Ruth Madrigal is a principal at KPMG LLP and the leader of the Exempt Organizations group in the firm's Washington National Tax practice. She has extensive experience, both within the government and in private practice, advising on a wide variety of legal and tax policy issues affecting charities and other tax-exempt entities. Ruth previously was in private practice in law firms, advising a broad range of exempt organizations and their donors, as well as advising businesses and individuals on such areas as charitable giving, social impact activities, impact investing, and investments in Qualified Opportunity Zones. From 2010 to 2016, she served as an attorney and policy advisor in the Office of Tax Policy at the U.S. Department of the Treasury, where she was responsible for advising on all matters involving tax-exempt organizations and their donors. She worked with the IRS on regulations and administrative guidance, including new guidance relating to hospitals and accountable care organizations; international grantmaking; and program related investments and other impact investments. Ruth also drafted legislative proposals relating to the tax-exempt sector and charitable giving and represented Treasury in public hearings and meetings with other federal agencies, foreign governments, members of Congress, and state regulators.