Thumbnail for Employee Benefit Plans Conference 2020

Employee Benefit Plans Conference 2020

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This includes sessions from the conference: Employee Benefit Plans Conference 2020


  • Thumbnail for Welcome Remarks & A&A and Tax Update
    November 9, 2020
    This session will provide an update of various accounting, auditing, and reporting matters affecting employee benefit plans. Our speakers will share their perspectives and experiences.


    Speaker Image for Josie Hammond
    National Director of Employee Benefit Plans, RSM US LLP
    Speaker Image for Jeffrey Martin
    Principal, Grant Thornton Advisors LLC
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for SECURE and CARES Act Revisited
    November 9, 2020

    Are you ready? After 13 years without significant pension legislation, the SECURE Act was enacted at the end of 2019, and in March of 2020 followed by the CARES Act. We will frame the major changes and recent guidance issued and their impact on compliance, plan design and operation. Topics include: recent guidance for CARES Act distributions; what is new with key SECURE Act topics including multiple employer plans, inherited IRAs, long-term part time employees, life time income disclosure, 403(b) plan impact and other key areas. Get ready to GO!


    Speaker Image for Lisa Germano
    President and General Counsel, Actuarial Benefits & Design Company
    Speaker Image for Cindy Dwyer
    Managing Director, CBIZ MHM LLC
    Speaker Image for Avery Neumark
    Avery E. Neumark, CPA, JD, LL.M.
    Partner, Marks Paneth LLP
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Advanced Investments
    November 9, 2020

    Does the plan hold complex investments? Whether a full scope audit or an ERISA 103 (a)(3)(c) audit is performed, the steps to ensure complex investments are properly valued and presented within the financial statements in accordance with appropriate accounting principles remain the same. This session is designed to assist plan administrators and plan auditors in fulfilling that responsibility.


    Speaker Image for Jennifer Allen
    Partner, Crowe LLP
    Speaker Image for Peggy Bradley
    Senior Vice President | Client Business Solutions, Northern Trust
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Basics of SOC 1 Reports for Use in EBP Audits
    November 9, 2020

    This course provides auditors with the basic knowledge necessary to effectively read and understand the components of a SOC 1 report. Topics addressed include: identifying common SOC 1 reports used in EBP engagements, professional standards auditors must satisfy when incorporating the use of SOC 1 reports into EBP audits and tips on recognizing issues commonly encountered.

    *Attendees should consider attending the Advanced SOC 1 Matters for more advanced discussion on issues related to SOC 1's and how to address them.


    Speaker Image for Theresa Banka
    Partner, Plante & Moran, PLLC
    Speaker Image for Darlene Bayardo
    Owner, Bayardo Accounting and Consulting, PC
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Don't Take A Gamble When Dealing with Major Plan Changes (Mergers, Spinoffs, Terminations)
    November 9, 2020

    Differentiate and understand the GAAP treatment, impact to financial reporting and related nuances for:
    Trustee and recordkeeper changes and


    Speaker Image for Kathleen McLaughlin
    Partner - National EBP Practice Leader, Grant Thornton
    Speaker Image for Michelle Buckley
    Partner, Meaden & Moore, Ltd.
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for The Changing Landscape of Account-Based Health Plans
    November 9, 2020

    This session will cover changes to health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs) and health savings accounts (HSAs) that may lay the groundwork for an emerging shift from defined benefit to defined contribution in the health care space.  Specifically, we will discuss the new IRS, DOL, and HHS rules governing HRAs, effective for 2020 plan years, that allow these arrangements to be used more broadly and flexibly by employers.  We will identify compliance concerns expected to arise as these new arrangements are implemented.  We will also discuss changes to permissible high-deductible health plans associated with HSAs to understand how these arrangements are permitted to cover additional medical items without cost-sharing, and we will compare FSAs with other account-based arrangements.  Finally, we will consider what the future is for these account-based arrangements.


    Speaker Image for Christa Bierma
    Principal, Ernst & Young LLP
    Speaker Image for Katy Johnson
    Senior Counsel, Health Policy, American Benefits Council
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Eligibility Rules; Ready Set Go
    November 9, 2020

    This session will focus on the general participation and eligibility rules including

    • Measuring Years of Service
    • Using elapsed time and how it’s different from counting actual hours
    • Maximum eligibility rules
    • Permitted safe harbor exclusions
    • Exclusions that affect coverage rules
    • Leased employees
    • Applying the break in service rules
    • Duel Eligibility features (impact on Top Heavy plans)

    This session is a beginner session and for those who have a working knowledge and want a refresher.


