
Steven Platau

Professor of Accounting, The University of Tampa

Steve Platau is an attorney-cpa and Professor of Accounting at the University of Tampa. Steve has served on a variety of committees for the Florida state society and the AICPA.  He is on the faculty of the National Judicial College, served six years on the AICPA's Joint Trial Board, is on NASBA's Ethics Committee and is a member of the Florida Board of Accountancy.  Since 1985 he has appeared as an expert witness and both arbitrated and mediated hundreds of cases involving financial disputes including those with professional accountants. Steve has also presented more than a thousand continuing education seminars.


  • Thumbnail for Professional Liability Risk Management in Assurance Services
    June 9, 2020
    Professional liability issues have dogged auditors for decades. Today's auditors face malpractice risks from contingency fees business litigators, regulators, investors, lenders and clients…


    Speaker Image for Steven Platau
    Professor of Accounting, The University of Tampa
  • Thumbnail for Proper Communications with Third Parties - Comfort Letter Requests
    November 6, 2012
    "Just Send the ______ a Letter" is the plea directed at the CPA. The client has received a request from a third party - often a lender or financing source - requesting a letter from the CPA. These letters may seem innocuous but they often contain hidden pitfalls…


    Speaker Image for Steven Platau
    Professor of Accounting, The University of Tampa
  • Thumbnail for Independence in an Alternative Practice Structure (NAA, PRA)
    June 12, 2025
    Session will focus on alterative practice structures and independence requirements that firms need to comply with. Today alterative practice structures in the accounting profession predominantly involve private equity investors…


    Speaker Image for Anna Dourdourekas
    Partner, Grant Thornton LLP
    Speaker Image for Steven Platau
    Professor of Accounting, The University of Tampa

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