George W. Beckwith CPA

CFO, National Gypsum Company

George W. Beckwith

Member – Private Company Council

Chief Financial Officer – National Gypsum Company

Charlotte, NC

George serves as Chief Financial Officer of National Gypsum Company in Charlotte. National Gypsum Company is a privately owned and is the second largest gypsum board manufacturer in the United States with thirty manufacturing operations throughout the United States and Canada.

He was appointed to the Private Company Council (PCC) by the Financial Accounting Foundation in 2012. George was a member of the Private Company Financial Reporting Committee of the Financial Accounting Standards Board and was a founding member and former Chair of the Committee on Private Company Accounting Standards of Financial Executives International and Board member of Financial Executives International. He also served on the Board of Directors of Financial Executives International.

George is the current Board Chair of Child Care Resources Inc., a federal grantee and non-profit striving to improves quality and access of childcare in North Carolina; former Chair of the Charlotte Mecklenburg Utilities Advisory Board; serves on the board of the Humane Society of Charlotte, and is the current President of the Charlotte Chapter of Financial Executives International.
