Appraisal Wars: Bridging the Gap Between Accepted Valuation Methods, Legal Measures of Value in Divorce & the Things Appraisers Do

May 11, 2012

Divorce law and business valuation techniques exist independently, but come together when a divorce involves a closely-held business. Some jurisdictions require general acceptance of an expert’s methodology; others required Daubert reliability.   There are a number of factors and jurisdictional issues that can lead to wide divergences in opinions of value that are not easily reconciled, especially considering the inconsistent nature of judicial pronouncements on valuation methodologies.   

This session will explore a number of critical issues:
  • Standards of admissibility of expert valuators 
  • Fair market value versus fair value versus intrinsic value
  • The Build Up Method vs. CAPM
  • Enterprise vs. personal goodwill
  • Proper support for the use of discounts due to lack of control and marketability
  • Relevance and effect of transfer restrictions on ownership
  • Tax effecting inside and outside of the entity 


Speaker Image for Chris Mercer
Chris Mercer, FASA, CFA, ABAR
Chair, Mercer Capital

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