Storytelling is the fuel in the communication engine of the modern nonprofit. Great storytelling does more than simply communicate a message or push out an agenda; it gets at the heart of how humans process information. Mission-driven storytelling has the potential to change hearts and minds around complex, difficult issues. All nonprofit professionals and volunteers need to start thinking of themselves as storytellers if they want to convert their stakeholders from passive participants to passionate advocates.
In this talk, full of nonprofit examples and case studies, digital storytelling expert Julia Campbell shares some of the most powerful ways that storytelling can be leveraged to inspire people to take action, based on her bestselling book for nonprofits.
Skills, knowledge and attitudes to be addressed in the workshop:
Participants will be able to identify the best types of stories for their fundraising and marketing campaigns and be better equipped to prioritize and make decisions around storytelling work at their nonprofit.
Description of intended participants:
A variety of audience members, mostly made up of public accountants in addition to accountants in business/industry, not-for-profits as well as state and local governments.
Anticipated outcomes for participants:
They will walk away with: