Walter has 35 years of banking and consulting experience, and is currently Market Risk Officer for M&T. He manages the Resolution Plan, the 2nd Line of Defense for Interest Rate Risk, Liquidity and Counterparty Risk and leads Risk Analytics for the Deputy CRO.
Prior to M&T, Walter was co-lead of the national stress test practice within Deloitte & Touche.
Mr. Young had worked at four CCAR Banks and two consulting firms. He has run Corporate Finance Departments overseeing analytics, capital planning, capital policies, parent liquidity, credit risk stress test models and as a Market Risk Officer oversees interest rate and liquidity second line of defense. He has run ALCOs for various banks. He has created successful datamarts for 3 CCAR banks and full productional marketing, credit, finance, costing and CCAR enterprise data warehouses.
Walter has focused on issues as wide-ranging as asset/liability committee activities, holding company liquidity, enhanced prudential standards, the internal capital adequacy and assessment process, performance measurement, financial management, credit risk allocation, risk appetite, economic capital, funds transfer pricing, automated budgeting, resolution planning, CCAR portfolio analytics, and business intelligence analytics.
Mr. Young has also held senior management positions at Bank One, Citigroup, Wells Fargo and Zions.
Mr. Young has a BS from the University of Pittsburgh and a MSIA degree from Carnegie-Mellon University’s Tepper School of Business. He also has a certificate in advanced credit training from the Wharton/RMA Advanced Risk Management Program. He was a CPA from 1986 through 2014. He also is past President and Treasurer of the North American Asset & Liability Management Association.