Jon Guthart is a Group Head in the Practice Advisory / SEC Group in the Department of Professional Practice—Audit. He serves as a technical partner for the US firm’s accounting and SEC regulatory activities. Jon is involved in the development of firm positions in matters related to the IASB, IFRIC, FASB, SEC and other standard setters and regulators as well as the development of the firm’s guidance and publications. Jon is currently a member of the AICPA’s Center for Audit Quality’s SEC Regulations Committee as well as the International Practices Task Force (IPTF) for which he was the former Chairman. The SEC Regulations Committee and the IPTF meets periodically with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) staff to discuss and focus on emerging technical accounting and reporting issues relating to SEC rules and regulations. Prior to his role in the Department of Professional Practice, Jon was the partner-in-charge of KPMG’s U.S. Capital Markets Group (USCMG). Based in New York, USCMG provides services to the global KPMG member firm network serving SEC registrants located outside the U.S., Canada and China. Jon was responsible for the administration and technical direction of cross border filing reviews into the U.S. In this role, Jon also served as a liaison between the non-US member firm engagement teams, national DPPs, national and regional risk managements on technical and practice issues to help enhance accounting consistency, audit quality and protect the global KPMG brand value. Prior to assuming these roles, Jon was seconded to the KPMG U.K. Member firm. Based in London, Jon was responsible for performing foreign filing reviews and other U.S. centric services to our European, Israeli and Indian KPMG member firms and their clients. Jon started his career in the U.S. firm’s San Francisco office serving a variety of clients in the software, medical technology, biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries. Jon was elected to the partnership in 1996 and became a U.S. firm designated SEC reviewing partner in 2001 and a foreign filing review partner in 2007. Jon has served publicly and privately held companies as well as international companies that utilized US GAAP, IFRS and local GAAP as their basis of accounting. He has been involved in numerous capital market transactions including initial public and secondary stock offerings in the US as well as foreign jurisdictions, mergers and acquisitions and divestitures.