
Choice of Entity

June 12, 2017
Standard Price

The first critical decision a business owner must make is the proper entity choice for the business. S corporation, C corporation, partnership...each option offers numerous advantages and disadvantages, but these pros and cons will vary based on the business owner's facts and circumstances and particular goals. This workshop will examine the business, practical, and tax considerations each business owner must address when choosing the proper entity type for their business. Factors such as type of owner, number of owners, nature of income, and the required flexibility in allocating income or loss will be addressed, as will the options to maximize after-tax cash upon the subsequent sale of the business.

Attendees will be able to:

  • Identify the key tax and non-tax differences between C corporations, S corporations, and partnerships.
  • Recognize the considerations a business owner should factor in to choosing the proper entity type.


Speaker Image for Tony Nitti
Partner - National Tax, EY

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