We look forward to seeing you at the 2018 AICPA Spring Meeting of Council, May 20-22 at the Loews Ventana Canyon, Tucson, AZ. Please take some time to review the information below to help maximize your meeting experience.

Meeting Dates:
Sunday, May 20
Monday, May 21
Tuesday, May 22

Accessing and Downloading Handouts
To access the available conference materials, go to the event page and click the "Handouts" tab to see the conference session materials currently available. Check back frequently for updated materials leading up to the conference. Please note printed presentation materials will not be distributed onsite at the conference. If you wish to have paper copies, you are encouraged to print them ahead of time and bring them with you to the conference.

Session Attendance Tracking via Badge Scanning
We are pleased to share that we’ve implemented a new way to track your session attendance. Getting CPE credit is easy:

  • Wear your barcoded badge
  • Get your badge scanned in each session you attend. No more CPE Code Words to capture!
  • Log into your account at www.AICPAConferences.com
  • Complete your session evaluations and the Overall Experience evaluation to initiate your transcript

To get credit for attending each session you must have your barcoded badge scanned at the session room entrance. Staff will be available at session entrances to scan your badge. It is important to wear your badge at all times during the event so you can receive credit for session attendance. Visit the AICPA registration desk if you have questions about earning CPE or if you lose your badge.

Online Evaluations and CPE Transcript
Complete session evaluations in real-time or after the conference! Evaluations will be available 15 minutes prior to the end of each session. To access the speaker evaluations and your official CPE Transcript, go to the event page and click the "Evaluations & CPE Transcript" tab.

You will be required to confirm your session attendance by accessing the evaluations for the sessions you attend. At that time, you will be given the opportunity to take the evaluation and submit or skip the evaluation. You must select “submit” or “skip” to obtain CPE for the session(s).

In addition, you must access the “Overall Experience and CPE Transcript”. Here you will be given the opportunity to evaluate your overall experience with the conference and submit or skip to initiate your official CPE Transcript.

If you have questions about your CPE credits or did not receive credit for a session you attended, please contact the AICPA Volunteer Services team at AICPAVolunteerServices@aicpa-cima.com.