Thumbnail for Employee Benefit Plans Conference 2018

Employee Benefit Plans Conference 2018

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This includes sessions from the conference: Employee Benefit Plans Conference 2018


  • Thumbnail for Opening Remarks & Transform Tomorrow: Awakening the Super Saver in Pursuit of Retirement Readiness
    May 15, 2018

    Explore the fundamentals of a society that is grossly under-saving for retirement, the primary forces that are contributing, and the fundamental shift needed to get us back on track. Author, Stig Nybo, will share lessons learned from the writing of “Transform Tomorrow: Awakening the Super Saver in Pursuit of Retirement Readiness,” an award winning book on how to change saving behavior.

    America is facing a monumental “retirement readiness” challenge that can only be overcome by changing the way America thinks about saving for retirement. We will begin by investigating why so many Americans are at risk of outliving their savings and the three critical forces impacting Americans’ preparedness: Longevity; Consumerism; and Leverage. Then move to the solutions that can help bring about the changes needed for individuals to reach a secure retirement: New system‐wide contextual drivers; baseline financial literacy: and renewed beliefs around saving vs. spending.

    Throughout the presentation, Stig incorporates stories to illustrate key points and uses captivating examples from history to bring the message to life. He borrows from the wisdom of Gandhi, Walt Disney, Mark Twain, Margaret Mead, and even Robin Williams in the Dead Poets Society to make his point. Come enjoy a sobering, yet enjoyable session that will change the way you think about planning for retirement.


    - Identify the primary forces that are contributing to under-saving

    - Select resources to prepare yourself or clients for retirement


    Speaker Image for Stig Nybo
    Retirement Strategist, Strategic Retirement Partners
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Everything You Need to Know About Interpreting Plan Documents
    May 15, 2018

    This session will be a general introduction to plan documents and highlight certain key elements for plan auditors. It will also introduce the plan document provisions of the defined contribution case study and serve as the basis of the entire fundamental track case study.
    Attendees will:
    • Distinguish between the different types of plan document designs being used by plan sponsor and highlight the IRS determination letter program.
    • Identify key plan provisions in order to develop audit procedures
    • Recall differences in plan design
    • Indicate common plan amendments
    • Recall how to use the AICPA EBPAQC's Plan Document Tool


    Speaker Image for Sara Wilson
    Managing Director, Grant Thornton LLP
    Speaker Image for Travis Jack
    Travis Jack, CPA, QKA
    Managing Member, Metz & Associates, PLLC
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Basic Qualified Plan Testing (Repeated in Session EBP1845)
    May 15, 2018
    Discussion of basic qualified plan nondiscrimination issues including:
    - coverage
    - discrimination testing
    - 415 testing
    - 402g limits (401K-m plans)
    - 414q and 414s (compensation testing)
    - top heavy rules

    1. Identify basic nondiscrimination testing required for qualified retirement plans.
    2. Identify impact and correction of failure of nondiscrimination tests for a qualified plan.


    Speaker Image for Nancy  Manary
    Manager, Tax Services, RSM US LLP
    Speaker Image for Mark Swedelson
    Vice-President, Goldberg, Swedelson & Associates Inc.
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for ESOPs - What's All the Hype?
    May 15, 2018

    This session will:

    - Distinguish what an ESOP is and why companies use them.

    - Recognize differences in ESOPs compared to other qualified retirement plans and from other ownership transition options from a high level.

    The session will not cover detailed accounting for ESOPs.


    Speaker Image for Anne Bushman
    Partner, RSM
    Speaker Image for Deborah Walker
    National Director, Compensation and Benefits, Cherry Bekaert LLP
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Healthcare
    May 15, 2018
    This session will discuss the status of healthcare reform and current health plan legislative and regulatory requirements


    Speaker Image for Lori Robbins
    Lori Robbins, JD, LL.M. (Taxation)
    Managing Director, KPMG LLP
    Speaker Image for Helen Morrison
    Ernst & Young LLP, Ernst & Young LLP
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Planning & Risk Assessment - Part I
    May 15, 2018

    This session is part 1 of 2 of working through the planning and risk assessment process for the fundamental track case study, and will continue in Session #18. Participants will be able to:

    - Recognize a variety of planning documents and procedures that are necessary to properly plan an employee benefit plan, through provided example.

