
Richard Gundling FHFMA CMA

Senior Vice President, Healthcare Financial Management Association

As Senior Vice President, Healthcare Financial Practices, Rick is responsible for overseeing HFMA’s technical and content direction, leading the organization’s Washington, DC activities, and managing the association’s thought leadership efforts. Results of HFMA’s policy initiatives have been used by hospitals, rating agencies, regulatory agencies, congressional committees, accounting standard setting bodies, state hospital organizations, and other government and industry leaders. Rick also serves as staff liaison to the HFMA Principles and Practices Board and has written an extensive number of published articles on broad topics within healthcare finance and the healthcare industry.

Prior to joining HFMA, Rick worked at the National Hospital for Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation in many leadership roles. In addition, he was Budget and Reimbursement Analyst for Prince William Hospital Corporation and served as Controller at the Visiting Nurse Association of Northern Virginia.
