Thumbnail for AICPA & CIMA 2021 Governmental & Not-For-Profit Training Program

AICPA & CIMA 2021 Governmental & Not-For-Profit Training Program

Take a deep dive into implementation, optimization and prepare for the next stage of progress on recent government standards and regulations.

Don’t be fooled by the program name. No matter your experience level in governmental and not-for-profit accounting, you’ll benefit from our intensive learning event. Here’s the hands-on guidance and peer collaboration you can expect at this year’s Governmental and Not-for-Profit Training Program.

3 tracks for 3 days of in-depth learning

  • State and local government
  • Not-for-profit
  • Single audit

Who Should Attend:

  • CPAs in public practice
  • Government and not-for-profit staff
  • Auditors
  • Controllers
  • Financial directors

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This includes sessions from the conference: AICPA & CIMA 2021 Governmental & Not-For-Profit Training Program

Sessions Included:

Internal Control over Compliance: A Step-by-Step Approach (Oct 25, 2021 09:55 AM)

Internal Control over Compliance: Let the Standards Be Your Guide (Oct 25, 2021 08:45 AM)

2021 Fraudie Awards (Oct 25, 2021 01:45 PM)

COVID-19 Relief Grants: Federal Compliance Round-up (Oct 27, 2021 07:10 AM)

Federal Audit Clearinghouse Update: Are your SEFA and DCF Consistent? (Oct 26, 2021 06:00 AM)

Is GASB 87 Jamming the Copier Lease? & Other Lease Implementation Questions (Oct 27, 2021 09:10 AM)

Do You Really Know Who's In Your Financial Reporting Entity? (Oct 27, 2021 06:00 AM)

Sampling Case Studies: How Do I Apply the Facts, Decisions, and Judgements? (Oct 26, 2021 09:10 AM)

Sampling: How Many Do I Test? (Oct 26, 2021 07:10 AM)

Is the Endowment Our Savior? (Oct 26, 2021 11:50 AM)

Impact of Pandemic Fundraising Strategies on 990 and Financial Reporting (Oct 25, 2021 09:55 AM)

Complex, Odd and Strange NFP Accounting Issues (Oct 26, 2021 09:10 AM)

Top 10 Things You Should Ensure Your NFP has Covered (Oct 27, 2021 06:00 AM)

Form 990-T: Remodeled for the First Time in 70 Years (Oct 26, 2021 01:25 PM)

COVID Relief (Tax Compliance) (Oct 27, 2021 07:10 AM)

Independence in the SLG environment (Oct 26, 2021 01:25 PM)

Major Program Determination and the SEFA (Oct 25, 2021 11:45 AM)

Navigating Complex Single Audit Issues (Oct 26, 2021 01:25 PM)

I have something to report: Key audit finding elements (Oct 27, 2021 06:00 AM)

COVID and Federal Relief for Not-for-Profits (Oct 26, 2021 07:10 AM)

Kit and Caboodle: OMB Compliance Supplement and Compliance Requirements (Oct 27, 2021 09:10 AM)

Audit and Attest Standards Update (Oct 25, 2021 08:45 AM)

Tribal Audit and Accounting Issues (Oct 26, 2021 06:00 AM)

Welcome & Announcements | A Wake-Up Call for Nonprofits: How to Future-Proof Your Cause (Oct 25, 2021 07:00 AM)

Federal Regulator Single Audit Activity (Oct 25, 2021 01:45 PM)

Let's Get Digital: Internal Controls in the Remote Work Environment (Oct 26, 2021 06:00 AM)

Single Audit Update (Oct 26, 2021 11:50 AM)

Living Your Best Digital Life: New Technology, Digital Assets & Cyber Risks (Oct 27, 2021 09:10 AM)

Form 990 Schedules A-R, An Update and Overview (Oct 26, 2021 02:25 PM)

Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Is your Nonprofit Auditor Communicating with your Form 990 Preparer?
    October 4, 2021

    Join this extensive workshop to learn about enhancing and synchronizing your not-for-profit financial and tax reporting. This session will include a critique and examples of various audited not-for-profit financial statements, Form 990 and other tax/legal disclosures.


