Thumbnail for CFO Conference 2019

CFO Conference 2019

During the AICPA's 2019 CFO Conference, we will focus on the profound changes shaping the world today, insights into what tomorrow will hold and how you can respond as a CFO, with better, more strategic decisions.

The C-Suite perspective serves as the foundation of every session, where we will examine what's coming down the line in tax reform, strategic planning, risk management, technological changes, and much more. You’ll leave Chicago with a thoughtful course of action, one that will lead to success in the year ahead and beyond.

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  • Thumbnail for Build A High Performance Culture: Create Driven Employees
    April 24, 2019

    This hands-on workshop will take you through the fundamentals of building a High Performance Culture in your organization.

    In this workshop you will learn and apply strategy cascading tools to ensure clarity down to the team and individual level. You will learn the concepts and then how to build intrinsic motivators (purpose, mastery, progress, autonomy and socialization), along with applying game mechanics, to create a solution that will drive employee engagement in your organization. You will then see how to build daily dashboards that make strategy everyone’s everyday job.

    Individuals will be able to clearly understand (and feel proud of) their purpose, see their progress, make autonomous decisions aligned to strategic success, and talk to others about their work!

    • Understand the latest developments in cascading strategy to teams and individuals
    • Learn how to apply intrinsic motivators
    • Understand how to apply game mechanics to make work more compelling
    • Discover the new ways of managing the organization and having performance conversations


    Speaker Image for Brett Knowles
    Executive Partner, pm2
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Not Everyone Works Like You Do - How To Detect And Work Well With Different Work Styles
    April 24, 2019

    We all have those people in our work life who we find particularly difficult to work with. Perhaps they drain our energy, or we have challenges in our communications and collaborations. Oftentimes, this is no one's fault, but rather a difference in work styles. In this highly-interactive session, participants will learn about the 4 basic work style types and the science behind them. They will participate in an interactive exchange with other participants to learn how to adjust to another's work style that is different than their own and how others can best provide what they need in order to be engaged and effective. Finally, they will learn and practice to detect work style preference in others. Each participant will walk away with a personalized assessment booklet indicating their preferred work style and detailed information on related strengths and challenges. Expect increased awareness of work styles and, with concerted application of the learnings from the workshop, significantly more effective interactions with everyone you lead and with whom you work. If getting the best out of all those around you is important, this workshop is for you.

    • Learn what workstyles are and how they impact team success.
    • Learn what your preferred work style is.
    • Develop an appreciation for the value of work styles different than your own.
    • Learn how to detect and adjust to to others' preferred work styles to get the best results.


    Speaker Image for William Swedish
    President, Swedish Consulting LLC
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Welcome and Introduction & Prevent Cyber-Attacks: What Accounting Professionals Need to Know
    April 24, 2019

    Accounting professionals depend upon technology to practice their profession. It is tragic that unauthorized individuals, and even organizations, focus their efforts on obtaining access to the sensitive information that is entrusted to you. However, there are a few important and inexpensive steps that add powerful protection into your systems.

    • Proven core strategies, using resources that you already own, that will propel your cyber safety to new levels.
    • Take-home value: Key steps for accounting professionals to dramatically increase the security of the information entrusted to them.


    Speaker Image for Mike Foster
    Mike Foster, CISSA,CISSP,CEH
    Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence Specialist, The Foster Institute, Inc.
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Succession Planning
    April 24, 2019

    Legendary business executive Jack Welch said, “Talent management deserves as much focus as financial capital management in corporations.” There are few concepts in business as misunderstood as succession management. For a lot of companies, succession management is an annual event that often happens behind closed doors. A common misconception about succession management is that it’s a quick fix, or a process that happens once per year or on the heels of a change in leadership. Some people understandably believe it’s replacement planning. If you don’t get it right, don’t even think about attracting and retaining millennials and Gen Z’s. This session will provide insights into the business case for succession management and how to build a plan that is simple, comprehensive and serves as a talent retention tool.

    • Understand the difference between succession planning/management and replacement planning.
    • Learn how to build a simple yet comprehensive succession plan.
    • Learn how to use succession planning as a talent retention tool.


    Speaker Image for Shaara Roman
    Founder & CEO, The Silverene Group
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Sound Benefit Strategies
    April 25, 2019

    Healthcare premiums have spiraled out of control - continually rising with no relief in sight. As a result, employers have needed to shift all or part of these costs to employees. With wages rising slowly puts great pressure on a company's workforce. How do we manage this imbalance? This is where CFO's, Controllers, and finance can play a major role - knowing the numbers and having an input on a successful strategy. In this session, Anthony Carlozo of Trion will present what elements are needed to have a sound benefit strategy and what levers employers can evaluate to make an impact on price.

