Michael P. Jamroz is a Partner in the Deloitte & Touche LLP Regulatory & Capital Markets Consulting Group. He renders regulatory consulting services to large and medium-sized securities firms throughout the US. Consulting services include: (i) comprehensive compliance reviews of securities firms with SEC, FINRA and Federal Reserve Board regulations; (ii) assistance in structuring and testing the regulatory compliance and back office operations of new business lines for securities firms; (iii) assistance in conflict resolution between securities firms and securities regulators; and (iv) diagnostic counseling relating to new regulations or to the impact of existing regulations on new products. He also provides enforcement defense support services to securities firms and their counsel and assists securities industry audit professionals in resolution of regulatory issues.
Prior to joining Deloitte & Touche, Mr. Jamroz spent 13 years with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Division of Market Regulation. Here, he supervised preparation of Commission Securities Exchange Act Releases, rule amendments, no-action and interpretive letters relating to the Commission’s net capital, segregation, and other financial responsibility rules affecting securities firms. He also rendered extensive routine telephone interpretive guidance to securities professionals employed in legal, accounting and securities firms. He supervised preparation of memoranda and reports relating to, among other things, international securities initiatives and Congressional inquiries; and, advised and consulted with Commissioners, the Division of Enforcement and the Office of General Counsel regarding draft Enforcement memoranda, releases, and Commission opinions relating to pending actions involving securities firms and the financial responsibility rules.
Mr. Jamroz is a graduate of George Mason University School of Law (JD), University of Detroit (MBA) and Wayne State University (BS). He is a member of The Virginia State Bar Association and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. He is a member of SIFMA Legal and Compliance and Financial Management Divisions and is a frequent speaker at industry and securities forums. He also has authored “The Net Capital Rule”, The Business Lawyer, Vol. 47, No. 3, May 1992, “The Customer Protection Rule”, The Business Lawyer, Vol. 57, No. 3, May 2002 and “A Historic Change in the Leverage of Securities Purchasing: The Advent of Portfolio Margining”, The Magazine of the Futures Industry, January/February 2007.