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Governmental Accounting and Auditing Update Conference 2018

Our in-depth sessions at this year’s AICPA Governmental Accounting and Auditing Update will target questions and issues specific to your area of expertise, whether at the federal, state or local level.

Attend in Washington or via webcast for updates direct from key government officials and policymakers.

This August, GAAC will provide in-depth technical guidance and strategy updates. Extensive on-site networking opportunities and engagement forums for online attendees, also will connect you with peers, for a consensus-building approach to solving challenges.

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This includes sessions from the conference: Governmental Accounting and Auditing Update Conference 2018

Sessions Included:

Welcome & Introduction & AICPA Professional Update (Aug 13, 2018 07:00 AM)

From Brewer to State CEO (Aug 13, 2018 08:55 AM)

Update of the GAO/CIGIE Financial Audit Manual (FAM) (Aug 13, 2018 10:05 AM)

Internal Controls in a Single Audit- What Could Go Wrong (Aug 13, 2018 10:05 AM)

Single Audit Update (Repeated in GAE1828) (Aug 13, 2018 10:05 AM)

Federal Audit Executive Council (FAEC) IT Committee’s FISMA Update (Aug 13, 2018 12:20 PM)

Lightening Round of Recently Issued GASB Guidance (Repeated in GAE1821) (Aug 13, 2018 12:20 PM)

OPEB - The Time is Now! (Repeated in GAE1815) (Aug 13, 2018 12:20 PM)

New Yellow Book (Aug 13, 2018 01:55 PM)

Common Reporting Problems (Aug 13, 2018 01:55 PM)

OMB Update on Improper Payment Reporting and Enterprise Risk Management - Where Are We Now? (Aug 13, 2018 03:20 PM)

Do I Really Need to Put That in Writing? (Aug 13, 2018 03:20 PM)

OPEB - The Time is Now! (Repeat of GAE1809) (Aug 13, 2018 03:20 PM)

Why Performance Audits? (Aug 14, 2018 06:00 AM)

Ethics - A New Standard (Aug 14, 2018 06:00 AM)

Morning Announcements & Introduction & Cybersecurity: Governance, Threats and Risk Management (Aug 14, 2018 07:00 AM)

Auditing Standards Update (Aug 14, 2018 08:35 AM)

Intersection of Data Analytics with Green Book & ERM Guidance (FRDA) (Aug 14, 2018 09:45 AM)

Lightening Round of Recently Issued GASB Guidance (Repeat of GAE1808) (Aug 14, 2018 09:45 AM)

FASAB Panel (Aug 14, 2018 12:00 PM)

Data Analytics (Aug 14, 2018 12:00 PM)

Tax Impact on Government (Aug 14, 2018 12:00 PM)

Data and IT Assurance (Aug 14, 2018 01:35 PM)

Single Audit Update (Repeat of GAE1806) (Aug 14, 2018 01:35 PM)

Common Misconceptions in Deficiencies with Single Audits (EAQ session) (Aug 14, 2018 03:00 PM)

The Social Trifecta: Owned, Earned and Paid (Aug 14, 2018 06:00 AM)

Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Welcome & Introduction & AICPA Professional Update
    August 13, 2018
    Eric Hansen will provide an overview of the key forces driving change for the CPA profession today and in the future. He will discuss key AICPA initiatives focused on supporting members in an ever-changing profession.


    Speaker Image for Eric Hansen
    Eric L. Hansen, CPA, CGMA
    Chief Operation Officer, BKD
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for From Brewer to State CEO
    August 13, 2018
    Denver and Colorado have been fortunate to see an incredible economic boom over the past twenty plus years, even growing through the recession. Much of this started with the development of the blighted lower downtown Denver area (LoDo). Governor John Hickenlooper was on the front end of this effort when he started the Wynkoop Brewing Company in 1988. Through various public private partnerships, including bringing major league baseball to town and the development of a major league stadium, the boom began with the reinvigoration of LoDo. From there Mr. Hickenlooper became the Mayor of the City and County of Denver, and then the governor of the State of Colorado. Mr. Hickenlooper will discuss his successes using economic development tactics and public private partnerships.


    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Update of the GAO/CIGIE Financial Audit Manual (FAM)
    August 13, 2018

    The Government Accountability Office (GAO) and the Council of Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE) maintain the Financial Audit Manual (FAM), which presents a methodology to perform financial statement audits of federal entities in accordance with professional standards. 

    The FAM, last updated in 2008, incorporates:

    • the AICPA’s Clarified Auditing Standards
    • GAO’s 2011 Yellow Book, and
    • OMB’s latest federal financial statement audit guidance.