    • Understanding Industry benchmarks and cost drivers.
    • Elements & Data needed for a sound benefit strategy.
    • Strategies and Considerations Employers are evaluating to contain costs.


    Speaker Image for Anthony Carlozo
    Senior Employee Benefits Consultant, Marsh McLennan Agency LLC
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for A Financial Approach to Reducing Real and Personal Property Tax: What To Do, Not Do, and When
    April 25, 2019

    Property Tax is a burden many financial professionals believe they just have to pay as a cost of doing business in the United States. This cost is a direct to the bottom-line expense and directly affects a company’s profitability at every level. Often, CFO’s and financial professionals don’t realize the thousands of dollars they could save annually if they were to strategize and form a plan with regards to their real and personal property taxes proactively versus defensively. There are many mistakes made by not having in-depth knowledge of this field and thus there is a crucial need for CFOs and finance teams to plan an approach property tax as a savings initiative and drive bottom line growth.

    • In this session, you will understand: Savings strategies to take as the CFO and finance team to drive bottom line growth.
    • The mistakes often made by organizations that actually increase their tax liability.
    • Tips for timing to maximize savings with regards to property tax.
    • Why you need to plan if you want to gain an advantage on competitors.


    Speaker Image for Michael Slevens
    CEO, Tax Recourse, LLC
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Welcome and Introduction & Risk Management
    April 25, 2019

    Our host city for the 2019 AICPA CFO Conference, Chicago, is home to two international airports – Midway and O’Hare – making it one of the largest and busiest airport systems in the country. The global access created by Chicago’s airports continue to make the City of Chicago economically and logistically appealing for business. The airports are self-sustaining, and, combined, generate an estimated $60 billion in annual economic activity for the region. With that size and complexity comes a unique case study in risk management. As an introduction to our conference and the City of Chicago, Reshma Soni will discuss her personal experiences with CDA and her previous appointments with the City of Chicago in this fast paced, high risk environment.

    • Understand the key risks and challenges in providing oversight of a major modernization effort of Chicago’s major airports while managing the operations of the Aviation Department.
    • Understand the skills deployed in transforming Chicago’s procurement process through increased transparency and innovation, including strengthening and streamlining opportunities for small, minority and women-owned businesses.


    Speaker Image for Reshma Soni
    Chief Financial Officer , Chicago Department of Aviation
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Alignment of the Board and C-Suite (CFO) Agendas for Better Strategic Execution
    April 25, 2019

    A panel of 4 individuals (2 Board members and 2 CFOs) to discuss the Board’s oversight strategies and the most effective way to bridge the gap between what the two executive levels deem to be challenges facing organizations or opportunities for the organization.

    • Discuss strategies from the Board’s perspective regarding effective board oversight of the key risks/challenges and key strategies/opportunities facing the organizations they serve.
    • Discuss strategies from management’s perspective around optimizing alignment and bridging any gaps between management’s view and the board’s view of the organization’s key risks/challenges, key strategies/opportunities, and the risk appetite required to achieve key strategies.


    Speaker Image for Rich McMenamin
    Vice President, Business Development, Vcapital
    Speaker Image for Jeff Vranek
    Vice President, Prairie Capital, L.P.
    Speaker Image for William Bojan
    Director, Business Risk Services, CLA
    Speaker Image for Tim McCann
    Vice President Finance, Superior Bulk Logistics
    Speaker Image for Jennifer Witts
    CFO of BizOps Services , CLA
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for HR Update
    April 25, 2019

    Annual update on HR issues from legal perspective.

    • Stay abreast of legal developments in employment.
    • Identify possible areas of risk in your organization.


    Speaker Image for Cate Lindemann
    Attorney, Littler Mendelson PC
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Manage Risk and Reward: Building a Better Scorecard
    April 25, 2019

    Risk eats strategy for breakfast… but all risks are the offspring of strategy. More simply, every strategic decision both creates new risks and reduces other risks. Without seeing your strategy and/or risks in context of each other – and in near real-time, you are flying blind as you make your day-to-day decisions.

    This session reviews the Strategic Risk Scorecard that was designed specifically for the AICPA and was licensed to other accounting firms, such as CPA Canada. It will show how you can link risk and performance in a reliable, repeatable and standardized process so all business units can see and pro-actively manage risks and rewards.

    • Learn how to develop a scorecard that captures your strategy and your risks.
    • Understand how to set strategic priorities for your business to focus on what matters .
    • Identify how to align and integrate the strategic priorities and risks in your organization to improve performance.


