
Scott Stratten

President, UnMarketing Inc.

For generations, marketing has been hypocritical. We've been taught to market to others in ways we hate being marketed to―why do we still keep trying the same stale marketing moves? Scott Stratten--who has over 175,000 people follow his daily rantings on Twitter and who was named one of the "Top Five Social Media Influencers in the World"--on is an "unmarketer" and an expert in viral, social, and authentic marketing. Using real life, practical examples, along with a good dose of humour, he shows audiences how to "unlearn" the old ways and consistently attract, engage, and hold on to the right customers.

Formerly a music industry marketer, national sales training manager, and a professor at the Sheridan College School of Business, Stratten ran his “UnAgency” for a nearly a decade before solely focusing on speaking at events for companies like PepsiCo, Adobe, Red Cross, Hard Rock Cafe, Cirque du Soleil, Saks Fifth Avenue, Deloitte and Fidelity Investments when they need help guiding their way through the viral and social media and relationship marketing landscape.

He has written four bestselling business books, the most recent being UnSelling: The New Customer Experience, which was named "Sales Book of the Year" by 1-800 CEOREAD.

Stratten has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Huffington Post, USA Today, Entrepreneur Magazine,, and Fast Company, among many other media outlets.
