Martin Dunn

Partner, Morrison & Foerster

Martin Dunn is a Corporate Finance partner based in Morrison & Foerster’s Washington, Prior to his career in private law, Mr. Dunn spent 20 years at the U.S. Securities andExchange Commission, having served as Chief Counsel, Deputy Director and Acting Director ofthe SEC’s Division of Corporation Finance, as a highly respected counselor to public companies.Mr. Dunn “is an immensely respected regulatory expert… He provides high-end securitiescounseling on regulatory compliance and transactional matters.” as noted in Chambers USA2013.Fortune 500 clients turn to Mr. Dunn for his skillful counsel on critical issues they face. He offers aunique insider's perspective and clients admire his ability to apply practical guidance tosituations that they face every day. He provides guidance on corporate governance and securitieslaws to newly formed publicly traded companies as well as to established ones. Mr. Dunncounsels companies through the public offering process, including compliance with the SECrequirements and responses to SEC comments.In his role with the SEC, Mr. Dunn supervised the Corporation Finance Division’s Offices of ChiefCounsel, Chief Accountant, Mergers and Acquisitions, International Corporate Finance,Rulemaking, Small Business and Enforcement Liaison. He oversaw many of the SEC’s mostsignificant initiatives on disclosure, governance and capital-raising, including reforming thesecurities offering process, updating Rule 144, implementing the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, adoptingthe plain English requirements for prospectuses, implementing electronic proxy delivery, andeasing exempt and registered capital formation for small businesses.Mr. Dunn is top ranked by Chambers USA in the area of Securities Regulation: Advisory and is arecommended lawyer by Legal 500 USA for Capital Markets in Debt Offerings, Equity Offeringsand High-Yield Offerings. During his career at the SEC, he was the recipient of numerousawards, such as the SEC Capital Markets Award, SEC Regulatory Award, SEC Law and PolicyAward, SEC Chairman’s Award for Excellence, and the Federal Bar Association’s Philip A.Loomis, Jr. Award.Mr. Dunn is frequently sought after to speak, write and comment on securities law topics. He isco-editor of the widely read newsletter, The Corporate Counsel a premier publication in the field.He is on the Executive Committee of the Northwestern University School of Law’s SecuritiesRegulation Institute, a past Chair of the Northwestern University School of Law’s Ray Garrett Jr.Corporate and Securities Law Institute, and the University of Texas School of Law’s Conferenceon Securities Regulation and Corporate Law, and has been on the faculty of the ALI CLE’sRegulation D and Private Placements Conference for more than 20 years. Mr. Dunn also speaksfrequently as a member of the faculty of the Practicing Law Institute.Mr. Dunn is Co-Chair of the Nasdaq Listing and Hearing Review Counsel and he has been anadjunct professor at Georgetown University Law Center and the University of Maryland School ofLaw.


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