ROBERT W. JAMISON, CPA, Ph.D., is Professor Emeritus of Accounting at Indiana University, Purdue University, Indianapolis (IUPUI). His principal area of specialization is S Corporations. He is the sole author of S Corporation Taxation, and co-author of Multistate Tax Guide to Pass-Through Entities, both of which are published annually by CCH, a Wolters Kluwer business. He is curator of Wolters Kluwer Answerconnect Topic - S Corporations and subtopics thereunder. He is the author of three CCH Incorporated guides to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017:
He presents advanced and update S Corporation seminars for various states' CPA societies and other professional organizations. He is a member of the AICPA S Corporation Technical Resource Panel and the Washington, DC based S Corporation Study Group. He consults on S corporation and other business entity problems and has secured private letter rulings from the IRS on behalf of clients. His articles have appeared in Practical Tax Strategies, Journal of Passthrough Entities, The Tax Adviser, Journal of S Corporation Taxation, The Journal of Accountancy, and various other publications. He is a chapter author in the Van-Griner Taxation Series of textbooks. He is a regular contributor to Land Grant University Tax Education Foundation, Inc. National Income Tax Workbook. He holds a CPA certificate from Oregon. Bob resides in Leesburg, Virginia.