Robert F. Sharpe, Jr. is Chairman of The Sharpe Group. He has over 30 years of experience consulting nationwide with leading educational, health, social service, and religious organizations and institutions in implementing their major and planned gift development efforts. With offices in Memphis, Washington, DC and San Francisco, the Sharpe Group has worked with over 10,000 nonprofits nationwide during its 50-year history. Among other services Sharpe consultants specialize in helping institutions integrate their financial offices and development efforts in ways generate the greatest return on their investment in planned and major gift development efforts.
Robert is chairman of the philanthropy editorial board of Trusts & Estates magazine and co-author of the Partnership for Philanthropic Planning’s Model Standards of Gift Valuation. He has authored many articles and his remarks are regularly featured in the Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Newsweek, Forbes, Smart Money, CBS Market Watch, The Chronicle of Higher Education, Trusts & Estates, Kiplinger’s and other national publications. He is a frequent speaker for professional gatherings nationwide. Robert is an honors graduate of Vanderbilt University and Cornell Law School. In past years, he practiced law with a major law firm specializing in income, estate, and gift taxation and corporate planning.