Thumbnail for Conference on Credit Unions 2018

Conference on Credit Unions 2018

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This includes sessions from the conference: Conference on Credit Unions 2018


  • Thumbnail for Welcome & Introduction & The Future of Financial Services
    October 22, 2018

    Navigating the changing landscape of financial services technology and implications for industry participants

    • Explore the impact of industry changes at the intersection of innovation, policy changes and a positive economic environment on financial institutions
    • Identify critical business areas financial institutions should consider in response to advances in technology and rising consumer expectations


    Speaker Image for Jeff Yabuki
    President & CEO, Fiserv
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Accounting/FASB for Credit Unions, Part 1
    October 22, 2018
    FASB has issued several final standards over the past few years, including credit losses, recognition revenue and leases, with effective dates beginning in 2019 for most credit unions. This two-part session will help you understand what standards have been issued applicable to credit unions, what proposed standards are forthcoming and the latest thinking from FASB. We will also cover developments from the FASB’s Credit Losses Transition Resource Group (TRG) and discussions held by the AICPA’s Depository Institutions Expert Panel (DIEP) on the FASB’s Current Expected Credit Loss (CECL) model. Join this comprehensive update of the key pronouncements, projects and other developments at FASB and practice matters of interest to credit unions.
    • 1) Learn about latest developments on accounting and financial reporting for credit unions and their auditors, including FASB’s major standards, standards in process and other developments.
    • 2) Understand the latest CECL implementation issues, including discussions at the FASB’s Transition Resource Group (TRG) and the AICPA Depository Institutions Expert Panel (DIEP).


    Speaker Image for Sydney Garmong
    Partner, National Office, Crowe LLP
    Speaker Image for Jeffrey Mechanick
    Senior Project Advisor, Financial Accounting Standards Board
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Accounting/FASB for Credit Unions, Part 2
    October 22, 2018

    The discussion will continue in Part 2 of the Accounting and FASB Update.

    Join us to have your questions answered in the second session.

    • 1) Learn about latest developments on accounting and financial reporting for credit unions and their auditors, including FASB’s major standards, standards in process and other developments.
    • 2) Understand the latest CECL implementation issues, including discussions at the FASB’s Transition Resource Group (TRG) and the AICPA Depository Institutions Expert Panel (DIEP)


    Speaker Image for Sydney Garmong
    Partner, National Office, Crowe LLP
    Speaker Image for Jeffrey Mechanick
    Senior Project Advisor, Financial Accounting Standards Board
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for NCUA Regulatory Update
    October 22, 2018
    Learn about the changes occurring at NCUA and what effect these changes may mean for your credit union. Gain insight into the changing regulatory landscape that drives industry performance and business practice. Session objectives include:
    • Gain a working knowledge of the current and proposed regulations affecting the credit union industry
    • Learn about the current and emerging risks driving NCUA’s primary and planned focus from a prudential and risk management perspective
    • Gain insight and understanding of the changing credit union and financial services landscape, which will shape supervisory strategies in the near term and intermediate outlook


    Speaker Image for Timothy Segerson
    Deputy Director-Office of Examination and Insurance, National Credit Union Administration
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Announcements and Introduction & Economic Update
    October 23, 2018
    Chief Economist Dr. Lindsey Piegza will look at the pace of our economic recovery and what it means going forward for overall growth, interest rates and monetary policy. She will cover macro-economic trends in consumer behaviors and in the manufacturing sector, in addition to new Federal Reserve policy initiatives and potential economic effects of these changes. She will also examine economic growth in the U.S. as a whole and its effects on interest rates.

    • Macro-economic trends including the health of the consumer, and manufacturing sector
    • Fed policy effects and initiatives
    • U.S. growth and rate outlook


    Speaker Image for Lindsey Piegza
    Managing Director, Chief Economist, Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Artificial Intelligence
    October 23, 2018

    The concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been around for years and progressive organizations have invested heavily in AI. Organizations are using AI to automate processes, better respond to customer needs, and manage risk by detecting patterns in massive sets of data and interpreting their meaning. This session will define AI, and provide practical examples of opportunities for credit unions and audit professionals to better identify and manage risks.

    Learning objectives include:

    • Understanding what Artificial Intelligence is and how it is being used.
    • Learn opportunities for credit unions to manage risk through the use of AI.
    • Learn how auditors can utilize AI to improve audit scope and coverage while being more efficient.


    Speaker Image for Robin Hoag
    Robin D. Hoag, CPA, CGMA, CMC
    Shareholder, Doeren Mayhew
    Speaker Image for John Craig
    Director, Solutions Delivery, MindBridge Analytics, Inc.
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Revenue Recognition for Credit Unions
    October 23, 2018

    The effective date for FASB’s revenue recognition standard is just around the corner and most credit unions will be adopting at the beginning of 2019. The ASU puts in place a common framework for recognizing revenue, largely replacing the industry-specific revenue recognition guidance in GAAP. While the income statement impacted has not been significant for most financial institutions, the revenue streams still need to be evaluated and documented. In addition to sharing observations on the implementation, this session will cover the new disclosures and internal control considerations.

    • The learning objectives include understanding how to evaluate revenue under the new standard as well as walking through examples and disclosures that are relevant to the credit union industry.


