
Wesley Miller DASA-FO

U.S. Army

Mr. Wesley C. Miller was appointed to the Senior Executive Service in May 2003. As Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Financial Operations, he is responsible for oversight and integration of all Army policies, programs, systems, and procedures designed to develop, improve and maintain the Army's financial accountability, ability to produce auditable financial statements and internal management control programs.

Mr. Miller was previously assigned as the Director of Resource Management, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, in April 2006 where he was responsible for planning, developing, coordinating, advising on, and directing all activities of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers integrated financial management system.

His initial Executive Service position was as the Director, Management and Control Directorate in the Army Budget Office. Other assignments at the Army Budget Office included Executive for Budgeting to the Planning, Programming and Budgeting Committee; Chief Operating Forces Division; and Chief Current Operations Branch. He also served over 29 years as an officer in the United States Army Finance Corps.


Apr 2006 – Nov 2015: Director of Resource Management, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Dec 2001 – Mar 2006: Director of Management and Control, Army Budget Office
May 1972 – Jan 2002: U.S. Army Officer (Retired at rank of Colonel)


  • Thumbnail for Remediating DOD's Audit Findings - A Long-Term View
    August 12, 2019
    The Department of Defense achieved a critical milestone in November 2018: undergoing its first full financial statement audit and meeting a key congressional mandate. DOD did not expect to receive an opinion on its financial statements…


    Speaker Image for Douglas Glenn
    ADCFO, U.S. Department of Defense
    Speaker Image for Wesley Miller
    Wesley Miller, DASA-FO
    U.S. Army
    Speaker Image for Fredrick Carr
    Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary, U.S. Air Force
    Speaker Image for Vicki Crouse
    Vicki Crouse, CPA, CDFM-A
    Chief Strategy Officer, U.S. Navy, Office of Financial Operations
    Standard Price

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