    • Determine how to improve and enhance general-purpose financial reporting
    • Identify answers to your nonprofit financial statement and tax return questions
    • Apply guidance regarding best practice communications between your financial statement auditor and Form 990 preparer
    • Discover how disclosures could be improved.

    ​Speaker - Virtuals

    Speaker Image for Brian Yacker
    Principal, Nonprofit Tax, Baker Tilly Advisory Group
    Speaker Image for Jennifer Casacchia
    Director, Not-for-Profit and Higher Education Practices, SIKICH LLP
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Welcome & Announcements | A Wake-Up Call for Nonprofits: How to Future-Proof Your Cause
    October 25, 2021

    It’s no longer business as usual for nonprofit leaders, local and state governments, and those that advise them. The COVID-19 pandemic, protests and unrest around racial justice, and a fluid political and economic climate have upended all facets of the nonprofit landscape.

    Add to this evolving technology, shifting donor behaviors, and changing demographics as even more factors disrupting the way nonprofits fundraise and communicate with supporters. How can organizations of all sizes and structures keep up with the breakneck pace of change? Don’t despair - there is hope!

    In this talk, author and nonprofit communications expert Julia Campbell details the steps necessary to future-proof your organization so that you can confidently adapt, evolve, and thrive (not just survive) in the next decade and beyond.

    Audiences will walk away inspired and motivated with an understanding of the following:

    • The dramatically changing fundraising landscape and the implications for nonprofits;
    • The 7 steps to thrive and not just survive in the new normal;
    • How to manage through these changes and get buy-in from the Board, supervisors, and staff;
    • How to pivot your marketing and fundraising strategy to be more proactive and not just reactive.
    • Exactly what tax practitioners/auditors need to care about and pay attention to when advising clients through these changes.

    Anticipated outcomes for participants:
    They will walk away with:

    • Actionable strategies and real-world examples of ways that even small nonprofits can get results with digital storytelling;
    • Ideas and inspiration to start building their own storytelling plan.


    • Identify actionable strategies and real-world examples of ways that even small nonprofits can get results with digital storytelling;
    • Recognize ideas to start building your own storytelling plan.


    Speaker Image for Julia Campbell
    Founder, J Campbell Social Marketing
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Audit and Attest Standards Update
    October 25, 2021

    This session will introduce attendees to the current activities of the Auditing Standards Board, including a discussion on recently issued standards and how they will impact planned audit procedures and reporting practices.


    • Identify the current activities of the Auditing Standards Board.
    • Indicate how the new standards will impact current audit procedures and reporting practices.


    Speaker Image for Monique Booker
    Assurance Partner, SB & Company, LLC

    ​Speaker - Virtuals

    Speaker Image for Jennifer Burns
    Chief Auditor, AICPA & CIMA
    Speaker Image for Erica Forhan
    Partner, Moss Adams LLP
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Internal Control over Compliance: Let the Standards Be Your Guide
    October 25, 2021

    This session will focus on the internal control requirements of the Uniform Guidance. From AICPA, Green Book, and the Uniform Guidance come the standards to be followed related to Internal Control in a Single Audit. In this session, we will explore all of the available guidance and discuss how it applies to the audit of Federal programs.


    • Recognize the requirements of UG related to understanding and documenting internal controls over compliance.
    • Recall the attributes of the COSO model.
    • Establish the fundamental understanding with a step by step approach to documenting internal controls in a single audit
    • Identify the impacts of COVID on Internal Controls in a Single Audit


    Speaker Image for Katie Gleason
    Deputy State Auditor, Office of the State Auditor, North Carolina

    ​Speaker - Virtual

    Speaker Image for Brittney Williams
    Audit Partner, HeinfeldMeech
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Impact of Pandemic Fundraising Strategies on 990 and Financial Reporting
    October 25, 2021
    With nonprofits quickly pivoting their fundraising strategies in light of the pandemic, many may not have called their accountant or attorney for advice about tax, financial reporting and other ramifications.  Changes were often made quickly to survive financially with little concern for other issues.  Now, a year in, reporting deadlines are steadily coming due.  Organizations and their advisors are finding time to refocus on risk management, reporting and compliance responsibilities.  This session will explore what we are seeing as the biggest trends in fundraising by organizations, along with the tax, financial reporting and compliance issues that need to be considered.


