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The 3 Elements of Effective Environment Team Communication

June 5, 2023
Standard Price
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This includes sessions from AICPA & CIMA ENGAGE 2023:
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This includes sessions from the conference: EDGE Career Development (as part of AICPA & CIMA ENGAGE 2023)

Have you ever been on a team where they have that “IT” factor? You can sense it. Communication and understanding seems effortless, almost telepathic. Did you know that there is a science not an art to a teaming having the “IT” factor? Once we understand the patterns of communication in productive teams we can understand that that are three key components that make “IT”. These are three critical aspects of communication known as the 3 “E” Elements: Energy, Engagement, and Exploration. We can actually measure and calculate the level of each Element and understand where the team communication weakness resides. Than apply steps in order to strengthen those weaknesses and give your team that true “IT” factor.

Learning Objectives

  • Identify the 3 “E” Elements of great team communication: Energy, Engagement, Exploration.
  • Identify the key ways in order to create an environment where not only do the 3 “E” Elements coexist but that they flourish.


Speaker Image for Brent Forbush
Brent Forbush, CPA, CGMA
Partner, Forbush and Associates

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