Jeffrey B. Hinman is the Deputy Director of Criminal Enforcement in the Office of Enforcement, Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) at the U.S. Department of Labor and has oversight responsibility over the agency’s criminal enforcement program. In this role, he supports the agency’s mission to protect the integrity of pensions, health plans, and other employee benefits. EBSA oversees approximately 683,000 private pension plans, including 419,000 participant-directed individual account plans such as 401(k) plans, and millions of private health and welfare plans in the private sector. In addition, Mr. Hinman’s responsibilities include establishing policies and enforcement goals for the agency as well as assisting the field investigators throughout the country by providing technical and tactical support for their investigations. Mr. Hinman began his career with EBSA in 1983 with the Boston Regional Office where he was an investigator and supervisory investigator before being assigned to EBSA’s National Office in 2002. He has served as an instructor and course director for various agency sponsored training courses. He is a graduate of Florida State University.