Audit & Accounting – Current Year Considerations and Challenges Part I

May 5, 2020
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Thumbnail for AICPA Employee Benefit Plans Accounting, Auditing, and Tax Update Online Conference 2020

This session will provide an update of various accounting, auditing, and reporting matters affecting employee benefit plans. Our speakers will share their perspectives and experiences. Bring specific questions and hear from industry experts, who deal with emerging issues and current service opportunities, in practical and helpful terms.

Learning Objectives

  • Recall accounting and auditing issues that affected this year's audits of employee benefit plans.
  • Recognize accounting, auditing and disclosure considerations for upcoming audit season.
  • Identify issues that need to be addressed as part of risk assessment and planning for this year’s benefit plan audit engagements.


Speaker Image for Theresa Banka
Partner, Plante & Moran, PLLC
Speaker Image for Jason Russell
Managing Director, Global Employer Services, Deloitte Tax LLP
Speaker Image for Michelle Buckley
Partner, Meaden & Moore, Ltd.
Speaker Image for Debbie Smith
Partner, Grant Thornton LLP
Speaker Image for Chip Harris
Partner, RubinBrown LLP
Speaker Image for Michele Weldon
Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

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