    - Recall why these elements are important.

    - Indicate when limited-scope audits are appropriate and what documents must be obtained when performing a limited-scope audit.


    Speaker Image for Anne Morris
    Principal, Windham Brannon, LLC
    Speaker Image for Mark Blackburn
    Shareholder, LBMC,PC
    Speaker Image for Alice Evans
    Partner, A.C. Evans LLC
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for A&A Update (Repeated in Session EBP1832)
    May 15, 2018
    This session will cover emerging practice issues, as well as, current accounting, auditing, and reporting developments impacting your 2017 employee benefit plan audits. Speakers will share their perspectives and experiences in the following areas so you are able to:

    • Analyze the accounting and auditing issues that affected the 2016 audits of employee benefit plans
    • Determine accounting and auditing considerations for the 2017 audits
    • Identify topics that are on the horizon


    Speaker Image for Beth Thompson
    Partner, KPMG
    Speaker Image for Christie Holt
    Executive Director, Ernst & Young LLP
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for A Plan Administrator's Compliance Responsibilities
    May 15, 2018
    Within this session, participants will review a wide array of responsibilities that plan administrators must attend to. and provide focus on plan participant notice requirements. The discussion will cover the following matters:
    - Identify basics of plan governance reporting requirements, including Form 5500 vendor and management investment selection
    - Recall content, timing, and delivery of monitoring participant notices
    - Recognize the importance of documenting all decision making processes and deliberation of decisions
    - Indicate the requirements of a typical plan's notices including what's required, timing and delivery requirements


    Speaker Image for Wayne Kamenitz
    Wayne R. Kamenitz, CPA, Dual MBA Taxation & Finance
    Vice President & Regional Compliance Practice Leader, Segal Company
    Speaker Image for Christopher Shankle
    Senior Vice President, Argent Financial Group, Inc
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Cybersecurity and Employee Benefit Plans: How to Minimize the Risk (Repeated in Session EBP1821)
    May 15, 2018
    No individual, organization or industry is immune from cyber-attacks. Attackers specifically target organizations with access to highly sensitive information, like plan sponsors of benefit plans or service providers. The operation and administration of benefits plans requires collecting, processing and storing data assets among multiple parties. To minimize risks, one must understand the types of data, data flows, control points and the responsibilities of each party involved. Come to this session to:
    • Distinguish plan sponsor cybersecurity concerns and responsibilities under ERISA;
    • Identify the Department of Labor’s Cybersecurity Considerations for Benefit Plans report and how to use this report in evaluating plan controls and safeguards;
    • Recognize auditors’ roles and responsibilities when auditing an employee benefit plan.


    Speaker Image for Jeff  Ward
    Jeff Ward, CPA, CGMA, CITP
    Partner, National SOC & WebTrust Leader, BDO USA, LLP
    Speaker Image for Debbie Smith
    Partner, Grant Thornton LLP
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Picking a Perfect Plan
    May 15, 2018

    Discover the various basic retirement plans appropriate for the small business employer. Help your clients and plan sponsors realize the value of adding a plan or the value of their existing plan.


    - Identify retirement plan options available to small business employers.

    - Estimate the costs benefit of the plan selected.


    Speaker Image for Stephen Swirnow
    Vice President & Senior Legal Counsel, T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc.
    Speaker Image for Carol Zurcher
    Carol E. Zurcher, C.P.A., P.F.S., C.G.M.A.
    Partner, Thomas, Zurcher & White, P.A.
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Hot Topics for Accounting & Auditing for Multiemployer Plans
    May 15, 2018

    Presentation will focus on participants that are familiar with auditing multiemployer plans. The session will emphasize the unique accounting and auditing issues for multiemployer plans including an overview of these plans, payroll audits and the new multiemployer chapter for the AICPA Employee Benefit Plans - Audit and Accounting Guide. Hot topics include:
    • SSAE 18 on payroll audits
    • Consulting vs AUP engagements
    • FinREC accounting recommendations for the audit guide

    Participants will be able to:
    • determine the differences between a multiemployer plan and other common types of benefit plans
    • determine the impact of SSAE 18 for payroll audits
    • Identify what will be included in the new multiemployer chapter.