    Speaker Image for Amisha Patel
    Audit Principal, Johnson Lambert LLP
    Speaker Image for Mark Swedelson
    Vice-President, Goldberg, Swedelson & Associates Inc.
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Part I: Risk Assessment Standards & COVID19
    November 9, 2020
    This session will address how COVID-19 is impacting EBP audit risk assessments. Participants will learn about areas of heightened risk and common misconceptions detected through peer review while walking through practical examples illustrating how to apply the risk assessment standards in an EBP audit.


    Speaker Image for Debbie Smith
    Partner, Grant Thornton LLP
    Speaker Image for Carl Mayes
    Vice President - Audit & Accounting Quality, AICPA & CIMA
    Speaker Image for David Duckwitz
    Partner, RubinBrown LLP
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Cybersecurity Incident Response:  A Walk Through A Data Breach
    November 10, 2020

    Walk through a cybersecurity incident with a cybersecurity attorney and a FBI agent from the Cyber Crimes Division. Beginning with an overview of common threats, this session will delve deep into practical guidance on what to do and not to do in a cybersecurity event.


    Speaker Image for Beth Waller
    Beth Waller, Attorney, CIPP (US) / CIPP (E)
    Chair, Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Practice, WR
    Speaker Image for Stuart VonCanon
    FBI Cyber Crimes Division
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Defined Benefit Plans - Auditing Census Data and Actuarial Assumptions/Reports
    November 10, 2020
    This session will address the auditor’s responsibilities when working with actuaries’ reports and actuarially determined obligations that comprise a component of the financial statements of a defined benefit plan. We will cover how an auditor might test the key actuarial inputs used in an actuarial valuation as well as testing of the underlying census data that was provided to the actuary. The session will also review other common audit tests that may be utilized when working with actuarial reports.


    Speaker Image for Chip Harris
    Partner, RubinBrown LLP
    Speaker Image for Kimber Smail-Benedict
    Partner, Plante Moran,PLLC
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for The Aftermath of CARES Act and Continuing the COVID-19 Chronicles
    November 10, 2020
    This session will be a panel discussion covering challenges and the related audit considerations of COVID and the CARES Act facing plan sponsors, service providers and auditors.


    Speaker Image for Gwendolyn Mazzola
    Assurance Partner, HoganTaylor LLP
    Speaker Image for Michael Kraemer
    Speaker Image for Kizzy Gaul
    Manager, Regulatory Supervision, Prudential Retirement
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Disallowed Deductions for Parking and Commuting
    November 10, 2020

    Employers who pay commuting or parking costs for their employees are no longer able to deduct these amounts.  There are a number of exceptions that protect the deduction.  Applying these rules has many nuances, including some helpful safe harbors.  In this session, learn how to apply the rules and when exceptions are available.


    Speaker Image for Deborah Walker
    National Director, Compensation and Benefits, Cherry Bekaert LLP
    Speaker Image for Jeffrey Martin
    Principal, Grant Thornton Advisors LLC
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Plan Design Changes
    November 10, 2020
    Many employers are currently considering redesigning their qualified and non-qualified retirement plans, as a result of a number of factors.  Although plan design discussions are lengthy, issues can be overlooked.  During this presentation, we will discuss these important but less talked about issues so the design discussions can be more thorough.


    Speaker Image for Patrick Blanchard
    Managing Director, Alvarez & Marsal
    Speaker Image for Karen Field
    Senior Director, RSM US LLP
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for SOC 2, SOC 3 and SOC for Cyber Security Risk Management – Relevance to your Clients
    November 10, 2020
    This session will review SOC 2, SOC 3 and SOC for Cyber Security Risk Management to assess the content and the differences between the reports; for consideration in interpreting relevance to your clients.


    Speaker Image for Audrey Katcher
    Partner, RubinBrown, LLP
    Speaker Image for Lara Stanton
    Assurance Director, Sikich, LLP
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Choices for Small and Start-up Business Benefit Plans
    November 10, 2020

    This session will explain the various retirement plan types available to small + start-up businesses. We will discuss the rules that pertain to each plan type and the employer responsibility. The session will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of small retirement plans.


    Speaker Image for Mark Swedelson
    Vice-President, Goldberg, Swedelson & Associates Inc.
    Speaker Image for Kimberly Flett
    Partner, ERISA & Tax Financial Services, Inc.
    Standard Price

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