President, Burkert Valuation Advisors, LLC

In one way, shape, or form Rod has been performing business valuations since the late 1980s. In July 2000, Rod started Burkert Valuation Advisors in Philadelphia where he ran a "traditional" valuation practice for 10 years.

From March 2010 to March 2022 (12 years!), Rod traveled full-time in an RV throughout the US and Canada with his wife and dogs. When he saw the possibilities of a location-independent practice, he started rbCOACHING to help others transform their BVFLS firms.

Today, Rod is settled in Bisbee, AZ (for now!) and focuses solely on practice building coaching. If you know what a successful practice should look and feel like, but need some help getting there, his resources are designed for you.


  • Thumbnail for BVFLS 3.0: Harnessing AI to Transform Your Practice
    October 29, 2024
    As a BVFLS professional, you seek ways to maintain a competitive edge. This session will showcase real-world examples to demonstrate how you can harness AI to better market, sell, and deliver your services and elevate your practice…


    Speaker Image for ROD BURKERT
    President, Burkert Valuation Advisors, LLC
    Standard Price

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