
Sundie Seefried MBA

CEO, Safe Harbor Financial

Sundie Seefried is Founder and President/CEO of Safe Harbor Financial, the leading provider of reliable banking and financing solutions to the cannabis industry. A 39-year credit union industry veteran, Seefried was the former CEO of Partner Colorado Credit Union (PCCU). Established in 2015 by PCCU, Safe Harbor was formed to provide an unmet need - compliant banking and financial services to the rapidly growing U.S. cannabis industry. Seefried designed a full scope Cannabis Banking Program for PCCU known as the Safe Harbor program, which has withstood the scrutiny of 16 federal and state exams to date. Now in its 8th year, Safe Harbor has grown to nearly 600 accounts spanning 20 states, and processed over $12 billion in cannabis-related transactions. Seefried regularly provides cannabis banking education and expertise to legislators, regulators, attorneys generals, state officials, and financial institutions. She is on a mission to normalize banking for the cannabis industry, while assisting law enforcement and federal agencies to be more effective at combating illicit activities and protecting the financial system. To share her knowledge, Seefried authored the book _'Navigating Safe Harbor - Cannabis Banking in Uncertain Times' _in 2016, as well as contributed a chapter on cannabis banking in the university textbook '_The Politics of Marijuana: A New Paradigm' _by Timothy McGettigan. []


  • Thumbnail for Cannabis Banking - Key Considerations
    October 21, 2020
    Cannabis Banking requires a great deal of preparation ranging from third party support to regulator acceptance.    This session will walk attendees through project preparation and a series of key considerations  to implement a safe and sound cannabis banking program…


    Speaker Image for Sundie Seefried
    CEO, Safe Harbor Financial
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Cannabis Banking
    August 9, 2022
    Cannabis businesses face unique challenges in obtaining typical financial services available to other industries. Hear from a series of providers to the industry and the unique nature of these aspects as they relate to the cannabis industry…


    Speaker Image for Sundie Seefried
    CEO, Safe Harbor Financial
  • Thumbnail for Cannabis Banking
    August 9, 2022
    Cannabis businesses face unique challenges in obtaining typical financial services available to other industries. Hear from a series of providers to the industry and the unique nature of these aspects as they relate to the cannabis industry…


    Speaker Image for Sundie Seefried
    CEO, Safe Harbor Financial
    Standard Price

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