    Speaker Image for Leslie Yates
    Senior Manager, Crowe LLP
    Speaker Image for Mark  Demos
    Partner, Crowe LLP
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Hot Topics in Regulatory Compliance
    October 23, 2018
    During this session we will cover several important regulatory compliance requirements currently being focused on by examiners and third party plaintiff attorneys. We will pay particular attention to CDD, HMDA, fair lending, UDAAP, compliance management and other areas which have been the subject of enforcement actions.
    • Learn how the HMDA changes will impact your fair lending program
    • Have a clearer understanding about how the compliance function is impacted by the current presidential administration


    Speaker Image for John Zasada
    John Zasada, JD, CAMS
    Shareholder, DoerenMayhew
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Anti-Fraud Strategies for Credit Unions
    October 23, 2018
    When insider fraud occurs in a credit union, it negatively affects that institution, the credit union industry, and the Share Insurance Fund. This session outlines specific practices that credit union officials and management can use to help deter, detect, and respond to insider fraud.
    • The participant will learn at least two practices that will help deter fraud
    • The participant will be able to identify at least two ways to respond to fraud.


    Speaker Image for Daniel Moulton
    Shareholder, Doeren Mayhew
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Round 2: "They Asked What?"
    October 23, 2018
    This session will address answers to a wide array of credit union questions regarding unusual and/or infrequent accounting transactions. It will also cover some "best practice" ideas developed for complying with complex or time-consuming accounting tasks.
    • Become familiar with the proper accounting treatment for several unusual/and or infrequent accounting transactions.
    • Learn a few "best practice" ideas for making certain accounting tasks more efficient.


    Speaker Image for Douglas Orth
    Shareholder, Doeren Mayhew
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Hedging: Observations from Adoption
    October 23, 2018
    With years of interest rate risk management history there are many examples of successful and unsuccessful strategy implementation and results. In this session the speakers will review the “lessons learned from the trenches”.
    • 1. Successful hedging and interest rate risk management programs
    • 2. Unsuccessful hedging and interest rate risk management programs
    • 3. Putting it all together


    Speaker Image for Robert Perry
    Principal, ALM & Investment Strategy, ALM First Financial Advisors
    Speaker Image for Christopher Moore
    Partner, Crowe LLP
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Increasing Bottom Line by Renegotiating Contracts
    October 23, 2018
    Gain insight into increasing the bottom line in future negotiations. We will dive into the details and answer the following questions.

    How to drive eye-popping results in an opaque market?

    What are the best practices to establishing contract negotiation priorities?

    This is not just a vendor management exercise - how does methodology set an institution up for successful negotiations?

    How do we separate the heavy hitter contract negotiations from the procurement exercises? Let’s explore the art of delegation.
    • Obtain contract negotiation best practices
    • Identification of how to establish contract negotiation priorities
    • Understand which contracts can be delegated and which should not


    Speaker Image for Ryan Rackley
    Senior Director, Cornerstone Advisors, Inc
    Speaker Image for Todd Ringwood
    Regional Managing Director - SVP, Aon
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for The Art of Auditing
    October 23, 2018

    Auditing is an art. Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS) sets the standards under which we perform an audit but, complying with those standards can be an art unto itself. Come join us to discuss real life experiences in auditing with two experienced credit union auditors. Discussion points include thoughts on enhancing audit efficiencies while maintaining audit quality and addressing common audit procedures and auditing issues that are more complex. This session is designed to discuss various ways to help practitioners enhance their audit quality, audit efficiencies, and best practices by discussing real life examples from credit union land.

    • Discover ways to enhance audit effectiveness
    • Best practices in credit union auditing
    • See how others audit those pesky audit areas


    Speaker Image for Chris Vallez
    Partner, Nearman,Maynard,Vallez CPAs
    Speaker Image for Bryan Mogensen
    Principal, Financial Services Group, CLA
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for CECL
    October 23, 2018

    Its been all about CECL since the initial FASB exposure draft was issued in late 2012. While credit union accounting professionals and practitioners have become well versed in the requirements of CECL, implementation progress and practical experience has been limited for many in the industry. This session will provide perspective and examples from credit union professionals who have made significant progress in the CECL implementation process.

    The learning objectives include:

    • Understanding how specific credit unions have approached implementation of CECL through examples including data requirements, model selection and initial computation results.
    • Understand key assumptions that impact allowance for loan losses funding levels under CECL.


    Speaker Image for Julie Renderos
    Julie Renderos, CPA, CCUE, CUDE
    EVP/CFO, Suncoast Credit Union
    Speaker Image for Brett Fisher
    VP of Asset & Liability Management, Founders Federal Credit Union
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Relationship Profitability: The Holy Grail
    October 24, 2018

    Can you identify your most profitable member relationships?

    As credit unions consider entering or expanding their commercial lending programs it is important to accurately understand the contributions from these business relationships.  There are currently $68 billion outstanding commercial loans on credit union books representing a 40% growth since 2014.

    On average, only 20% of relationships are creating economic profit, and only 1% of those create most of that value, yet many institutions cannot accurately rank their relationships based on profitability. In a recent survey conducted by Kaufman Hall and FMS, 91% of institutions felt that they should be doing more to leverage profitability in their decision-making processes.  By analyzing and better understanding the drivers of profitability, a credit union can make changes to benefit all members by focusing on retention strategies for highly profitable members and finding ways to improve the profitability of those less profitable members.

    Learning Objectives:

    Join our session to learn how relationship management can transform your institution. We will discuss:

    • Relationship Management: Practical strategies to better manage and analyze member relationships
    • Account, Member and Relationship Profitability: Measuring progress toward strategic goals through a more comprehensive look at member contributions to overall profitability
    • Relationship Pricing: How understanding relationships and each member’s sphere of influence lets institutions quantify high and low-performing members, allowing relationship managers to make more informed decisions when pricing new business


    Speaker Image for Roy Berelowitz
    Vice President of Sales, Strategic Industries, Kaufman Hall
    Speaker Image for Brad Brockman
    Senior Solutions Engineer, Financial Institutions, Syntellis Performance Solutions
    Speaker Image for Jeff Wildenthaler
    Regional Sales Executive, Kaufman Hall
    Standard Price

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