
Linda Abernethy CPA

Partner, McGladrey LLC

Linda Abernethy, CPA, is a partner with McGladrey, LLP with nearly 30 years experience serving state and local governments. Linda’s experience includes serving colleges and universities, local municipalities, counties, pension systems, special districts and state government. Linda is a current member of the AICPA State and Local Government Expert Panel. Linda also serves on the Board of the Illinois CPA Society as well as the ILCPA Governmental Executive Committee. Linda has served on the Technical Accounting Review Committee of the Illinois Government Finance Officers’ Association, and the Special Review Committee for the Certificate of Achievement program for the Government Finance Officers’ Association. At McGladrey, Linda serves on various policy committees impacting services to governments and is also a member of the McGladrey internal inspection quality review team. Linda is a concurring reviewer for the government sector of McGladrey and also assists in firm-wide training. Linda has a Bachelor of Science degree from Northern Illinois University and assists with campus recruiting at NIU on behalf of the firm.


  • Thumbnail for Deferred Inflows & Deferred Outflows: No More Deferring Your Understanding
    October 21, 2014
    This session will discuss the requirements of GASB Statement No. 65, Items Previously Reported as Assets and Liabilities, along with questions and implementation issues confronted by governments…


    Speaker Image for Linda Abernethy
    Partner, McGladrey LLC
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for GASB Pension Implementation Issues: A Panel Discussion
    October 22, 2014
    This session will discuss several implementation issues, lessons learned and recommendations to successfully implement the new standards. This session will also provide participants the opportunity to ask questions of the AICPA State & Local Government Expert Panel…


    Speaker Image for Linda Abernethy
    Partner, McGladrey LLC
    Speaker Image for Laura Hyland
    Senior Manager, AICPA
    Speaker Image for Jeff Markert
    Partner, KPMG
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Revenue Recognition: Are You Doing It Right
    October 22, 2014
    This session will explore the provisions of GASB Statement No…


    Speaker Image for Linda Abernethy
    Partner, McGladrey LLC
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for SLG Stump the Chumps Q&A
    October 22, 2014
    This will be your last opportunity to ask the questions not answered during the conference. Panelists on hand will have knowledge in both governmental accounting and auditing matters…


    Speaker Image for Linda Abernethy
    Partner, McGladrey LLC
    Speaker Image for James Lanzarotta
    Partner, Moss Adams, LLP
    Speaker Image for Frank Crawford
    President, Crawford & Associates, P.C.
    Speaker Image for Joel Black
    Chair, Governmental Accounting Standards Board
    Standard Price

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