    • Discuss current trends in nonprofit fundraising practices and charitable giving
    • Discuss tax, financial reporting and other compliance issues implicated by nonprofit fundraising strategies
    • Review risk managment strategies advisors to nonprofits can implement with their clients
    • Review strategies advisors to nonprofits can take to identify risks implicated by fundraising strategies


    Speaker Image for Andrew Grumet
    Andrew Grumet, JD, LL.M.
    Partner, Holland & Knight
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Internal Control over Compliance: A Step-by-Step Approach
    October 25, 2021

    Building on the concepts learned in the previous Internal Controls in a Single Audit session, this session will focus on the process of identifying effective internal control over compliance and how the auditor decides whether a control is designed and implemented effectively.


    • Identify control objectives for each compliance requirement.
    • Analyze compliance processes and controls within processes.
    • Distinguish risks within processes ("what can go wrong" risks).
    • Determine whether controls have been placed into operation and are operating effectively.

    ​Speaker - Virtual

    Speaker Image for Brittney Williams
    Audit Partner, HeinfeldMeech


    Speaker Image for Katie Gleason
    Deputy State Auditor, Office of the State Auditor, North Carolina
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Major Program Determination and the SEFA
    October 25, 2021

    With complex rules and auditor judgment, determining your Major Programs is no easy feat. This session will discuss how to apply the Uniform Guidance risk-based approach to major program determination. We will go over using this approach to select major programs, including the impact of the new COVID-19 related federal programs, SEFA reporting, and other factors that impact major program determination.


    • Identify the critical components of the major program determination process
    • Recognize the more complex decision points
    • Determine the impacts of Federal funding and SEFA reporting on major program determination.

    ​Speaker - Virtuals

    Speaker Image for Flo Ostrum
    Partner, Grant Thornton LLP
    Speaker Image for Teresa Bordeaux
    Teresa Bordeaux, CPA, CGMA
    Senior Manager — Governmental Accounting & Auditing — Public Accounting, AICPA


    Speaker Image for Thomas Sneeringer
    Partner, RSM US LLP
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for 2021 Fraudie Awards
    October 25, 2021

    The pandemic has brought with it a pandemic of new fraud schemes. In this session, we'll look at the largest frauds of the year, the COVID-19-related fraud schemes, and what you can do to protect yourself and your organization.


    • Identify the current fraud landscape and lessons learned
    • Recognize the pandemic's impact on fraud
    • Indicate steps that organizations can take to strengthen their controls

    ​Speaker - Virtuals

    Speaker Image for Candice Avery
    Candice Avery, CPA, CGMA
    Shareholder, Clark Nuber P.S.
    Speaker Image for Mitchell Hansen
    Mitchell Hansen, CPA, CMA, CFE, CIA
    Shareholder, Clark Nuber PS
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Federal Regulator Single Audit Activity
    October 25, 2021

    Federal agencies are busier than ever due to the historic federal funding distributed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Activities include administration and oversight of the funding. Hear from 2 federal agency representatives on related federal activities and views on single audits. Among the topics to be covered are: (1) the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on single audits, (2) tips to auditors based on quality control and desk reviews of single audits, and (3) federal oversight activities of COVID-19 funding.


    • Recognize federal viewpoint on COVID-19 audit implications
    • Identify common quality issues in single audits
    • Indicate the latest single audit developments from federal regulators

    ​Speaker - Virtuals

    Speaker Image for Tammie Brown
    Assistant Director, HHS OIG
    Speaker Image for Mary Foelster
    Senior Director, Governmental Auditing and Accounting, AICPA
    Speaker Image for Morgan Aronson
    Director of Financial Audits, Department of the Interior, Office of Inspector General
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Tribal Audit and Accounting Issues
    October 26, 2021

    This session will provide an overview of how recent GASB pronouncements are expected to impact financial reporting for Tribal governments and their businesses.  We will also discuss several of the Federal programs provided to Tribes in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and review significant audit risks around each of these programs.


