Larry R. Cook CPA, ABV, CFF, CBA

President, Larry R Cook & Assoicates, PC

Larry R. Cook, CPA, ABV, CFF, CBA

Larry has spent the past 43 years as a professional guide of financial services to private business owners, both as an advisor and as a valuation analyst. He has instructed at numerous national, state and local seminars and conferences on a wide range of topics. Larry has been recognized many times for his contributions to the profession by the AICPA; he has received: Business Valuation Hall of Fame Award, Texas State Society of CPAs: Special Recognition Award Forensic & Litigation; Texas Pathfinders Award; Distinguished Service to the Profession Award; Houston Chapter of CPAs: Outstanding Committee Chairman Award communications; Special Events Recognition Award annual charity event; and the Institute of Business Appraisers: Distinguished Faculty Award. He is the author of Financial Valuation of Employee Stock Ownership Plan Shares and a co-author of Financial Valuation Applications and Models (all editions). Larry holds supplementary specialized training, certifications and licenses as a registered investment advisor, general lines property/casualty insurance, group-life insurance, family mediation, collaborative law, divorce financial analyst and commercial capital and finance. He has provided expert testimony in a variety of area of finance and tax and is frequently engaged in transactions of businesses and business interests. Larry devotes significant time to local non-profit endeavors serving as director on two foundations.