    Speaker Image for Brett Knowles
    Executive Partner, pm2
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Tax Update - Problems & Issues
    April 25, 2019

    The implications of tax reform are just getting started and will have lasting impact on most businesses. Implementation challenges are ongoing with new issues arising daily, and with ongoing disagreements between the political parties, change will continue to be the only certainty. More importantly, strategic considerations ranging from capital structure and investment considerations to talent, trade and brand, abound. Attend this session to get what you need to know to develop a tax strategy that will adapt to the present and anticipate the future for the success of your company.

    • Understand the broad implications of tax reform legislation, past, present and future.
    • Identify the strategic issues with potential impact and opportunity for your business.
    • Develop an understanding of how your tax function will need to adapt to keep pace with the wider business in today’s rapid paced environment.


    Speaker Image for Anna Green
    Partner, PwC
    Speaker Image for Bradley Slattery
    Bradley Slattery, LLM (Intellectual Property)
    Principal, PwC
    Speaker Image for Christopher Dean
    Director, PwC
    Speaker Image for Ken Esch
    Partner, PwC
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for The C-Suite's Role in Success with Digital Transformation Initiatives
    April 25, 2019

    What is a Digital Transformation Initiative – and – how and why does it apply to you?

    In finance and accounting departments, digital tools of the trade are in a perpetual state of being deployed, upgraded, integrated, and adopted. As a CFO, whether you are upgrading your ERP, FPA or other mission-critical software, or in some way are responsible for other departments’ system projects, you and your C-Suite colleagues are responsible for the success (or failure) of these Digital Transformation initiatives.  These initiatives can bring great value to a business (success), or, more frequently, their disruptive nature can result in great cost and losses (failure).  

    This session is designed to give members of the C-Suite, in particular the CFO, an understanding of how businesses should undertake and govern Digital Transformation initiatives from the beginning, with an eye on strategy, mitigating inherent risks, assessing and measuring successes, and ensuring that the people most impacted are well equipped for a successful outcome.  Our presenters bring unique and deep experience in the management of these initiatives from finance, technology and organizational development backgrounds.

    • Confirming what is Digital Transformation.
    • Become familiar with the success factors, phases and activities of Digital Transformation initiatives.
    • Learn the common technological, organizational and human challenges faced when undergoing Digital Transformation – and – how to manage towards a successful outcome.
    • Explore the concept of Change Management – and how it enhances the likelihood of success with Digital Transformation.


    Speaker Image for Jeremy Lurey
    People & Change Management Lead, SingerLewak
    Speaker Image for Bob Green
    Bob Green, CPA, CGMA, CITP
    Lead Partner -SL Business Informatics, SingerLewak, LLP
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for What I Learned Going from CFO to CEO
    April 25, 2019

    What I learned from in my journey from CFO to CEO in a challenging retail environment and how it impacted my thoughts on the importance of culture and core values.

    • Learn how to make the jump from CFO to CEO.
    • Understand how to create and lead a culture change within an organization.


    Speaker Image for Joey Pointer
    Joey Pointer, CPA, CGMA
    CEO, Fleet Feet
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Tools of Transition - Including M&A, Succession Planning & ESOPs
    April 25, 2019

    A panel discussion, from a company insider’s view, of the tools of transition that are available for businesses to consider when determining how to capture and monetize the value that has been built over time.

    Learning Objectives: 

    • Discuss exit strategies that work best to extract value.
    • Discuss legacy transfer strategies that work best to preserve value.
    • Discuss management buy-out or ESOP strategies that work well to transition ownership.


    Speaker Image for Anthony Canonaco
    CEO, APC Financial Group, Ltd.
    Speaker Image for Barbara Horton
    Barbara Horton, CLD, FIALD
    Speaker Image for Aaron Saito
    Aaron Saito, CPA, CGMA
    Controller, Intel
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for U.S. GAAP Update
    April 25, 2019

    This session will focus on recent US GAAP standard setting activity. Topics covered will include lessons learned from the implementation of newly adopted accounting standards related to revenue recognition and leases, the expected impacts of CECL (ASU 2016-13), and updates to consolidation accounting (ASU 2018-17). Discussion will also highlight current topics of discussion at the FASB and potential accounting standards on the horizon.

    • Describe best practices observed by companies in addressing issues related to the new revenue recognition and lease accounting standards.
    • Provide attendees with an overview of the current expected credit loss model upon adoption of ASU 2016-13.
    • Discuss the impacts to private company consolidation accounting introduced by ASU 2018-17.
    • Outline recent standard setting activity at the FASB.


    Speaker Image for Bill Guska
    Senior Manager, Deloitte
    Speaker Image for Lauren Pringle
    Senior Manager, Accounting and Reporting Advisory, Deloitte
    Standard Price

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