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Anti-Fraud Programs: Anomaly Detection Using Data Analytics

June 12, 2019
Standard Price
This product is also available as part of the following products:
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This includes sessions from AICPA ENGAGE 2019:
Thumbnail for Practitioners Symposium and TECH+ Conference (as part of AICPA ENGAGE 2019)
This includes sessions from the conference: Practitioners Symposium and TECH+ Conference (as part of AICPA ENGAGE 2019)

In this session, we will take a closer look at data analytics with this presentation on anomaly detection. Methodologies for discovering potential indicators of fraud are outlined and fraud examples will be discussed.

Learning objectives:

  1. Discover the top fraud risk areas in financial reporting.
  2. Learn how to effectively utilize data analytics to detect anomalies as potential indicators of fraud.


Speaker Image for Mark Mayberry
Mark D. Mayberry, CPA, CITP
President, Mark D. Mayberry, CPA


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