Steve Menges

RIVIO Clearinghouse Product Manager,

A business-to-business (B2B) innovator and products executive with 20 years’ progressive experience, Steven Menges is a frequent industry author and speaker on enterprise computing, data analytics, managed service providers (MSPs), IT Security, regulatory compliance, EdTech, and buyer’s journey-based engagement. Mr. Menges is also an Adjunct Instructor and Capstone/Thesis advisor at the NYU MS in Management and Systems (STEM) and MS in Integrated Marketing programs and is the co-developer of the Business-to-Business Marketing Maturity Model.

Steven has an MBA in Strategic Planning and Marketing from the University of Pittsburgh's Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business. Mr. Menges drives adoption and product efforts for the RIVIO Clearinghouse private financial company information exchange developed by and Confirmation.