    Speaker Image for Eileen Brassil
    Eileen Brassil, CPA, CFE
    Partner, Legacy Professionals LLP
    Speaker Image for Marilee Lau
    Partner, Retired KPMG Partner
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Planning & Risk Assessment - Part II
    May 15, 2018

    This session is a continuation of Session #11. Participants will see an example evaluation of a SOC report and how these reports are used in conjunction with the evaluation of a plan’s internal control environment, as well as cover other internal control considerations. This session will demonstrate examples of completed documentation for risk evaluation by audit area and at the assertion level.

    Participants will be able to:

    - Recognize a variety of planning documents and procedures that are necessary to properly plan an employee benefit plan, through provided example.

    - Recall why these elements are important.

    - Indicate when limited-scope audits are appropriate and what documents must be obtained when performing a limited-scope audit.


    Speaker Image for Sara Wilson
    Managing Director, Grant Thornton LLP
    Speaker Image for Alice Evans
    Partner, A.C. Evans LLC
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for SOC Deep Dive
    May 15, 2018
    This session will take a deep dive into using SOC 1 (SSAE 18) reports in an EBP audit to aid the auditor in addressing common issues, as well as effectively leveraging them appropriately and at the right time. Part of this discussion will cover how SOC reports will not always address information provided electronically, or initiated and authorized electronically, at the plan sponsor. After attending this session, attendees will be able to:
    • Identify SOC 1 reports and the related standards.
    • Analyze impact of carve-outs, exceptions and report qualifications.
    • Apply results from SOC 1 reports to risk assessment and substantive audit procedures.
    • Differentiate between electronic information received at plan sponsor and what information is actually covered by the SOC 1 report.
    • Differentiate between cybersecurity and SOC reports in the EBP industry and how SOC reports address or don’t address those concerns.
    • Use the AICPA EBPAQC's SOC 1 tool to understand the critical importance of properly documenting the use of SOC 1 report.
    • Apply session take-aways to develop/enhance best practices within their respective firms.


    Speaker Image for Lara Stanton
    Assurance Director, Sikich, LLP
    Speaker Image for Susan Peirce
    Principal, Apple Growth Partners
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Plan Compensation - What is it?
    May 15, 2018

    Plan compensation errors always seem to make a "Top 10 List" of mistakes. This session will help you:
    • Identify where to find definitions of compensation in a plan document
    • Analyze the most common definitions used in plans
    • Distinguish when a definition of compensation must be tested under nondiscrimination testing
    • Differentiate the difference between regular compensation and post severance compensation
    • Analyze various strategies in "scrubbing" census data
    • Calculate compensation (earned income) when working with pass through entities


    Speaker Image for Cindy Dwyer
    Managing Director, CBIZ MHM LLC
    Speaker Image for Mark Swedelson
    Vice-President, Goldberg, Swedelson & Associates Inc.
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Cybersecurity and Employee Benefit Plans: How to Minimize the Risk (Repeat of Session EBP1814)
    May 15, 2018
    No individual, organization or industry is immune from cyber-attacks. Attackers specifically target organizations with access to highly sensitive information, like plan sponsors of benefit plans or service providers. The operation and administration of benefits plans requires collecting, processing and storing data assets among multiple parties. To minimize risks, one must understand the types of data, data flows, control points and the responsibilities of each party involved. Come to this session to:
    • Distinguish plan sponsor cybersecurity concerns and responsibilities under ERISA;
    • Identify the Department of Labor’s Cybersecurity Considerations for Benefit Plans report and how to use this report in evaluating plan controls and safeguards;
    • Recognize auditors’ roles and responsibilities when auditing an employee benefit plan.


    Speaker Image for Jeff  Ward
    Jeff Ward, CPA, CGMA, CITP
    Partner, National SOC & WebTrust Leader, BDO USA, LLP
    Speaker Image for Lara Stanton
    Assurance Director, Sikich, LLP
    Standard Price

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