Ricardo Trujillo
Partner, GRF CPAs and Advisors
Mr. Trujillo has worked in auditing and accounting since 2000 He has proven expertise in assurance and advisory services, and his nonprofit and for profit experience spans across a variety of organizations including foundations, trade and membership associations, charitable institutions, US based non governmental organizations, real estate entities and professional service corporations. Mr. Trujillo leads the firm's information technology initiative and helps for profit and nonprofit organizations bridge the gap between business and technology by carefully analyzing IT infrastructures He presents to the nonprofit community on cybersecurity and enterprise risk management topics. As partner, Mr Trujillo is in charge of all aspects of client service and engagement administration in addition to expanding the firm's Risk Advisory practice His responsibilities include interactions with client management and to plan engagements, resolve problems and suggesting procedures to improve the accounting process and internal controls, including compliance with Title 2 U S Code of Federal Regulations Part 200 Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance).