planning Network
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Using Tax Reform and Broadridge Advisor to Deepen Client Relationships
    June 11, 2018

    Navigating the tax law changes can be tricky; it can be even harder to explain to clients how they are impacted. Whether your clients need help changing their estate structure, modifying their charitable giving strategy, considering new choices for funding college education or just navigating the complexities of retirement, you can be the primary point of contact to help them through tax (and life’s) changes. In this session, you’ll learn how to take what you know about the tax code and apply it to your individual clients in a proactive way with planning as the center of everything.

    - Learning Objectives:

    o How to capitalize on tax reform as a conversation to dive deeper with clients

    o Understand planning opportunities that arise from the new tax law and client life transitions

    o Explore options and best practices for proactively deepening client relationships

    o Learn how maximize your complimentary membership with Broadridge Advisor (this tools is included with PFP Section membership)


    Speaker Image for Marshall Aulick
    Corporate Account Manager, Broadridge Advisor Solutions
    Speaker Image for Dave Briggs
    VP of Corporate Training, Broadridge Advisor Solutions
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Virtual Morning Coffee Chat: AICPA PCPS First 15 Reading Program
    June 12, 2018
    Demonstrate your firm’s commitment to the personal and professional development of your team by allowing them paid time to read at the start of each day. Use the PCPS toolkit to help kick start the program in your firm! Learning Objectives:
    Learn how to kick start a successful reading program at your firm.
    Learn the benefits of reading for 15 minutes at the start of each day.


    Speaker Image for Shelly Guzzetta
    Manager, Firm Services - Public Accounting, Association of International Certified Professional Accountants
    Speaker Image for Lindsey Curley
    Lindsey Curley, CPA, CGMA
    Senior Manager, Firm Services - Public Accounting, AICPA & CIMA
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Virtual Morning Coffee Chat: Elevate Your Advisory Role: Business Retirement Solutions to Help You and Your Clients Succeed
    June 12, 2018

    Today, a staggering number of Americans do not have access to a workplace retirement savings program, and many have little or nothing saved for their golden years. As your business clients’ most trusted advisor, you are well positioned to help address this issue. Join our session to uncover critical retirement strategies and opportunities to further assist your clients in achieving their financial goals.


    • Review current state of retirement readiness and the regulatory environment

    • Compare features and options to maximize savings potential

    • Highlight the exclusive benefits provided by the AICPA to help you and your clients prepare for retirement security


    Speaker Image for Frank Tortora
    Senior Manager Retirement Services, Paychex
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Be A Retirement Superhero To Your Clients
    June 12, 2018

    In this session, you will discover how to leverage the latest trends in the Retirement Plan Industry for maximum tax advantages for both large and small business owners.

    Learning objectives:

    • How to Bring Value to Clients in their retirement plan

    • Update to the Fiduciary Rule

    • Understanding Fees and how to gain the most tax efficient fee structure

    • Mega Backdoor Roth

    • Rothification of Retirement

    • HSAs are the New Retirement account

    • Trends in the Not for Profit industry 403b/457b/f


    Speaker Image for Colin Clark
    Retirement Plan Specialist, Washington Financial Group
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Building a Firm Culture for Community Outreach
    June 12, 2018

    Giving back is more than a social responsibility, it's the right thing to do. Outreach boosts employee morale, leadership opportunities and the bottom line. Firms are continually challenged to create a local presence and show that they want team members who live, work and invest in the community. Cultivating a culture of service can have a significant impact on communities and firms. This early riser session will feature a charitable organization’s leader and panel of firm managers who have has successfully established an outreach culture within their firms. Participants will be provided with information on how to communicate your core values of outreach; prioritize and encourage; create unity; build a team; get connected; generate publicity and provide resources and funding.

    Learning objectives:
    • Give firms clear takeaways about how to incorporate service and giving into their company culture
    • Learn how to get employees excited about these opportunities and create a team culture around service and volunteerism


    Speaker Image for Caitlin Crommett
    Founder, President, DreamCatchers Foundation
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Must-Haves to Win with Flex
    June 12, 2018
    In an employee’s market, firms must continually introduce new and innovative employee engagement strategies. At the top of the talent expectations list is the ability to complete work at a time and place of our choosing. This demand for Anytime, Anywhere WorkTM is driving CPA firm leaders to give up their attachment to their traditional work values of “face time” and mandated office hours and move to more flexible, virtual and remote work programs.

    Attend this session to explore:
    • Four “must-haves” to win in a flexible work environment -
    – Trusting first
    – Eliminating mandatory work periods
    – Stomping out sludge
    – Fixing fuzzy delegation and managing with meaningful measures
    • The necessary behaviors and mindset to successfully manage flexible work programs
    • Specific strategies to help your team deliver services in time and place-independent ways


    Speaker Image for Jennifer Wilson
    Co-founder and Partner, ConvergenceCoaching, LLC
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Specialty Tax Credits & Incentives - Guide Your Business to Greater Value - Presented by Brayn Consulting
    June 12, 2018

    Join us to look at tax law changes in 2018 - what has changed and what is needed to maximize the incentives.