    Learning Objectives:

    • Identify the current updates to the FAM’s three volumes: (1) Audit Methodology, (2) Audit Tools, and (3) Checklists.
    • Recognize the process by which the FAM was updated.
    • Recall the standards and guidance changes that impacted the update to the FAM.
    • Indicate the key changes to the FAM.


    Speaker Image for Anne Sit-Williams
    Assistant Director, Government Accountability Office
    Speaker Image for Bobbie Jean Bartz
    Bobbie Jean Bartz, CPA, Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE)
    Assistant Director, DOJ OIG
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Internal Controls in a Single Audit- What Could Go Wrong
    August 13, 2018

    Identifying and testing internal controls is one of the more challenging areas of auditing major programs. This session will focus on common areas of challenge and provide guidance on enhancing audit strategies.

    Learning Objectives:

    -Identify common areas of challenge when testing internal control over major programs.
    -Choose control objectives over compliance with identifying associated operating controls.


    Speaker Image for Amanda Ward
    Partner, Plante Moran
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Single Audit Update (Repeated in GAE1828)
    August 13, 2018

    This session will cover single audit developments that occurred over the last year and also, look at the future of single audits. Auditors from firms and state audit organizations will be represented. 

    Learning Objectives:

    -Evaluate what is in the 2018 “skinny” Compliance Supplement and how to use it.
    -Interpret the latest quality issues noted in single audit quality reviews.
    -Examine best practices when dealing with a client’s Corrective Action Plan.
    -Predict future single audit developments such as a new Data Collection Form, future quality studies, and the recent federal grants-oriented cross-agency priority goals.


    Speaker Image for George Strudgeon
    George D. Strudgeon, CPA, CGFM, CGMA, MBA
    Audit Director, Virginia Auditor of Public Accounts
    Speaker Image for Mary Foelster
    Senior Director, Governmental Auditing and Accounting, AICPA
    Speaker Image for Erica Forhan
    Partner, Moss Adams LLP
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Federal Audit Executive Council (FAEC) IT Committee’s FISMA Update
    August 13, 2018

    Will provide an overview of the evolution of the Inspector General Federal Information Security Modernization Act of 2014 (FISMA) reporting metrics. Topics include the move from compliance to effectiveness, use of a maturity model to evaluate the effectiveness of Federal information security programs, and alignment with the NIST Cybersecurity Framework and other best practice frameworks.

    Learning Objectives:

    • Determine how maturity model based reviews enable auditors to conclude on effectiveness of information security programs.
    • Compare the areas covered in Inspector General FISMA reviews and how these areas relate to the NIST Cybersecurity Framework and other best practice frameworks.


    Speaker Image for Peter Sheridan
    Assistant Inspector General, Federal Reserve Board
    Speaker Image for Joshua Dieckert
    Senior IT Auditor, Federal Reserve Board
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Lightening Round of Recently Issued GASB Guidance (Repeated in GAE1821)
    August 13, 2018

    This course will provide an executive overview of a variety of GASB Statements that have been issued. We'll cover the topics not addressed elsewhere in standalone sessions including tax abatements, split interest agreements, asset retirement obligations, the omnibus statement, debt extinguishment and debt disclosures. We'll also look at implementation issues that have been experienced that practitioners need to be aware of. This interactive session will include polling. We'll close the session with some thoughts on what to expect from the financial reporting model as well as revenue recognition projects.

    After this session attendees will be able to:

    -List recently issued GASB Statements.
    -Describe the impact of recently issued GASB statements on the financial statements of governmental entities.


    Speaker Image for Anita Supinski
    Principal, CliftonLarsonAllen
    Speaker Image for Frank Crawford
    President, Crawford & Associates, P.C.
    Speaker Image for Melisa Galasso
    Melisa F. Galasso, CPA, CGMA, CPTD
    CEO, Galasso Learning Solutions
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for OPEB - The Time is Now! (Repeated in GAE1815)
    August 13, 2018

    GASB Statement No. 75 is effective for fiscal years beginning after June 15, 2017. This session will provide a discussion of implementation issues surrounding the accounting and auditing for other postemployment benefits (OPEB) that you need to be aware of in this year of implementation. 

    We will discuss:

    1. How the accounting for OPEB differs from pensions
    2. The appropriate treatment for OPEB when it is administered through a trust, versus when it is not administered through a trust
    3. The role of the actuary and related audit issues
    4. Auditing considerations from the employer auditor's perspective

    After this session attendees will be able to:

    -Identify appropriate accounting treatment for OPEB. 
    -Analyze the audit implications of OPEB and how it differs from pensions.


    Speaker Image for Corey Arvizu
    Partner, Heinfeld, Meech & Co.
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for New Yellow Book
    August 13, 2018

    This session will provide a detail of the significant changes in the revised Yellow Book. Changes in independence, performance audits, peer reviews and financial audits completed under Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards will be discussed. 

