Thumbnail for AICPA & CIMA 2021 Governmental Accounting & Auditing Online Update

AICPA & CIMA 2021 Governmental Accounting & Auditing Online Update

This session provides an update on Government Auditing Standards (GAS) contained in the GAO's Yellow Book and the US Auditing Standards set forth by the US Auditing Standards Board (ASB).

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  • Thumbnail for Single Audit Update
    August 16, 2021

    Pandemic funding has made the single audit arena very challenging and things are changing much more frequently than usual. This session will bring you up-to-speed on important matters. Topics to be covered include:

    • Highlights of changes to the 2021 Supplement
    • A summary of COVID-19 funding and related challenges.
    • Tips and resources


    • Learn changes to the 2021 Supplement
    • Learn about COVID-19 funding and its respective challenges


    Speaker Image for Mary Foelster
    Senior Director, Governmental Auditing and Accounting, AICPA
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for How Pandemic Funding is Being Used - a Report Out from the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee (PRAC)
    August 16, 2021

    The CARES Act created and tasked the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee with providing transparency and coordinated oversight of federal pandemic response funds—now totaling more than $5 trillion. Come learn more about our structure, what we have accomplished so far, and what we’ve learned in providing critical oversight of American tax dollars. The session will also discuss higher risk areas and fraud indicators related to pandemic funding as well as our Pandemic Analytics Center of Excellence, which was created to conduct data analysis and visualization; promote leading practices; share data, tools and services; and provide investigative support related to COVID-19 relief and response programs.


    • Understand the pandemic relief funding provided by the Federal government.
    • Learn about the top management challenges faced by agencies in the pandemic.
    • Learn how the PRAC is fighting fraud, waste, and abuse of pandemic funds through our Pandemic Analytics Center of Excellence.


    Speaker Image for Brooke Holmes
    Associate Director, Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency
    Speaker Image for Brien Lorenze
    Chief Data Officer, Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency
    Speaker Image for Lisa Reijula
    Associate Director, PRAC
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Challenging Areas Introduced in The Compliance Supplements - 2020, 2020 Addendum, and 2021 (Repeated in Session 2117)
    August 16, 2021
    There have been many single audit challenges this year with an unprecedented amount of Federal funding going into the economy. Understanding how to use the Compliance Supplement is more important than ever. This session will dive into the more challenging areas of the 2020 Compliance Supplement and subsequent Addendum as well as information about the 2021 Compliance Supplement.


    • Gain an understanding of how to use the 2020 Compliance Supplement in conjunction with the 2020 Compliance Supplement Addendum.
    • Discuss how the 2021 Compliance Supplement has been updated for changes in additional COVID funding.


    Speaker Image for Lindsey Oakley
    Partner, Forvis Mazars
    Speaker Image for Amanda Ward
    Partner, Plante Moran
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for New Bills: Are You Aware of Everything That Has Come Out?
    August 16, 2021
    From ARPA to Infrastructure, the Biden Administration and Congress have been exceptionally busy during 2021. What are the most important pieces of legislation and how are state and local governments tracking them? Come to this session to identify those key initiatives and assess the impact on state and local governments in 2021 and beyond.


    • Identify key federal legislation that will impact state and local governments financial position
    • Assess the impact of the federal legislation on state and local governments both as grants and as infrastructure tools


    Speaker Image for Emily Brock
    Federal Liaison, Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA)
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Crypto Assets and Bitcoin:  A Primer, the Evolving Regulatory Framework, and the Risks Going Forward
    August 16, 2021

    Crypto assets have had both high and low moments over the last decade. What are they, how they work, and what the future is for this space will each be explored in this presentation. Other areas such as accounting considerations, regulatory framework, and evolving crypto asset products will also be shared.


    • Define crypto assets and bitcoin and describe how they work
    • Explore the evolving regulatory framework
    • Discuss the related accounting considerations
    • Reflect on the ever-changing environment over the last decade
    • Highlight the risks and the way forward for these products


    Speaker Image for Shantel Cannon
    Manager, Advisory - FS Regulatory & Compliance Risk, KPMG LLP
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Cybersecurity - how does it fit into audit?
    August 16, 2021
    This session will examine cybersecurity from the perspective of the CFO, CIO and external auditor. Topics will include general controls over IT, vulnerability scanning, penetration testing and tips and tricks for identifying whether audit clients may be potentially vulnerable.


    • Improve auditor and preparer understanding of their roles in an effective security program.
    • Discuss what a CIO wishes their finance and auditor's would understand regarding cybersecurity


    Speaker Image for Robert Scott
    Deputy Town Manager, Town of Prosper, TX
    Speaker Image for Chris Chiancone
    CIO, City of Carrollton
    Speaker Image for Ben Kohnle
    Partner, BKD, LLP
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for PEEC & SLG Ethics Update
    August 16, 2021

    The AICPA Professional Ethics Division issued the State and Local Government Client Affiliates Interpretation to provide guidance to auditors of State and Local governments in evaluating which entities are affiliates of those governments. This session will go through an overview of the revised interpretation, discuss examples of how affiliates would be evaluated using this interpretation, and introduce some tools to assist in the evaluation. The session will also cover current Ethics projects that will impact state and local governments.


