
Stacking the Deck for a Successful CAS Practice

June 10, 2019
Standard Price
This product is also available as part of the following products:
Thumbnail for AICPA ENGAGE 2019
This includes sessions from AICPA ENGAGE 2019:
Thumbnail for Practitioners Symposium and TECH+ Conference (as part of AICPA ENGAGE 2019)
This includes sessions from the conference: Practitioners Symposium and TECH+ Conference (as part of AICPA ENGAGE 2019)

The accounting profession is refocusing on accounting services and redefining their offering. Today CAS stands for client accounting advisory services, and employs a tech stack that creates scalability, and a level playing field for firms of all sizes offering high value advisory engagements. Join this session to gain ideas to deliver future ready client accounting advisory services.

Learning objectives:

  1. Introduction to what it takes to effectively tool CAS.
  2. Discover key decision factors you need to focus on.
  3. Hear why cloud technology is foundational to today’s services.


Speaker Image for Dixie McCurley
Partner, Finance & Accounting Outsourcing - Growth, Cherry Bekaert Advisory LLC
Speaker Image for Janeen Stodulski
Partner - CAS Leader, MNP LLP
Speaker Image for Samantha Mansfield
Senior Consultant, ConvergenceCoaching, LLC


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