    After this session attendees will be able to:

    1. Identify significant changes in Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards (GAGAS)
    2. Select an approach to address new GAGAS independence requirements on GAGAS audits
    3. Determine how performance audits have changed to incorporate internal control procedures


    Speaker Image for Amanda Nelson
    Partner, KPMG
    Speaker Image for James Dalkin
    James Dalkin, CPA CGMA
    Director, GAO
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Common Reporting Problems
    August 13, 2018

    In this session GFOA's Technical Services Center Director will discuss reporting deficiencies that are commonly seen in CAFRs submitted to GFOA's Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting Program and make suggestions of how they may be identified and avoided by financial statement preparers and their auditors. 

    After this session attendees will be able to:

    1. Identify common reporting deficiencies.
    2. Identify the underlying technical issues that give rise to deficiencies.


    Speaker Image for Michele Levine
    Michele Levine, CPA, CGMA
    Director, Technical Services Center, Government Finance Officers Association
    Speaker Image for Frank Crawford
    President, Crawford & Associates, P.C.
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for OMB Update on Improper Payment Reporting and Enterprise Risk Management - Where Are We Now?
    August 13, 2018

    Join senior leaders from OMB as they discuss Improper Payments and ERM. Participants in this session will gain insight about the current improper payments and ERM landscape and learn about requirements for FY 2018 and beyond. 

    After this session attendees will be able to:

    1. Identify current improper payments within the ERM landscape.
    2. Indicate requirements for FY 2018 and beyond.


    Speaker Image for Heather Pajak
    Senior Policy Analyst, OMB
    Speaker Image for Daniel Kaneshiro
    Senior Policy Analyst, Office of Management and Budget
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Do I Really Need to Put That in Writing?
    August 13, 2018

    Are you struggling to determine which written policies and procedures are required under the Uniform Grant Guidance? Are program and fiscal staff pointing their fingers at each other, wondering who will address these requirements? Perhaps you are struggling with the difference between a policy and a procedure. 

    After this session attendees will be able to: 

    1. Determine best practices for writing grants policies and procedures.
    2. Choose practical tools and templates to use back at your office.


    Speaker Image for Jana Dean
    Jana L. Dean, CPA, CIA
    Chief Financial Officer, MPHI
    Speaker Image for Amanda Ward
    Partner, Plante Moran
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for OPEB - The Time is Now! (Repeat of GAE1809)
    August 13, 2018

    GASB Statement No. 75 is effective for fiscal years beginning after June 15, 2017. This session will provide a discussion of implementation issues surrounding the accounting and auditing for other postemployment benefits (OPEB) that you need to be aware of in this year of implementation. 

    We will discuss:

    1. How the accounting for OPEB differs from pensions
    2. The appropriate treatment for OPEB when it is administered through a trust, versus when it is not administered through a trust
    3. The role of the actuary and related audit issues
    4. Auditing considerations from the employer auditor's perspective

    After this session attendees will be able to:

    -Identify appropriate accountng treatment for OPEB. 
    -Analyze the audit implications of OPEB and how it differs from pensions.


    Speaker Image for Corey Arvizu
    Partner, Heinfeld, Meech & Co.
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Why Performance Audits?
    August 14, 2018

    Overview of key concepts and principals of performance audits conducted in accordance with Government Auditing Standards (GAS)

    • Discuss why performance audits are relevant including how clients and government entities can benefit from performance audits
    • Practical considerations of the performance audit process in accordance with GAS including planning, fieldwork and reporting
    • Common types of performance audits including examples from our team

    After this session attendees will be able to:

    -Determine the uses and benefits of performance audits in accordance with GAS.
    -Apply practical considerations of conducting performance audits.


    Speaker Image for Emily  Hoffman
    Emily Hoffman, CPA, CGMA, PSA
    Director, Co-Chair Compliance Oversight Group, Mercadien,P.C. Certified Public Accountants
    Speaker Image for Richard Hoyt
    Richard Hoyt, MST/CPM
    Senior Consultant, Mercadien,P.C. Certified Public Accountants
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Ethics - A New Standard
    August 14, 2018

    Analysis of the proposed AICPA independence interpretation on SLG affiliates – entities related to the audit client where independence may be required. The session contrasts the requirements of exposure draft revising the interpretation to the current independence interpretation.

    After this session attendees will be able to:

    -Differentiate the requirements of the proposed interpretation with the current interpretation.
    -Apply the proposed interpretation when evaluating independence for their audit clients.


    Speaker Image for Nancy Miller
    Managing director, KPMG
    Standard Price

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