    Learning objectives:

    • Research & Development credit - significance, who it applies to and how to position your company to take advantage of the credit

    • Cost Segregation Studies - what has changed in 2018, types of qualified property and changes in bonus depreciation

    • 179D Energy Efficient Deduction - who is this deduction for and how to use this deduction for projects


    Speaker Image for Brady Bryan
    CEO, CEO, BRAYN Consulting LLC
    Speaker Image for Jason Villere
    Director, BRAYN Consulting, LLC
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Transform the Status Quo of Your Audit & Advisory Workflow - Presented by Wolters Kluwer
    June 12, 2018

    Does your audit team efficiently perform analytics as part of the audit? Are you able to efficiently collaborate with your client? Current audit quality initiatives coupled with increased fee pressures have auditors looking for new and innovative ways to improve quality without sacrificing efficiency. In addition, being future ready is important because your clients want an accountant who can proactively leverage technology to provide them better client service. We will discuss top trends impacting the profession and learn the value behind the expanded capabilities.

    Learning objectives:

    • Learn practical ways how to incorporate analytics as part of your audit.
    • Learn common peer review deficiencies and how to use technology to improve the quality of your audit.


    Speaker Image for Cathy Rowe
    Cathy Rowe, CPA, CA
    VP, Product Management Tax, Wolters Kluwer
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Stuck in Status Quo (and How to Break Out of It)
    June 12, 2018
    For some reason, no amount of logic or persuasion can move the people in your firm to do the things that, objectively speaking, are the right things to do. Whether it be around instituting a new process, software or employee-related practice, there is always resistance. This presentation will expound on the primary human and organizational dynamics that make change difficult and how to work with the natural human responses to accelerate change. Drawing on the decades of research in human behavior and motivation, participants will learn how to influence the choices and actions of others to move beyond status quo.

    Drawing on human behavior research, participants will understand:
    • How change initiatives are perceived as threatening and elicit resistance;
    • Apply resistance tendencies to specific individual and firm efforts;
    • And learn effective strategies to engage and overcome normal resistance tendencies.


    Speaker Image for Guy Gage
    President, PartnersCoach, Inc
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for CPA Firm Recruiting Strategies
    June 12, 2018
    Talent recruitment is critical, and attracting the right talent requires a focused, proactive plan.

    In this session, we will discuss:
    • How to build a proactive approach to recruiting in your firm and share what innovative firms are doing to recruit staff.
    • What attracts the right candidates and how to sell your firm
    • How to write attractive job descriptions that sell job openings
    • Strategies and tactics for a proactive recruiting effort that works


    Speaker Image for Sarah Dobek
    President and Founder, Inovautus Consulting
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Lunch & Learn: How Leadership and Experience Drives a Strong, Cool Culture
    June 12, 2018

    Join thought leaders for a collaborative discussion as they tell their story of success with creating an incredible, sustainable culture and why it works (#MRZCULTure). Culture is hard to define from a managing partner perspective and this session will offer practical suggestions and advice on implementing a culture that works from unlimited PTO to branding, partner pathing, transparency and other things that Millennials REALLY want.

    The session will:

    • Empower and motivate attendees to return to their firms to tackle change and create a cool culture
    • Define Culture and why it is important and how firm culture impacts staffing
    • Give real life examples of the 5 P's of Culture, Place, People, Passion, Purpose, Practices
    • Discuss tools and technological components that make a firm a great place to work
    • Discuss how to generate and evaluate new ideas in your firm and share takeaways from the author of Violent Leadership

    Pre-registration is required for these lunch sessions – seats are limited.


    Speaker Image for Brian Siet
    Senior Manager, Strategic Relationships, Wolters Kluwer
    Speaker Image for Wesley Middleton
    Managing Partner, MiddletonRaines + Zapata, LLP
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Ask the Experts Virtual Addition: U.S. Tax Reform (not eligible for CPE)
    June 12, 2018

    For online audience only

    Join U.S. Tax Reform Speakers including Martin Finn, Sid Kess and Bob Keebler and ask any lingering questions you may have on U.S. Tax Reform.


    Speaker Image for Robert Keebler
    Partner, Keebler and Associates, LLP
    Speaker Image for Martin Finn
    Partner, Rowlands, LeBrou & Griesmer, PLLC
    Speaker Image for Sidney Kess
    Sidney Kess, CPA, J.D., LL.M. (taxation)
    Senior Consultant, Citrin Cooperman
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Improving Client Experience to Drive Loyalty and Profits
    June 12, 2018
    Maintaining growth and profit in a competitive landscape begins with delivering better experiences to current clients.

    This session will:
    • Give you an inside perspective on the framework for building, managing and monitoring client experience initiatives.
    • Learn the key components of providing sustainability of your current practice with real-life examples from a CX industry veteran.
    • Understand the role of client experience (CX) management in firm operations and financial success
    • Learn tactics and approaches to help increase loyalty and rentention
    • See real-life examples of how to improve client experiences in your firm


    Speaker Image for Mitch Reno
    Principal, Director of Client Experience, Rehmann
    Standard Price

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