Recent Financial Fraud Activity: What Can Be Done to Prevent it?

June 13, 2019
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Description: An alleged $10 million fraud this past fall involving the parent company of Newsweek involved the creation of a fictitious auditor along with fake financial statements. In another recent fraud, a Pennsylvania church administrator is accused of scamming more than $1.2 million from his employer, in part by creating fake audit reports to deceive the church’s board of trustees. Unfortunately, similar frauds are more common than you think as it can be too easy to manipulate financial information, and most aren’t covered by the media. These cases and others like it highlight the need for protection against bogus audit reports, but what can be done to prevent it from happening? Join us as we discuss how financial fraud is occurring and steps you can take to protect your firm and clients.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify ways financial fraud is occurring.
  2. Describe the impact and cost of fraud.
  3. Determine steps you can take to protect your firm and clients’ businesses.


Speaker Image for Kalil Merhib
Executive Vice President, Growth & Professional Services, CPA.com
Speaker Image for Brian Fox
President & Founder, Confirmation.com

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