Helen Hecht is general counsel to the Multistate Tax Commission—the administrative body created by the Multistate Tax Compact in 1967 to promote uniformity and compatibility in state tax systems. Helen has been with the MTC since July 2014. Prior to coming to the MTC, Ms. Hecht worked for almost five years as tax counsel for the Federation of Tax Administrators—the Washington, D.C. based membership organization for the state revenue agencies. Before joining the FTA, Ms. Hecht was of counsel to the law firm of Sutin, Thayer & Browne, PC, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where she worked for six years, heading up that firm's tax practice. Prior to that, Ms. Hecht was with KPMG, LLP, where she worked for eight years and was practice leader for the Albuquerque state and local tax group. Ms. Hecht began her career at the New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department where she worked for over ten years—starting out as a tax collector and holding various positions including auditor, audit supervisor, audit manager and bureau chief. Ms. Hecht received her JD from the University of New Mexico Law School, graduating magna cum laude. She received bachelors and masters of accounting degrees from New Mexico State University. She is a certified public accountant, a member of the New Mexico bar and admitted before the United States Supreme Court.