
Richard Roane JD

Partner, Warner Norcross & Judd, LLP

Ric Roane has practiced Family Law for 26 years, and is committed to Continuing Legal Education to improve lawyer's and judge's skills in addressing and resolving family conflict. He is a trained mediator, arbitrator and collaborative practice attorney as well as a litigator on complex business valuation cases, custody and support matters on an interstate and international basis, and similar domestic relations matters He is a member of the Family Law Section of his local, state and national bar associations. He is a frequent lecturer and author on family law topics at the state and national level. Roane is a Fellow of the American and International Academies of Matrimonial Lawyers, serving on the LGBT/Alternative Family Committee of both groups. He is the co-editor and chapter author of Michigan Family Law, ICLE 7th Edition (2012). He has been named one of the Top 100 Super Lawyers in Michgian for 2010, and Best Lawyers Family Law Attorney of the Year for 2012.