    • Identify how recently issued GASB financial statements impact Tribal government and Tribal business reporting
    • Indicate audit risks of CARES, ARPA and other Federal programs provided to Tribes in response to the COVID-19 pandemic

    ​Speaker - Virtual

    Speaker Image for Tasha Repp
    Partner / Tribal & Gaming National Practice Leader, Moss Adams LLP
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Let's Get Digital: Internal Controls in the Remote Work Environment
    October 26, 2021

    Being audit-ready in today's remote work environment can be challenging, and requires an emphasis on improving controls surrounding the digital world. In this session, we've compiled examples of workflow automations and other tools that entities can use to not only improve internal controls but also strengthen communication and documentation in a remote work environment.


    • Review the principles and objectives of internal controls, with a specific focus on key considerations for the digital age
    • Identify solutions for internal control challenges in today's remote work environment, including tools for electronic communication and documentation
    • Recognize special considerations for nonprofit and governmental entities in regard to segregation of duties, internal controls over compliance, and consolidated entities/component units

    ​Speaker - Virtuals

    Speaker Image for Ashley Garcia
    Associate, Your Part-Time Controller, LLC
    Speaker Image for Eric Wilson
    Manager, Your Part-Time Controller, LLC
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Federal Audit Clearinghouse Update: Are your SEFA and DCF Consistent?
    October 26, 2021
    A single audit isn't complete until the reporting package has been submitted to the Federal Audit Clearinghouse. This session will review the latest updates to the Data Collection Form (SF-SAC), the required contents of the reporting package, and common errors founding in prior submissions.


    • Identify the latest version of the single audit reporting package
    • Determine how to avoid common reporting package errors


    Speaker Image for Stephen Blann
    Stephen W. Blann, CPA, CGFM, CGMA
    Owner | Public Sector QC Director, Rehmann
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for COVID and Federal Relief for Not-for-Profits
    October 26, 2021

    Uncertainty about the COVID pandemic’s current and long-term impact on the not-for-profit industry has continued into 2021. Cancelled fundraising events, loss of funders or corporate partners and challenges meeting funder requirements or grants/contracts with government agencies at risk are at the forefront of such top issues facing nonprofits. This session will cover some of the financial statement impacts, auditing considerations, federal grant compliance and operational challenges that organizations are enduring. The presenters will discuss federal relief funds, internal control impacts and various other topics based on their experiences with a wide range of not-for-profit organizations as auditors and as board members.


    • Identify the impact of COVID on not-for-profit organizations
    • Distinguish between the various types of federal COVID relief funding available to not-for-profit organizations


    Speaker Image for Amish Mehta
    Partner and New York Metro Leader - Nonprofit Assurance, Marcum LLP
    Speaker Image for Melissa Harman
    Partner and Higher Education National Practice Leader, Moss Adams
    Speaker Image for Pete Ugo
    Partner, Crowe LLP

    ​Speaker - Virtual

    Speaker Image for Candice Avery
    Candice Avery, CPA, CGMA
    Shareholder, Clark Nuber P.S.
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Sampling: How Many Do I Test?
    October 26, 2021

    Sampling in a single audit can become complicated. This session will offer a review of single audit testing basics, which often includes sampling. Examples will demonstrate how the mixture of facts, decisions and auditor judgments all impact sampling.


    • Determine sampling considerations in a single audit.
    • Identify key underlying concepts to select a proper sample

    ​Speaker - Virtuals

    Speaker Image for Rachel Flanders
    Principal, CliftonLarsonAllen LLP
    Speaker Image for Rachel Stushek
    Professional Practice Director, Grant Thornton LLP
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Complex, Odd and Strange NFP Accounting Issues
    October 26, 2021

    Don't miss this informative session on complex, odd and strange accounting issues faced by not-for-profit organizations. Accounting professionals will focus on types of transactions that require extensive research and judgement where authoritative guidance requires judgement.


    • Identify odd, complex and strange transactions
    • Apply walk-through examples faced by not-for-profit organizations
    • Identify practical ways to research and document sound decisions and conclusions


    Speaker Image for Melissa Harman
    Partner and Higher Education National Practice Leader, Moss Adams
    Speaker Image for Amish Mehta
    Partner and New York Metro Leader - Nonprofit Assurance, Marcum LLP
    Speaker Image for Jennifer Richards
    Partner, Crowe LLP
    Standard Price

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