    • Identify changes introduced in the revised interpretation
    • Determine how the new standard impacts identified affiliates of state and local governments
    • Apply new independence standards to state and local government audits


    Speaker Image for John Good
    Managing Director, Ernst & Young
    Speaker Image for Flo Ostrum
    Partner, Grant Thornton LLP
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for GASB Leases: What Auditors and Auditees Need to Know to Implement
    August 17, 2021

    The time has come to implement the new GASB lease standard (GASB 87). This session will explore some of the more significant implementation challenges and key auditor considerations. In this session, we will explore:

    • Determining the completeness of the lease population, including identifying embedded leases
    • Use of recognition thresholds
    • Separating components and allocating contract prices
    • Selecting and auditing discount rates
    • Subsequent measurement of lease liability/receivable and accrued interest
    • Lease remeasurements and implications to accounting systems and processes
    • Accounting for lease modifications
    • Preparing for required note disclosures
    • Common transition adjustment questions
    • Using a rollforward approach for auditing
    • Consideration of GASB Statement No. 96, Subscription-Based Information Technology Arrangements


    • 1. Identify implementation challenges related to GASB 87.
    • 2. Understand key auditor considerations.
    • 3. Recognize the impact of GASB 96 on the implementation of GASB 87.


    Speaker Image for Chris Pembrook
    Chris Pembrook, CPA, CGAP
    Shareholder, Crawford & Associates, P.C.
    Speaker Image for Jeff Markert
    Partner, KPMG
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Challenging Areas Introduced in The Compliance Supplements - 2020, 2020 Addendum, And 2021 (Repeat of Session 2107)
    August 17, 2021
    There have been many single audit challenges this year with an unprecedented amount of Federal funding going into the economy. Understanding how to use the Compliance Supplement is more important than ever. This session will dive into the more challenging areas of the 2020 Compliance Supplement and subsequent Addendum as well as information about the 2021 Compliance Supplement.


    • Gain an understanding of how to use the 2020 Compliance Supplement in conjunction with the 2020 Compliance Supplement Addendum.
    • Discuss how the 2021 Compliance Supplement has been updated for changes in additional COVID funding.


    Speaker Image for Lindsey Oakley
    Partner, Forvis Mazars
    Speaker Image for Amanda Ward
    Partner, Plante Moran
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Hot Topics in Auditing State and Local Government Financial Statements
    August 17, 2021
    Auditors and governments faced unprecedented circumstances in 2020 and the current environment will continue to impact audits in 2021. Government auditors face several practice issues, making it difficult to perform effective and efficient audits while maintaining the quality stakeholders and our profession expect. Learn about the latest developments impacting state and local government financial statement audits and how to navigate them during an already challenging time.


    • Identify how the current environment is impacting the planning and risk assessment process for state and local government audits
    • Discuss the latest state and local government-related findings identified in the peer review process
    • Identify how recently issued auditing standards will effect state and local government audits
    • Recognize the challenges the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) will have on governmental financial statements


    Speaker Image for Michelle Watterworth
    Partner, Plante Moran
    Speaker Image for Tony Boras
    Partner, Crowe LLP
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Telling the Story of Financial Statements
    August 17, 2021
    Elected officials, citizens and even the government's staff and leadership team can be intimidated by the audited financial statements often not even trying to read them. This session will discuss ways that both the auditor and the finance officer can translate the financial data and auditor conclusions into understandable terms to better grasp the government's financial message and in so doing build confidence and trust in annual financial statements.


    • Build strategies to better communicate financial results to a non financial audience
    • Understand how auditor and finance officer communications can complementary when communicating audit and financial results


    Speaker Image for Eric Formberg
    Eric Formberg, CPA,CGFM
    Retired Partner, Plante Moran
    Speaker Image for Robert Scott
    Deputy Town Manager, Town of Prosper, TX
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for GASB Accounting Hot Topics
    August 17, 2021

    This hot topic session will provide an introduction to the new Director of Research and Technical Activities. The session will also provide an overview of projects nearing completion, such as Compensated Absences and Accounting Changes and Error Corrections, as well as some projects still in progress.


    • To gain an overall understanding of scope, objectives, and tentative Board decisions of projects recently issued for public comment.
    • To gain an understanding of the scope, objectives, and status of hot topics still in progress.


    Speaker Image for Alan Skelton
    Director of Research and Technical Activities, Governmental Accounting Standards Board
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for CIGIE Update/Hot Topics
    August 17, 2021

    Dr. Brett Baker will present topics addressing recent areas of common interest in the federal oversight community:

    • OIG community cross-cutting projects to address government-wide risks
    • DATA Act
    • IT Security
    • Pandemic response audit work


    • Risk areas that the federal audit community is closely monitoring.
    • DATA Act audit status in the OIG community
    • Audit community efforts to address challenges presented by the pandemic


    Speaker Image for Brett Baker
    Brett Baker, PhD, CPA, CISA
    Inspector General, National Archives
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Managing Employees in A Virtual World
    August 17, 2021
    Remote work has been around for decades, but all of a sudden, we’ve found ourselves struggling with the best ways to manage our people when we don’t see them face to face everyday. As our lives begin to feel more familiar and we rethink what work will look like, it’s clear that building skills on how to manage a remote workforce is more important than it ever has been.


    • Increase awareness of common biases we have toward the remote workforce
    • Utilize motivation techniques for virtual team members
    • Discuss top actions that make for great virtual team leaders


    Speaker Image for Jonathan Kraftchick
    Partner, Cherry Bekaert
    Standard Price

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