After graduating in 1993 from Brigham Young University with both a Bachelor and Master of Accounting degrees, Mike joined Deloitte & Touche where he spent the next 10 years working in various postings, including accounting consultations in national office, a FASB fellowship and overseas in Madrid, Spain. In 2004, he joined the FASB as a project manager where he led projects on stock-based compensation and revenue recognition. In 2006, he joined UBS, becoming its global head of accounting policy in 2013 and global head of cost and compensation controlling in 2014: roles he held concurrently until his departure from UBS and for which he lived in London, England and New Delhi, India. In 2017, Mike returned to the USA and joined Bank of America to lead its accounting policy team. In 2019, Mike was named as Bank of America's Corporate Controller. In November 2022 Mike was named as Bank of America's Corporate Sustainability Controller. He has 4 children. He enjoys sailing, surfing and running long distances, successfully finishing the Leadville Trail 100 ultramarathon in 2012.