
Jennifer Allen CPA

Partner, Crowe LLP

Jennifer Allen has over 20 years of experience with the performance and technical review of audits of retirement plans and welfare benefit programs including audits of ESOPs, defined contribution plans, defined benefit plans, and health and welfare plans. Jen is a partner in Crowe's national office. In this role, she is responsible for the firm's quality control function applicable to employee benefit plan audits and for interaction with the DOL and PCAOB on EBP matters.


  • Thumbnail for Demystifying Employee Stock Ownership Plans
    May 5, 2020
    The objective of this session will be to provide insights into the unique aspects related to the auditing and financial reporting for ESOPs…


    Speaker Image for Jennifer Allen
    Partner, Crowe LLP
    Speaker Image for Jillian Mott
    Shareholder, Mayer Hoffman McCann P.C.
  • Thumbnail for Advanced Investments
    November 9, 2020
    Does the plan hold complex investments? Whether a full scope audit or an ERISA 103 (a)(3)(c) audit is performed, the steps to ensure complex investments are properly valued and presented within the financial statements in accordance with appropriate accounting principles remain the same…


    Speaker Image for Jennifer Allen
    Partner, Crowe LLP
    Speaker Image for Peggy Bradley
    Senior Vice President | Client Business Solutions, Northern Trust
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for FAQs CARES and SECURE Act Part I
    May 5, 2020
    You will hear us talk about the new CARES Act and SECURE Act legislation and the changes they made to retirement plans…


    Speaker Image for Deborah Walker
    National Director, Compensation and Benefits, Cherry Bekaert LLP
    Speaker Image for Lisa Germano
    President and General Counsel, Actuarial Benefits & Design Company
    Speaker Image for Jeffrey Martin
    Principal, Grant Thornton Advisors LLC
    Speaker Image for Karen Field
    Senior Director, RSM US LLP
    Speaker Image for Jennifer Allen
    Partner, Crowe LLP
    Speaker Image for Christopher Shankle
    Senior Vice President, Argent Financial Group, Inc
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for FAQs CARES and SECURE Act Part II
    May 5, 2020
    You will hear us talk about the new CARES Act and SECURE Act legislation and the changes they made to retirement plans…


    Speaker Image for Deborah Walker
    National Director, Compensation and Benefits, Cherry Bekaert LLP
    Speaker Image for Jeffrey Martin
    Principal, Grant Thornton Advisors LLC
    Speaker Image for Lisa Germano
    President and General Counsel, Actuarial Benefits & Design Company
    Speaker Image for Christopher Shankle
    Senior Vice President, Argent Financial Group, Inc
    Speaker Image for Karen Field
    Senior Director, RSM US LLP
    Speaker Image for Jennifer Allen
    Partner, Crowe LLP
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Demystifying Employee Stock Ownership Plans
    May 4, 2021
    The objective of this session will be to provide insights into the unique aspects related to auditing privately held employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs)…


    Speaker Image for Jennifer Allen
    Partner, Crowe LLP
    Speaker Image for Steve Nelson
    Managing Director, Chartwell Financial Advisory
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Financial Reporting Bloopers
    May 3, 2021
    This session will highlight common financial reporting errors…


    Speaker Image for Mae Elbohy
    Senior Manager, Plante Moran, PLLC
    Speaker Image for Jennifer Allen
    Partner, Crowe LLP
  • Thumbnail for A&A Update
    May 11, 2022
    This session will discuss recent audit and accounting standards which impact employee benefit plan audits. Also, there will be discussion about relevant tools and resources which can be used to assist in identifying and applying recent guidance…


    Speaker Image for Josie Hammond
    National Director of Employee Benefit Plans, RSM US LLP
    Speaker Image for Jennifer Allen
    Partner, Crowe LLP
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for ESOP Audit and Accounting Nuances
    May 12, 2022
    The objective of this session is to highlight the ways in which auditing an ESOP differs from auditing a 401(k) plan. Topics to be covered include risk assessment considerations, how to audit key ESOP accounts and transactions, and unique ESOP financial statement presentation and disclosure matters…


    Speaker Image for Kory Hoggan
    Partner, Moss Adams LLP
    Speaker Image for Jennifer Allen
    Partner, Crowe LLP
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Utilizing SOC 1 Reports in an EBP Audit
    May 9, 2023
    During this session, we will review the purpose and components of a SOC 1 reports and how SOC 1 reports impact risk assessment and internal controls…


    Speaker Image for Jennifer Allen
    Partner, Crowe LLP
    Speaker Image for Tiana Wynn
    Tiana D. Wynn, CPA, MBA
    Partner, SB & Company LLC
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Financial Statement Refresh
    December 7, 2021
    SAS 136 means that we will need to change our auditors' report. This is also a great opportunity to revisit financial statements and ensure that they are up to date with fair value standards and other relevant standards that impact reporting…


    Speaker Image for Jennifer Allen
    Partner, Crowe LLP
    Speaker Image for Wendy Terry
    Wendy Y. Terry, CPA, CGMA
    Partner, WithumSmith+Brown, PC


    Speaker Image for Kelly Mann
    CEO and Co-Founder, AuditMiner
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Audit and Accounting Update
    May 9, 2023
    This session will discuss recent audit and accounting standards which impact employee benefit plan audits. Also, there will be discussion about relevant tools and resources which can be used to assist in identifying and applying recent guidance…


    Speaker Image for Josie Hammond
    National Director of Employee Benefit Plans, RSM US LLP
    Speaker Image for Jennifer Allen
    Partner, Crowe LLP
    Standard Price

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